Exactly. I can't understand how so many think a billionaire cares about them. They have no clue as to how people BECOME billionaires. I can only believe that they think that some day THEY will be a billionaire and hope there will be no laws to stop THEM!
That's a sad pathetic myth. The Black Death in Europe proved that wealth is inherited and rarely earned. Sadly, many of your rich relatives must die for you to inherit their wealth and help you live a better life and have a higher quality of life.
Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail
And say there is no sin but to be rich;
And being rich, my virtue then shall be
To say there is no vice but beggary.
nowadays, sociology labelled this as an aspirational social class; Marx labelled this as false social consciousness in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
Who knew a conclave of unrepentant
racist billionaire sociopaths would fail
to find harmony and cooperation in an
atmophere of hatred, uncertainty, fear
and never ending suspicion? ☢️☣️😆
And what these fools don’t ever understand is that they’re closer financially to being one of the homeless on the streets than they are to being a millionaire.
Instead of blowing millions on a bat mobile, how effective would that be on education and social support?
Either way, our real billionaires are not doing their fair share to help society.
And say there is no sin but to be rich;
And being rich, my virtue then shall be
To say there is no vice but beggary.
racist billionaire sociopaths would fail
to find harmony and cooperation in an
atmophere of hatred, uncertainty, fear
and never ending suspicion? ☢️☣️😆
This is what you're into?
Nice! Chuck don't kink shame.