The Gang Figures Out Who They Are in the Other Gang
Sweet Dee : Helly
Dennis : Mark
Mac : Dylan
Charlie : Irv
Sweet Dee : Helly
Dennis : Mark
Mac : Dylan
Charlie : Irv
Elaine: Helly
George: Irving
Kramer: Dylan
Newman: Milchick
Irv's right there my man
Elaine : Jess
Seinfeld : Nick
George : Winston (friends with the glue of the group guy growing up)
Kramer : Schmidt (lady’s man, first names only revealed later)
Dylan is the funniest one, this he has to be Charlie
Helly is a bit of a psycho, so she's Denis
Irv is mostly dogmatic and blindly follows, he's Mac
Ms Casey is out of it and sometimes the butt of jokes, she's Dee
Which leaves Mark as Frank the leader of the group.