Not surprised. He still refuses to have his college records released. Probably because he failed everything and only got a degree (if he actually has one) because his daddy paid for it.
Trump makes his double digit iq look like a triple digit with a sharpie, that alone makes him a genius stable enough to handle something vastly complex like the American economy
We are going to take your word for that… Whether it’s true in the literal sense doesn’t matter, because the vibe is 💯 correct! Plus, best cracked us up post today! Thanks! 😆😊😘💙
And he’s the dumbest goddamn president this country ever had too. More to the point though, he is the least mentally stable. We don’t acknowledge that often enough. He is mentally sub par.
Apparently, MAGA's GOP, heritage foundation, SCOTUS, legacy media, CEOs & others knew that too. Which allows them to take advantage of his stupidity to enrich themselves.
So here we are 4 fucking yrs of drama from a dumb treasonous convict with criminal records sky-high and growing!!
And that is why he paid Michael Cohen to make sure none of his transcripts are ever released. Because they’re bad.
If they were good they’d be all over Truth Social.
Unfortunately, Trump is so stupid he managed to get himself elected president twice.
One cannot underestimate him.
He's a bully with very bad intentions, with unlimited money, power and immunity, and a masterful ability to manipulate the media. And he is relentless.
Trump had to interview to get into Wharton at a time when Wharton let in 50% of applicants. He only got the interview as a personal favor to his brother.
The problem is, maybe this is true; maybe not🤷♂️
But, we'll never know because, the left has heaped so much fake shit onto our heads over the past 8 years that anything said is automatically considered a lie...the boy who cried wolf sort of thing
As we have seen, the repeated lack of the basics from his BS in Economics, Trump “attended” Wharton, but Fred bought his degree so he could con his clients into believing his dumbass son was a Wharton grad.
It’s all about the BS optics, the apple didn’t fall far from the heavily fertilized tree.
Yep, he's so stupid, he became a billionaire and president of the United States twice.
Now that's what I call dumb.
Makes sense to see these things though, because a very large number of people despise successful ones.
You beat me to it, and I'm 68. I remember when JFK was assassinated! I've seen dumb, but he takes the trophy for dumbest I've ever seen/heard. Also, crudest. Hands down.
"Frank DiPrima, who was close friends with professor William T. Kelley for 47 years, the prof made an exception for Donald Trump, at least in private. “He must have told me that 100 times over the course of 30 years,” says DiPrima"
They used psychologists and MRI machines to make social media as addictive as possible. They hacked into millions of years of our evolution and we can barely fight back.
A large portion of the electorate also started to figure out post election
- what a tariff is
- ACA = Obama Care
- what the Dept of Education does....
As if google searches were not free and available to most.
The Maga’s love that though. They despise higher education, free healthcare, lower prices, social security…as long as their leader is as racist and stupid as they are, they DO NOT CARE.
He’s also literally the luckiest person I’ve ever read about. Many times things just happened to break his way. Not a talent, it’s literally circumstances out of his control just happened to align and he benefited as a side effect and it’s annoying. Apprentice is a perfect example.
Why is this shocking? He never did well in school, he didn’t get anywhere near top of the class, he had to change schools at least once. He’s not smart, he’s not a genius, he just lies effectively enough to get people to believe him.
I was just watching a vid on eugenics in the US and how it inspired Hitler to develop nazi 'racial hygiene'. Basically wealthy white Americans wanted to reduce the lower classes and used many things, like forced sterilisation to achieve it.
And he brags about attending Wharton. But he attended the undergraduate program, not the prestigious MBA program. Those of us who know people who attended the MBA program know that moron trump wouldn’t last an hour in any class
There was one admission paper that was revealed that showed an IQ test of 73. Now I know that it's controversial to have some sort of standard for voting, but we should have a set of standards for running for office other than being a US citizen at least 35 years old.
Basic things like the ability to pass the same citizenship test that we require those becoming naturalised. A degree in a related field. Maybe military or civil service experience. We require things, we have standards for people who are applying for jobs, but nothing from our potential leaders.
I’m a special education teacher. I’ve had 8th graders w/IQs in the low 70s. They are reading & mathing on 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade level compared to their same aged peers. An IQ lower than 70 basically means that the person is intellectually disabled; which is considered permanent. tRump needs an IEP.
It's actually misquoted here. Bill actually said "thickest" which most people assumed meant dumb but he later clarified that he really meant bro had a fat ass. Caked up. Dummy thicc cheeks. Bro wanted to dive in there and get lost in that plump tush.
The professor was really talking about Trump’$ surrogate attending his classes while he galavanted around the campus in a limousine with personalized license plates looking for females to impress and assault.
Don't you know, 1st Amendment only applies to Conservatives and only when they are spewing hate or their Christian religion. No one else need to apply.
Exactly, all these cases will be frivolous and without merit. Defamation suits are notoriously hard to prove - he has to have been damaged in some way - other than his paper-thin ego to win. I hope these judges have the courage to impose fines and force them to pay all defendants' attorneys fees
That's why it would have been nice if ABC took it to court.
Please show us on the doll where George hurt you?
Imagine his lawyers saying that ABC / George hurt Trump's reputation by calling him a rapist.
Be the first time 12 jurors all burst out laughing, with the Judge.
So here we are 4 fucking yrs of drama from a dumb treasonous convict with criminal records sky-high and growing!!
If they were good they’d be all over Truth Social.
One cannot underestimate him.
He's a bully with very bad intentions, with unlimited money, power and immunity, and a masterful ability to manipulate the media. And he is relentless.
But, we'll never know because, the left has heaped so much fake shit onto our heads over the past 8 years that anything said is automatically considered a lie...the boy who cried wolf sort of thing
It’s all about the BS optics, the apple didn’t fall far from the heavily fertilized tree.
Now that's what I call dumb.
Makes sense to see these things though, because a very large number of people despise successful ones.
- what a tariff is
- ACA = Obama Care
- what the Dept of Education does....
As if google searches were not free and available to most.
But evidence it would have been accurate is abundant.
If only Democrats has pushed that narrative a couple of months back...
At the time he was a student in YOUR class, did you give him a failing grade?
Please show us on the doll where George hurt you?
Imagine his lawyers saying that ABC / George hurt Trump's reputation by calling him a rapist.
Be the first time 12 jurors all burst out laughing, with the Judge.