The Apprentice Oval Office Edition, by the Heritage Foundation, planned a masterclass in bullying/gaslighting but failed spectacularly as they faced a far more intelligent ‘target’. The response to Zelensky from free democracies has been resounding. and Bernie's on a cross-country tour.
MAGA & its followers give blind obedience to a psychopathic narcissist. The Veterans who support him are drinking the kool aid & ignoring the oath they took to defend & support the constitution of the US against ALL enemies foreign & DOMESTIC (trump/maga). The Oath still applies to all Veterans.
Hegseth is a vet. So is michael flynn.
Here's why:
"The war we are fighting until victory or the bitter end is in its deepest sense a war between Christ and Marx. Christ: the principle of love. Marx: the principle of hate."
-- Joseph Goebbels
A neighbor her late father and husband are both veterans. She is in her 70s. Last year before the election when I barely mentioned policies, and she told me I am not allowed to say “her man’s name” I said “Trump?!” She said yes.
We don’t talk anymore. Wonder if she is proud or still blind
You can say the same thing about seniors after Trump takes their Social Security and their Medicare. These people will just blame the prior administration that's what stupid people do.
Veteran support has more to do with veteran demographics than the mere fact of being a veteran...look where the military recruits, poor marginalized and religious communities often in the south. Already there is a right bend, then military culture is heavily steeped on evangelical traditions.
I noticed over my 26 year career - the military was not perfect & people had biases but, polices & rules were more colorblind. So, it was easier to be judged on merit. When that happens in an Org that demographically looks like the U.S.,Enlisted ranks had lots of Black Ldrs. White resentment. Sad
Is this not thee best question? Veterans, told they're suckers & losers, injured, disfigured, for the rest of their lives, being told they're never to be put on public display because Trump doesn't like the look. They lay in Europe soil forever, to be never attended by a President of their country
Draft-dodging Trump is tearing apart the world order built on the sacrifices of our veterans and their families.
Ominous clouds are gathering! He is unraveling the global stability that has ensured peace and prosperity for 85 years, born from the ashes of 80M lives, now lost again.
Veterans, like active duty, cut across all demographics. The anomaly is Trump. Hatred speaks to some. Ignorance speaks to others. Misogyny, greed, racism... there's something for everyone too ignorant or too lazy to care.
because he gives "permission" to openly hate who they hate , simple...
but he hates them as well as he wants the money from the VA to give as a tax break...
First, not all vets. Second, Trump vets must hate “liberals” more than they love their country. Dems were never the enemy. They were fed a steady diet of disinformation via FOX and others and came to believe it. It’s time they remembered what they swore their oath to. It’s past time to honor it.
I am proud to say I spent 23 yrs in the U S Army, defending this wonderful country. But lately I am ashamed of its current leadership and his followers. The USA is becoming a lawless society. We need unity not this.
Non sequitur but for years I've posited we should erect a Nam style memorial with the names of every last victim of gun violence, to honor the human sacrifice we've offered just because some men wrote some words and called 'em "rights".
But you know what? he only got 20% of the African-American vote. A 10% gain from the previous election but still not the rampant stupidity of us white folks.
And? It should have been 0. They literally voted against their own interests, but want to yap about reparations and racism. 10% more black people voted for him.
Bc they want him to hurt and suppress brown people, trans, gay, non patriarchy conforming women, non evangelical christian fundamentalist people. They voted and will continue at the end supporting him bc he is their messiah that will bring the promised all white, male dominant evangelical kingdom!
I am from a family of veterans but I could not serve. Seeing it from the outside, its like they are in a daze, hallucinating even. Sadly I've cut most of them off from my life because they are quite literally crazy now. My father is retired a Marine and can't figure them out either.
The tragedy is the wounded man voted against his or her own best interest when voting for a person like trump. He doesn't give two shits about those in the service and this countries veterans.
It's almost as if these people were broken and now we prefer to stay broken.
They've learned to find joy in their belittling by Trump.
That is the only logic I can see in their behavior.
Maybe it's about victimhood. They all seem to have this idea they didn't get what's coming to them. We magats have no fear, you will be getting what's coming to you sooner or later.
