Love this with the QR codes! My hallway display outside my classroom is diverse mathematicians. If you ever want to share these, I would love to create posters.
We do Edexcel, so questions are taken from a mixture of AQA, OCR, OCR MEI, and Madas papers.
While searching for CP1/CP2/FS1 questions, I've been blown away by how much less content there seems to be in Edexcel's FM compared to AQA/OCR, it's crazy!
With my Further Maths class, I have been doing 1 in class each lesson and setting two more for homework (to be done for the next lesson). I then mark everything handed in for the next lesson (quite doable as there's only six in the class).
I'll need to start thinking soon about who to include next!
I might share these adaptations (with longer descriptions, links, and printer-friendly b&w images) when I've built up more of a bank of them.
Setting and marking three of these questions each lesson has been really helpful with Year 13 this year.
(As you can see, I've become a bit addicted to the Sagona font family!)
While searching for CP1/CP2/FS1 questions, I've been blown away by how much less content there seems to be in Edexcel's FM compared to AQA/OCR, it's crazy!