Me rn because I like freshly baked cookies and pies so I’m rushing to get them all baked in time lol. I made all the doughs last night tho so that’s one less thing to worry about. Now I just need to bake over 200 cookies and 4 pies 😅
Ohhhh freshly baked cookies my weakness 🤤 oh wow that’s a lot of cookies holy shit gonna have to show me the finished results so I can be insanely jealous lol 😂
I just finished! I made white chocolate macadamia nut, chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and peanut butter. As you can see, I’ve never been chill a day in my life and have no idea how to make small batches 😅😂
They look insanely good and amazing like wow 🤩 😋 I love white chocolate macadamia they’re so good but I’m a complete whore for anything peanut butter 😍 lol bless you they do look fantastic well done 👏 I couldn’t bake or cook to save my life lol 😂