My brother is a combat veteran from the Army. He’s fully disabled from years of jumping out of airplanes into battle. He’s also a Nazi who votes against his own interests, his own family, and his own country. I used to be supportive of him. I can’t talk to him anymore at all. He’s gone.
I’m so sorry! I too have lost people I loved to the maga cult, but not a sibling, and not one of our most precious veterans. I truly truly hope something deprograms him enough to come back to you. 💔
That’s awesome and I believe you’re a happy and welcome respite from him. No sense in them suffering from his actions and one day he will be all alone wondering why his family doesn’t talk to him.
I don’t plan to help either him or my mom. They voted against my kids and my niece and nephew. His own children. I don’t not care, but I won’t help except for voting out the scum that did it to them.
I would feel exactly the same way you do. In fact, my son-in-law supported trump even though he knew it would hurt me and my two son's who are gay. So I don't speak to him now.
I've noticed that trump fans always seem to have vaccuous minds, are naive, often religious, incapable of intelligent resolving (I know, vacuous), have infantile comprehension, insular, and often inbred.
Oops, spelling error (bit vacuous of me)....
I've noticed that trump fans always seem to have vacuous*minds, are naive, often religious, incapable of intelligent resolving (I know, vacuous), have infantile comprehension, insular, and often inbred.
My brother is a middle eastern immigrant who hires undocumented workers at his restaurants and watches Fox News. He tells jokes about black and gay people. After 45 years on a green card he became a citizen solely to vote for Trump, the guy who hates middle eastern immigrants. He’s not too bright
I had a woman on here berating the Liberal movement because we should be more open to pull maga members back. When I said there is no way I would do that, I counted them as lost. Her reply, oh, that's why you lose elections 🙄
Good for you. I only have one, but I find that I have friends that fit in the brother role well. They are my husband’s best friends from growing up and they are wonderful people.
He was always the least intellectually bright in the family, always a jock with bad taste in everything. The only Fox News guy. He thinks
Trump will only come after the people he and Fox hate, not him. Like your bother his hate is more important than self preservation. Nobody else in fam is like him
Unfortunately, my mom lives with my brother and he influences her decisions too. Constant podcasts are playing and she was listening. She fell for it too and now she’s just as bad. I had to cut them both out and so did my oldest daughter because she’s gay and she’s very hurt. His son is done too.
My brother is gone a long with several of his vets. They bleed hatred of brown meanwhile marrying people from around their stations & then going "not my immigrant though"
My brother was pissed his kid got preschool (for free) because English was her second language bc he let his M.I.L. raise her
Same here injured brother jumping from a plane. Army Ranger. Huge Trumper, I haven't spoken to him since Trump 1st ran. He's a moron. I won't blink twice when he passes.
So this guy is on here talking about the mistakes I made in my post about military service and how I am apparently stupid. I have blocked him. I don’t know everything about military service, but whatever.
I thought so too. They tend to try to focus on one tiny error and then ignore the point of the post so they can claim that they have some kind of righteous superiority.
He has a gay niece, a niece in public health, an autistic son, and a daughter who nearly died from an ectopic pregnancy in Texas. But he still is a fully functioning adult idiot.
I’ll hold off for now,We have to work together to help my dad (another trumpet and vet) place my mom in nursing home for now and no mercy after that. they totally changed since Trump I don’t know them anymore. I challenged my bro told my mom to her face it’s ok Trump’s taking her Medicaid & he did!
My brother will be the first one up against the wall when they come for us. He has an accent and is much darker than me. I have no accent and can pass for a lot of ethnicities. His business will tank from Trump policies while mine is recession proof. I haven’t talked to him for 9 years
I refuse to speak to all the traitorous pos magats I know and I’m super white so many my lifelong friends and family are magats. I’ve cut 95% of people I know out my life. I’m glad trump exposed how dark they are at their core but I can’t trust pos like that
My oldest is gay and autistic, my nephew is autistic, my youngest daughter is in public health, my niece (his daughter) nearly died in Texas, and still nothing shakes his stupidity. He has no sense of compassion or empathy whatsoever for anyone. He’s devoid of decency.
