This is interesting. My older sons had a lot of these with the addition of civics. That was in 2016-2020. My youngest is currently a junior in high school and does not have a lot of these available to her. Same area just with changes due to budget cuts.
The Departmentof Education has never controlled what is taught in the classroom. Contact the school district and your state reps, they're the ones who made those decisions.
So yeah, when the DOE falls, if states have resources, the above things could be taught because decisions would not be dependent on Fed money. Adults would have to care about kids though and most don't.
The good ole boys, zionists are everywhere. As is capitalism and patriarchal frameworks. Additionally, the world is adultist. Kids are not really regarded or honored.
Then districts have superintendents making $250k as an industry standard, ripping communities off there because nany Boards have no idea what students need.
Correct. It has mandated some things(Common Core,ugh). It guides certain testing standards. States interpret and districts apply them. DOE enforces IDEA-well did. If districts deviate from those standards, they fail tests and loose funds. Creating worker bees. Not thinkers or creators.
- The Iroquois Confederacy & the Great Law is the blueprint for the US Constitution
- Textile skills in the North & agricultural skills in the South by enslaved people established the US economy
- Trade, labor, & culture by Mexican custodians & Asian migrants.
- This is diverse, equity, & inclusion.
I blame the for failing to require civics in all public schools. Americans have no idea how our government works, so they believe the lies of right-wing media. Education gives Democrats the advantage, and we blew it. Teaching history would be to our advantage as well.
It was part of US History and Civics. College prep classes added even more content, but it was required for gen ed in high school in the 80’s. It is still a grad requirement today in WV. Problem is… we can’t fail kids anymore so they often float by with little retention of content. Parents! Catch 22
Except Boomers even voted for this pig…🤔education is simply being attacked! It’s not horrible!!!! Schools are full of bright, eager, tolerant young people… and yt supremacists can’t have that! Young voters are their end, so they have to make people believe that education is bad. Period.
Only a fool blames education for our nation’s ills. The propaganda is working. It’s a cult. Even the opposition is playing their role! Save education!!!! Fight for it!
100% … we are about to set the clocks even farther back. Children in factories and fields will follow. Prison workforces… work camps! Camps! BOOTS! BOOTS! BOOTS! Marching up and down again!!!
Public Speaking would be great
Car Maintenance with all the computer chips – no
Stress Management – yoga for PE also
Can we do the basics like English/language – math/algebra – Science – History – Civics – Music – art - biology
Survival skills can be learned at home
Social Etiquette are learned at home
Personal finance – not sure what this would include. Booking/Accounting would be valuable – Economics maybe
Taxes/rules change all the time so not productive
Cooking is something you learn at home
Insurance – policies change and types of insurance changes – do not see how this is productive
Basic home repair is learned at home
Self defense would be good for PE
The stupidity in the comments is what I see. Scroll and see it all over social media! I even see it in the local papers! It’s so dystopian! They want to tear it down and redesign it. “Hitler youth” ring a bell? We must protect education for all and fight this parroting of propaganda everywhere.
Of course. I taught Special Ed for 14 years and worked with at risk youth for 8. Education must include a home element 100%. That’s still not a good reason to end public education for all…emphasis on ALL. Pay attention to how the public shift in opinion mirrors the propaganda. Call it out!
Kids can't do basic math. Kids can't write to save their lives. Kids don't know world history... and you want to teach them how to do these? That's not the purpose of schools.
I agree with the critical thinking one, for sure. For me, it seemed to go from "You'll learn it as you grow up" to "Why can't you do this yet?" with no period of actually learning how to do it.
I would add Civics to that list, a required subject when I was in high school to graduate, taking a class that taught us about how the government worked. It's not required anymore & too many people don't seem to understand the 3 parts of gov't are for "checks and balances". No one above the law.
Plus activism. All citizens should know how to participate when they feel the need and society should normalize well intentioned protest. At the very least teach the history of general strikes like the Winnipeg General Strike.
Voting. Take the kids over 16, after teaching them how to use all the resources to learn what the issues are, on a field trip to vote in an actual election. Sometimes young people don't vote 'because they've never done it before'. Kids deserve a say, too!
