Reagan was Patient Zero of the American Cancer, and any Dem who praises him is probably getting rich from insider trading. Check their net worth and assess accordingly.
I make tshirts. This one is called "Reagan was a dick". I am wearing it all the time and get a lot of compliments on it. I even got a free bottle of malt vinegar at a long John silvers cuz the manager liked my shirt & said he loved Reagan. Lol! My hoody was zipped and he couldn't read the dick part.
Not a coincidence that this is also the same point where the Democrats began their 45 year "strategy" of endlessly trying to appease the right wing, chasing the mythical "center"
He did not publicly utter the word aids until 1985. This video shows the administration's response and that of the Press pool. Laughing, joking.
He literally is attributed as one of two presidents who practiced of Heritage's agenda related to project 2025, just another shoulder that Trump standing on. Anyone praising him is really untrustworthy on the politics. The myth of American leaders'
greatness should be broken if the people want the power and the weath back to themselves, instead of expecting a good president to "do something/fix it" , which can be reversed by his successors easily. Authoritarian is built on the elitism which is the worship toward a few individuals.
Reagan, who traded arms for hostages? Who funded and provided weapons and training and support to death squads that massacred entire villages? He knew who our friends and enemies were? Fuck me.
The time when politicians began to prioritize themselves and the wealth of those patting their head over everything else. And nope, no the party didn't really makes a difference, because things could have been undone, but no one gave a shit.
i can name one that reagan didn’t start: the war on drugs. nixon did that for similarly racist and anti-leftist reasons so reagan didn’t have to do much new
Literally just the luckiest president in terms of shit going on around him/stuff that has already started and he somehow gets the credit for 25 years afterwards out of nowhere lol
That whole thing about "Jane Wyman tried to cripple Ronald Reagan emotionally in an attempt to destroy his ego" is probably due to the fact that she saw what a sociopath Ronald Reagan had the potential of being - and she tried to derail that for America.
In 1983-4, my single working mother received a letter canceling our Medicaid. She ripped Reagan a new one in our kitchen, then broke down in tears. We stopped seeing a dentist after that.
productivity vs. worker compensation is my favorite one.
The only time I've ever seen anyone use Reagan in Democratic discourse is to show how much farther the GOP has fallen since.
Reagan would get booted out of the Trump GOP for being a labor leader, too adversarial with Russia, and too soft on immigrants and guns.
At the pearly gates
She was stopped!"
Name a major societal problem America has and some Reagan era policy is responsible for it. Literally anything.
To add to it I don't know a single objective economist who doesn't think Regan was a catastrophy for the nations overall well being