I’m not going to rejoice in losing family relationships, I know it hurts. But I also know that it’s necessary to keep your sanity and peace in these times and that we are stronger when we remove the toxicity from our lives.
He stopped talking to me after I made a tiny joke about Trump. I listened to his racist, homophobic, sexist jokes for 45 years but the snowflake easily emotional “tough guy” he is he literally went crying to our mom that I was mean. A 60 year old man ran to his mommy about his little sister
I don't know if it's just the navy is better (well, the navy IS better, internationally :D) but the past few times I've been to American navy base bars, it's been AFN and football, no Fox News. Maybe cos they knew Canadians were coming? I dunno.
Lot of trump hate in the military amongst communities that attract college educated people. Regardless of military or not, college education is still the greatest factor in determining someone's opposition to Trump. Speaking from 21 years of military experience
I dropped out of high school, yet intelligent enough to continue learning. Ex brother in law, college educated and a real genius, he helped develop the Navy's railgun software. He's MAGA to the bone. So I don't think it's all about education or lack thereof.
His supporters are the ones that wear Veteran as a badge Everytime they leave the house too. It's their identity usually on a hat or shirt. It's rarely the ones you only know they are a veteran because you happened to see them in uniform one time either heading to base or a service.
Me too. I asked one Vietnam war vet why he’s still supporting Trump knowingly he’d fucked him up. He’s in his 80’s and he appreciate my bluntly without minced the words, he said he supposed to do what he strongly believe in.
The joke's on Putin. His 'boy' Trump f*cked up, The whole idea was to get the mineral deal signed on TV in front of everyone-the world. To show how weak Zelenskyy was.
Putin was watching from his Evil Lair.
I wouldn't want to be Trump right now..don't drink the tea and stay away from open windows.
I won't either, & it puzzles me that the people who voted for him dismiss what he has said more than once. I hear a lot of " Thank you for your service" when I have my Veteran Hat on. When it comes from a MAGA, I know they really don't! They think they own that statement. It's disingenuous at best!
One of my family was a survivor of WWI Battle of Belleau Woods in France. (US Marine) & my sons were Marines. I'm buggered to understand why any veteran would support that piece of cowardly filth as well.
I hate this bitch. How can the military stand there and take Trumps abuse, disrespect, loathing for all they do and did. They should just turn on his ass and take him and his whole cabinet out. Do the country a favor.
I posted my FB picture with Zelenskyy and veterans on my page came out of the woodwork defending trump. They are passing around a long diatribe on how brilliant he is and he’s 10 steps ahead of everyone else and is protecting Ukraine. They believe Z is taking our money and is a thug. 🤷🏼♀️
Well, I believe Trump is a thug and taking our money. I really don’t know how you reach these people when the obvious is right in front of their noses.
I exchange tweets with many so-called veterans. They maintain Dump never said "suckers and losers." Even though a 3 star MC General and other witnesses heard him say it. They are not worth talking with. One said. "That was debunked." Not furnishing ANY evidence. Hopeless group!
They are morons of the highest order. Especially the MC veterans. They were the most unreasonable and insulting. They didn't believe one of their 3 star General Officer. I am Navy, if an ADM said it, I would believe it.
I don't understand how current members of the armed forces can support him. Sending US military to repel the "invasion" of immigrants. There's an assignment to be proud of.
Agree. The pictures from there show them being housed with portable toilets in what appears to me to be unpleasant living conditions. Are they even getting combat pay or service credit for serving in what is just-shy of a combat zone? yet we’re hearing no complaints tho from veterans groups. 🧐
As Our Drill Sergeants, RDCs, MTIs, DIs, and RCCs Yelled At Us,
"We Will Not Lie, Steal, Or Cheat-Nor Tolerate Among Us Those Who Do!"
You Know That Oath!
Act Like It Means Something!
🇺🇸 🫡
The majority of veterans are middle aged and older, rural and suburban white guys, who live an underwhelming life. They are angry because Trump has told them that those "others" have taken what they should have. He made them believe that successful black people only succeeded because of DEI.
