Elected Democrats have no ideas
There voicemails and emails and social media are full to overflowing with messages from their constituents, who have plenty of ideas
Republicans murdered the American dream and Democrats stood by and watched
Focus on the end goal. Defeat the crush of Project 2025 item by item. Checklist what DOGE had already done; dismantle the Federal workforce. Checklist the abuses of executive power; taking out political enemies. Checklist the poison pills written into the CR; medicare/ medicaid cuts, etc. Organize.
We have no rights only temporary privileges if they can be taken away they're not rights. Our founders were genocidal slave owners who made treaties with people they stole land from anyway. It's not even history it's reality now. The laws can't protect us.
If The Times printed less nonsense like this, they would have more subscribers and get more clicks for ad revenue. I used to subscribe, for their excellent reporting, but I can’t support this nonsense with my $
Walz made Americans go nuts just by calling Trump/Vance “weird”. It was the most energized I’ve seen the Dems in years. Yet, Dems immediately went back to that “when they go low we go high” bs. It doesn’t take much. Just a little fight to show they won’t get steamrolled yet they refuse to do it.
Dems learned nothing. Dems did the unimaginable and made Republicans seem like the party of the working class. That is next level stupidity of leadership. They need to focus back on hearing the needs of the lower and middle class instead of trying to reach across the aisle to cultists.
the problem is that the issues the current modern American proletariat/lower class actually believes in and cares about are far different than what people think those issues are “supposed” to be for them, and they never reconciled that gap.
they’ve told us. people just sardonically didn’t listen
case in point: a whole lot of working class Americans have VERY STRONG negative feelings about communism (often because they put their life at risk to escape actual communism) but this is fully rejected by the ideological political cohort that claims to be their advocate
The negative feelings about communism come from a targeted campaign in the mid-20th century that painted literally anything that was critical of capitalism as "communism." Most people don't actually know what it is or what it means. Same with socialism. It is a buzzword. Red scare nonsense.
I agree in part, but credit where credit is due. Going and taking the town halls Republicans refuse to do, that is a good idea and it’s new! If they can clarify their message using concrete terms that will be even better! Think #Bernie.
Keepers of the status quo are not the ones to follow now, their time has passed. Leaning in to progressive ideals and policies is the way forward, and that is where you will find strong leadership right now, today, who are walking the walk.
Who said “We have no coherent message?” If that were the view of *all* Democrats, then it would be a coherent message by itself.
The word “coherent” doesn’t apply to t***p, who frequently contradicts himself, backtracks, and changes direction. But The Times grades him on a curve.
That’s so fucking wrong, the Dems are not out of ideas, they have poor leadership. There are plenty of Democrats that are making a difference look at Bernie AOC, Jasmine Crockett, and many others. It’s the leadership that’s the problem
When it truly mattered AOC and Bernie just caved to the machine. The leadership isn't poor. It's doing exactly what wealthy donors expect of them. It's working class voters who have to see it's not their representation.
Time for those of us WITH a plan to take over the party. The normie Dems are moving left. They see the party’s true colors now. They see them for what they really are. Centrist Dems are done
Solution is simple. Just do and say everything Bernie has been saying for the last many decades. Then win with a super majority. It's not difficult at all.
We support vulnerable people in this country and all Americans are equal no matter their sex religion or background. We believe in freedom & free speech, good education for everyone not just white male republicans and no tax breaks for wealthy. Govt is for the people and our health and safety.
Schumer refused to use what power he had to stop Republicans from doing it, and even supported Republicans with it. What’s the difference between him and someone who’s officially a Republican?
It is time for all people to fight back and not depend on their political parties. The Dem leadership has become too old and comfortable with rare exceptions like Bernie Sanders.
We’re still on the “…TOLD ya! 😛” strategy of making Trump’s own voters cry, but unfortunately it’s the long-game, and won’t work until the tariffs start to hurt.
The message: The Constitution and its Amendments. The Bill of Rights. The Rule of Law, with precedent (Brown, etc.). Kindness. The Geneva Conventions. NATO. A strong EPA. Promoting Democracy Worldwide. Fighting Climate Change. Civil Rights. Education. USAID. Taking care of our friends and neighbors.
Come ON people this isn’t that hard! We have a great story to tell. We need a messaging framework, plus strategy and tactics and channels to get that story out. (More to come)
“We are the Democrats. We stand for justice, fairness, economic opportunity and a strong national defense. We stand against stealing from average Americans to gift billionaires with trillions.
IMO - I am afraid these are general ambition/banner but not actual tactical policies. Trump and Elon are saying & doing actual specific actions and thus democrats need similar specifics for these causes.
All that will come, but we have to start telling our story. And their specific actions are terrible: “Let’s architect a kleptocratic dictatorship at the expense of everyone else in the country. The real point is, it’s past time to pick a direction and go in it, rather than sit and wring our hands.
Our track record proves it, as do our plans. Here’s how. And here are the stories of people who’ve been damaged by MAGA policies and how they’ll prosper with us.”
Then we spin out those stories where no-one can escape them. Happy to help with this effort. But it needs to start yesterday!