💯 agree. I've taught for 23 years now... and while I agree life skills are important, we can't play the role of teacher, parents and social worker (though we are often expected too ☹️)
What happened to maths, physics, chemistry, languages, history, philosophy, Latin, Greek… That’s what kids in Europe learn. They think critically automatically after all that. The US has simply been willingly ‘stupidized’ over the last 40 years, hence the leaders is has today. Idiots elect idiots.
This list, and many of the comments, show a huge soci-economic gap. Not everyone has a home, some rent, not everyone owns a car, not everyone can afford to travel where they need 'survival skills' etc.
Teach kids how to learn, including analyzing the 'teachings' for manipulation.
I get it. We all want kids to be more prepared than we were, to miss the hard lessons and mistakes we made, but let them experience the joy of learning first.
Community of classroom, learning new and exciting should be a safe and grand experience.
While I love the idea, as a retired ELA teacher, what are you going removing from the curriculum to add these things? Yes they fit in already existing classes. But there are already too many standards to teach well in each subject.
Maybe let's clarify this one a hair, to history from the perspective of the victims rather than the victors... We have an issue with white washing our past and he who wins writes the history books is a big part of that problem
I think typing should still be required. Yes, we don't use typewriters anymore, but keyboards use the same QWERTY layout. Watching the 2 finger peck is just painful. And also I need faster replies to my Teams/Slack messages bc I am impatient & have a short attention span.
What classes do you think should be dropped to fit those in? Languages? Art? Music- Choir, band or orchestra? Theatre where they have it? Or would you go for academics? A lot of that stuff should be mandatory for PARENTS to teach their kids. It’s part of the job.
instead, kids are learning from kindergarten how to stay alive during active shooter drills. I'm not saying get rid of the drills. I'm saying get rid of the guns.
I’d change critical thinking to problem solving, even teaching basic problem solving skills would vastly improve the lives of all Americans and the world
Back in my day, LOL, most of those were taught in school and in your home. But because of cuts to education. And lack of good parenting. We now have generations of young adults.
Who are not equipped to handle life.
Now, people have such a bad idea of education that they are calling for its end… children will be on factory floors in no time. Normalizing shitting on a vital piece of children’s futures is gross. Fund it. Build it up. Protect it. Correct the fools every time! End propaganda with truth!
Also civics & music/art.
And, some of these used to taught in schools under fierce gender stereotyping: “Home Economics” for girls, “Shop” for boys, for example.
Never help a child: "Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed"
"One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child”
Maria Montessori
Montessori schools would be life changing for US children. 👧
First and foremost is critical thinking. The ability to identify AI, fake news, disinformation. Just like in Finland, 🇫🇮 some of the absolute best public schools in the world. They begin with YOUNG children. 👧 if we stand a chance as a democracy.
Maybe parents should teach some of these things at home. Teachers aren't paid enough to take your kids to raise, be shot at, feed them, teach them hygiene, then be accused of "grooming" them against ytness. It is rediculous what ppl expect then point fingers on how they aren't doing enough.
Oh my God it's almost like you didn't know there's millions of children who have shitty parents who don't teach them any of that and considering none of these things are political and just basic survival skills you would think that would be a good thing you ignorant twat
Car Maintenance should be broadened to General Maintenance. Knowong how to fix your car is great but we alsp need to be heading towards a less car dependent system so general maintenance would be more useful in the long term
So you don't even have alt text, to make your content accessible to the disabled, but you think you know what should be taught in schools. WTFever. The audacity of the mediocre is always wild.
How about if parents take care of that stuff, and we teach to problem solve, work in teams of collaboration, critical thinking, history, science and for the love of god our government and how it should work, not how it is working under the current felon in chief!
WRONG chart: critical thinking should be FIRST because it governs thought in all the other areas. I've taught years of critical thinking in my university and found it to be the most useful, practical thing anyone can learn.
Y'all forgot #History, #Reading, and #Health. If more people could read above 3rd grade level, and knew more about history and basic health, we wouldn't be in this mess. But at the core is the need for more, better paid and better supported TEACHERS. The teacher/student ratio should be < 1 to 10.
Let's hope this is a moment where they shoot themselves in the foot and don't know what to do. They are shutting down service and firing people across the nation. There job in government, which is for us all. These people are the backbone of America the people who truly serve and are not partisan.
This is simple to integrate into a project-based curriculum. Despite its success in preparing students for a global economy, this curriculum is overlooked in favor of teaching to pass standardized tests.