Vets !!! He called you LOSERS!!!and FBI and Cops!! You are cops you’re supposed to know a con man now you’re going to lose your jobs ! Ian sorry but I can’t feel sorry for you!!! And some of my kids are cops and I told them! Now we don’t talk!! Thanks trump!!!
Yep. However, there’s a % that are misogynists, racists & have other grievances. It’s mind blowing that they’re engrained with these phobias and diseases to the point of violating the military oath, turning their backs on the USA & supporting Russian propaganda.
I was my unit’s Race & Minority Relations NCO. In the 70’s the Army put effort on the issue for the sake of unit cohesion if nothing else. Pete Hegseth clearly will put an end to all that. He’s already removed all black men and women from top jobs.
Some veterans still support Trump, despite him calling service members suckers and losers. Why?
• They Don’t Believe It
• Tribal Politics
• Policy Over Words
• Owning the Libs
• Cognitive Dissonance
• Tough Guy Image
• Conspiracy Thinking
Veterans, Muslims, Hispanics, Cubans, brown people, LGBTQ( yes even them), federal civil employees and let's not forget many people in the Armed Forces all voted for Trump/Vance. And now they will see the horrendous consequences of their actions. The rest of the US population and the world suffers.
This veteran didn't and never has. He seems to have a perceived machismo that feeds the "woe is me" crowd who think that others' rights somehow infringe on their own.
They've forgotten their oath...or never cared about it in the first place.
I have never figured out how any veteran or service member could support a republican.
The only time republicans have any use for either is for campaign fodder.
I was never as proud of anyone as I was of Obama for his long overdue support of veterans and service members.
Veterans, women, minorities, disabled. I don't understand what drives them to think what he does is okay when they are not important to him. He'd rather step on them than help them. And it doesn't cost republicans anything to help others. They just blindly follow him. Strength in numbers, people.
I read an article yesterday where a woman who worked for national parks voted for him because he was promising free IVF and she was swept away in the firings now. He said things that resonated with some people and that’s all they saw and not the big picture.
Too many vets, including my grandfather, just sit and watch fox news during their free time. How anyone could think that news network is even 50% factual is beyond me.
I was behind a truck yesterday with three different military branch stickers and, wait for it, a trump 2024 sticker. When I say I wanted to punch that moron...
Absolutely and amen to that. I got sick and tired arguing with them. They were not the military men of my father's generation, Korea/ Vietnam. He was brought home three or four times for trying to enlist underage for WWII.
Easy: just like Christians who support him: give them permission to hate & reassure their hate is both righteous & patriotic. Who they hate or why doesn't matter. Tell them hatred & bigotry against those who've dont nothing but exist doest make them "bad people" & they'll follow you like loyal dogs.
They won’t for much longer. They are rapidly losing faith. As cuts to the VA continue. There are 18m vets in the US. Without looking I have already seen a few on social media using purely coded language to suggest taking action to stop the new regime. Figures from before this administration show an
Average of 7 vets receiving care from the VHA commit suicide each day, with ten more not under direct care. It is easy to imagine some taking other actions
As a side note, when the design for "The Wall" was first announced I was skeptical. Did not really seem to be a monument to inspire. Then I stood in front of it. Everything changed.
In recent years I’ve often cried for missing my dad & his best friend who were both Air Force veterans. In recent weeks I’ve found myself relieved that they aren’t here to witness what has become of this country which they served with such honor & pride. We need to take our country back. Our home.
"...but the price of eggs...." Thats what I heard from many of the (other) veterans in my circle of family and friends. How's that working out for them??
The same way any other human being can support him; He is a tool to hurt the people they hate, so they give him a pass on any words of hate that he directions towards them. Actions are quantifiable, words can be spun as lies, even if eveyone hears them.
We have always been a deeply racist & bigoted nation. The myth of "rugged individualism" doesn't help. Even the Greatest Generation we applaud for fighting fascism joined for reasons other than Hitler. We forget there was a draft during WWII. We forget the strong Nazi sympathy many held.
People enlisted because of Pearl Harbor not the invasion of Poland or Kristallnacht. GIs fought against integrating the services. And don't get me started on the racism of the GI Bill and post war economic boom.
