Saw some pearl-clutching about "dehumanizing" because of an angry post about health insurers.
Here's some real dehumanizing: UnitedHealthcare uses algorithmic methods to thwart access to mental healthcare. It's been found illegal in three states, but they keep using it everywhere else.
Here's some real dehumanizing: UnitedHealthcare uses algorithmic methods to thwart access to mental healthcare. It's been found illegal in three states, but they keep using it everywhere else.
If someone had killed my CEO at the time, there would have been celebration from the employees as well. Sorry.
Wait, no not sorry.
If his life had any lesson, it's that individual lives are a necessary exchange for corporate profit.
I'll grieve for him once I get through doing so for his victims, so it'll be a minute . . .
Now weβre shifting the goalposts to be upset about a cap put on therapist visits?!
Mr Thompson was hired to optimize share price not optimize healthcare.
This flawed system has significantly contributed to wealth inequality, and done irreparable harm to the middle class.
Because I need anesthesia for the ENTIRE procedure, thanks.
Also poor timing to announce it during Open Enrollment.
SHUT THE FUCK UP, SIT THE FUCK DOWN & let us have our brief, little moment of schadenfreude.
If you weren't clutching your pearls at war criminals being taken out, then save it. Death squads or bureaucracy, he ruthlessly killed his own people just the same.