I work for an auto financing company in the insurance claims department. You have no idea how many people don't understand that their vehicle is simply collateral for their loan. Many don't understand that when they total their vehicle—even if they have insurance—it may not pay off their loan.
Well Math is needed as a prerequisite to a few of those.
And very important subject would be history and civics. Most Americans no nothing of world history and have no clue how our government works.
Looks like what they taught in school when I was in 7th grade , then the Russians launched the 1st Sputnik 🚀 and it was science and math immersive education from then on.
Literacy is foundational. Reading, writing (legibly) and arithmetic. Basic skills that have nothing to do with tech are being lost. Not that tech skills aren't important, just that they are useless without it. Can your kids read/write cursive, balance a checkbook, scale a recipe, change a tire?
And Civics. The concept of the greater good has been lost.
If we don’t
Know how our government is supposed to work we won’t know when it’s being destroyed.
I would add swimming. Kids in Va have to be CPR/AED First aid trained to graduate, but they don’t have to know how to get to the edge of a pool or float
When I was in high school I took, drivers ed,Small engine repair, cooking, sewing, speech and basic math which taught budgeting, taxes, banking. They were called electives. Meaning not required, many kids took easier electives like choir and art. Or study hall to help study for required classes.
Ok, true enough. But choir or art won’t helping changing a tire, doing taxes or budgeting. I managed to take choir and art as well. I guess it just boils down to choices.
If you took all those courses plus academics you must never have had a moment’s rest. Choir/orchestra/band teaches cooperation, creative thinking, mathematics, interweaving with others to make a whole, providing you have a competent teacher. Very important life skills. And music soothes the soul.
I went to public schools in NYC. Every year we studied history and social studies and how to live in harmony in a pluralistic society. If you voted for Trump you are uneducated.
If we cut out state testing we could fit the rest in without any mod to the curriculum
The good ole boys, zionists are everywhere. As is capitalism and patriarchal frameworks. Additionally, the world is adultist. Kids are not really regarded or honored.
Joe, you had a liberal arts education where you learned critical thinking.
As my cousin once said “you’re confusing job training for education.”
- Textile skills in the North & agricultural skills in the South by enslaved people established the US economy
- Trade, labor, & culture by Mexican custodians & Asian migrants.
- This is diverse, equity, & inclusion.
Simple question.
The people backing 1 judge (Rs) stole all your data and is in multiple class action cases over the damages their breach caused YOU.
The other party (Ds) is in COURT right now to recover your damages.
Who gets the judge?
Car Maintenance with all the computer chips – no
Stress Management – yoga for PE also
Can we do the basics like English/language – math/algebra – Science – History – Civics – Music – art - biology
Social Etiquette are learned at home
Personal finance – not sure what this would include. Booking/Accounting would be valuable – Economics maybe
Cooking is something you learn at home
Insurance – policies change and types of insurance changes – do not see how this is productive
Basic home repair is learned at home
Self defense would be good for PE
Emotional Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Skills
These are extremely useful coping skills that our society severely lacks. Imagine if the opposite were true; we would be living in a different world.
Especially modern politics
Teach kids how to learn, including analyzing the 'teachings' for manipulation.
Community of classroom, learning new and exciting should be a safe and grand experience.
I teach ABE. Adult BASIC Education. So many of my students can't READ, FFS, so the rest of that is completely out of reach.
Non teachers talk a good talk, but they don't know what reality it.
Too bad many parents seem to need these lessons, too.
Who are not equipped to handle life.
And, some of these used to taught in schools under fierce gender stereotyping: “Home Economics” for girls, “Shop” for boys, for example.
"One test of the correctness of educational procedure is the happiness of the child”
Maria Montessori
Montessori schools would be life changing for US children. 👧
Mental health first aid.
They don't wanna teach whats real!
But we still put, Santa, the tooth fairy, a groundhog, a rabbit ,and all other sorts of colorful characters in the heads of children as we grow!
And that is why we're f*cked now.
And very important subject would be history and civics. Most Americans no nothing of world history and have no clue how our government works.
Critical thinking and lots more missing on this list that's necessary.
If we don’t
Know how our government is supposed to work we won’t know when it’s being destroyed.
The potential BLUE BACKLASH could provide a means to prosecute those responsible and fix our laws so this never happens again.