I really wish we'd stop glorifying the WWII generation. They were just as flawed as any other generation. And, as mom said when I asked about her generation fighting in WWII, "they were drafted."
Thanks. Admit I get narked when some US distort their history (eg there were Americans and Brits on both sides in the War of Independence and before that the Pilgrim Fathers were free to worship in England but they wanted to impose their beliefs on all so they left) but credit where it is due.
The ones who were drafted were absolutely forced to serve. Nullification of their service is not an assertion I made, so, if you can get hold of your anger, feel free to object to what I was actually saying.
I have been wondering and saying the same thing for years!!! His profession is dodger , he dodged the Military, he dodged jail, justice, the truth, his taxes, the Constitution, reality, responsibility. I can’t go on for days!! And for the good he has done 🤔👌🏻 🤷🏻♂️ can’t think of one thing. He is a 💩x2
Here's why:
"The war we are fighting until victory or the bitter end is in its deepest sense a war between Christ and Marx. Christ: the principle of love. Marx: the principle of hate."
-- Joseph Goebbels
A neighbor her late father and husband are both veterans. She is in her 70s. Last year before the election when I barely mentioned policies, and she told me I am not allowed to say “her man’s name” I said “Trump?!” She said yes.
We don’t talk anymore. Wonder if she is proud or still blind
Ominous clouds are gathering! He is unraveling the global stability that has ensured peace and prosperity for 85 years, born from the ashes of 80M lives, now lost again.
but he hates them as well as he wants the money from the VA to give as a tax break...
I support rights, just not irrational rights.
( To all my warrior brothers and sisters. I love you. Stay strong.)
They've learned to find joy in their belittling by Trump.
That is the only logic I can see in their behavior.
"The best and brightest."
I've noticed that trump fans always seem to have vacuous*minds, are naive, often religious, incapable of intelligent resolving (I know, vacuous), have infantile comprehension, insular, and often inbred.
Trump will only come after the people he and Fox hate, not him. Like your bother his hate is more important than self preservation. Nobody else in fam is like him
My brother was pissed his kid got preschool (for free) because English was her second language bc he let his M.I.L. raise her
Usually it's both but one can have just one trait and still be maga
Putin was watching from his Evil Lair.
I wouldn't want to be Trump right now..don't drink the tea and stay away from open windows.
Unbelievable, they could vote for a pedo rapist with the destruction of woman’s healthcare rights blowing in the wind
It's all about priorities.
After all that has occurred, you really don't understand yet?
It’s mind-boggling to me!!
Are marines more racist than other branches?
#resist #theelectionwashacked #etrump #trumpsleptwithelon #morewelessme #leavingmaga #deportelon
As Our Drill Sergeants, RDCs, MTIs, DIs, and RCCs Yelled At Us,
"We Will Not Lie, Steal, Or Cheat-Nor Tolerate Among Us Those Who Do!"
You Know That Oath!
Act Like It Means Something!
🇺🇸 🫡
• They Don’t Believe It
• Tribal Politics
• Policy Over Words
• Owning the Libs
• Cognitive Dissonance
• Tough Guy Image
• Conspiracy Thinking
For them, identity and defiance outweigh reality.
Don’t forgot the J6’s who beat the living daylights out of the Capital police are walking around as free men.
26-year vet. For what?
They've forgotten their oath...or never cared about it in the first place.
He'll have to fight Europe as well as deal with extreme civil unrest from within the US. We're ready to fuck shit up if it comes to that.
The way I see it, that fucker is toast.
The only time republicans have any use for either is for campaign fodder.
I was never as proud of anyone as I was of Obama for his long overdue support of veterans and service members.
That is all…
It will always be one of the greatest bewilderments of my life
We have become monsters.
They’ve been doing it for two decades now.
Bubba and Ellie-Mae never stood a chance.
My dad is probably rolling over in his grave.
I shit you not.
Oh wait…
My son is a veteran, he has friends from his service of all ethnicities, and is not a Trump supporter, so it isn't all veterans.
Guess misogyny and anti-black racism are more inspiring than a progressive, prosperous and respectable society.
…we all know that the GOP went decidedly dark when they realized a Black man could become president 🤨