This is all so incredibly sad. I think we have to step away fromm anything "they" own and start taking care of things for ourselves. If you keep a job, fine but if you can buy and sell directly to and from your community, know who you are dealing with and keep as much as you can OUT of the system.
Vote a straight Dem ticket in every election, or be partially responsible for our drifts towards fascism (the right end of the freedom-order continuum).
They just had one thought that many were all ORDERED to repeat VERBATIM!
“at least 22 senators, each use the same verbatim script and interstitial video to argue that President Donald Trump’s actions are exacerbating inflation.”
They don’t have ONE original thought that HASN’T been TOLD to them!
Schumer believes in the old adage giving Trump enough rope and all that. He's right except Brand America will have gasped its last breath long before then. The damage Trump has done is much larger than Trump.
This is of course the result of Conald's strategy. He's so random, vile in so many ways, doing so many different stupid, damaging, or dangerous things... no two people can get upset enough at the same thing he does to agree on what to do in response, or in opposition.
Schumer wanted to avert a market crash.
90% of the stocks are owned by the richest 10%.
100% of Schumer is owned by the richest 10%.
To him, money is more important than your life.
NEVER let him forget that you know this.
I'm a Dem and I have ideas.
Not an elected Dem, a Dem willing to take it to the streets.
No one is coming to save us--we must do it ourselves.
"Thousands out in NYC today to demand that DOGE… STOP THE CUTS!"
Ever since Newt Gingrich ran ramshackle over the Democrats with his one-sided politics they have had no answer. It was obvious then the R's were done with diplomacy and negotiations. But the D's are still trying bipartisanship.
The democrats failed so badly, Trump complimented them Friday. Schumer is now up there with Putin and dozens of r@pists and r@cists sitting in Trumps "good people" camp.
The Democrats don't have to do a goddamn thing. The Republicans will hang themselves within a year.. since world war II the Democrats have outperformed the Republicans.. administration after administration and we will again.
after republicans won all 3 branches of government in 2004, they enacted a bunch of policies that people hated, crashed the economy, and destroyed the party for 8 years.
electing obama isn't 'schadenfreude,' it's how the cycle of american politics has worked for 200+ years
Democrats are suffering from analysis paralysis! Stop overthinking and just fight back. Even if they lose they'll be seen positively for fighting back.
Their true owners don't want them to fight back. This is about them not knowing what to do to keep the illusion going for voters who think their votes decide what the Democrats do.
Seems like you're a Palestinian supporter, which is fine. But why did so many Palestinian supporters vote for Trump in Michigan? Aren't they also to blame for where we are now? I don't understand why they think voting for him would be better than Harris.
Sigh - “Fuck Trump” seems to be a smaller % of our dear people every day. Not sure that expands the democrat voter base much. A new party is needed IMO for any traction.
Honestly we need a constitutional amendment that enshrines political pluralism and functionally prevents political duopoly.
Such an Amendment would also necessarily have to exclude private & corporate donations to campaigns and require that campaigns only be federally-funded & volunteer-work based.
There voicemails and emails and social media are full to overflowing with messages from their constituents, who have plenty of ideas
Republicans murdered the American dream and Democrats stood by and watched
We have no rights only temporary privileges if they can be taken away they're not rights. Our founders were genocidal slave owners who made treaties with people they stole land from anyway. It's not even history it's reality now. The laws can't protect us.
The governors in the blue states have the power to stop Trump dead in his tracks
they’ve told us. people just sardonically didn’t listen
and some of them are pretty damn funny !
The word “coherent” doesn’t apply to t***p, who frequently contradicts himself, backtracks, and changes direction. But The Times grades him on a curve.
Centrists mock Bernie Sanders, he offers a cohesive and achievable vision of the future.
Call it the “Concrete Lifesaver” strategy. 🛟😈
“We are the Democrats. We stand for justice, fairness, economic opportunity and a strong national defense. We stand against stealing from average Americans to gift billionaires with trillions.
Then we spin out those stories where no-one can escape them. Happy to help with this effort. But it needs to start yesterday!
“at least 22 senators, each use the same verbatim script and interstitial video to argue that President Donald Trump’s actions are exacerbating inflation.”
They don’t have ONE original thought that HASN’T been TOLD to them!
The public wants the Dems to bring the fight... a rethinking of the social order.
Stop clutching pearls... bring it!
I really think that if the younger, feisty ones were in charge we’d be in a MUCH better position.
90% of the stocks are owned by the richest 10%.
100% of Schumer is owned by the richest 10%.
To him, money is more important than your life.
NEVER let him forget that you know this.
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
Not an elected Dem, a Dem willing to take it to the streets.
No one is coming to save us--we must do it ourselves.
"Thousands out in NYC today to demand that DOGE… STOP THE CUTS!"
Instead of throwing your hands up, why not try reaching out to them?
Take away our tax dollars and take all his leverage.
Check out: https://indivisible.org/ https://www.fiftyfifty.one/
Join something, do something, fight back! Be a part of something bigger than yourself!
Schadenfreude is a worthless consolation prize.
electing obama isn't 'schadenfreude,' it's how the cycle of american politics has worked for 200+ years
Such an Amendment would also necessarily have to exclude private & corporate donations to campaigns and require that campaigns only be federally-funded & volunteer-work based.