Maybe instead of storming the capital buildings, how about storming oligarchy homes and the whitehouse where putins lapdog is sitting first? Remove those. Then storm the rest. Remove them. Good ol tar and feather lynching out of the country.
As trump appears to be using acts from 1798, I believe there's a way to get rid of him and his cohorts. It simply begins with a pair of white gloves, slap him and his cohorts on their face, and this act signals a duel has been declared.
Billionaires are in the top 0.0001%. But WE outnumber them by billions. When people get together for a mass protest, their energetic impact is amplified exponentially. So 10 people with a common intention have the energetic impact of 100 people; 100 people are the same as 10,000, etc. Record it!
The time to act is as soon as possible before they get too entrenched. All Americans need to understand what the radicalized oligarchs are trying to do.
America needs a search party to find out what happened to "a government of the people, for the people, by the people" it quietly disappeared in 2016 and has not been seen since. Did it get lost in all the scandals, drama and trauma of Trump's 1st term?
Trump and his insurrectionist criminal GOP administration should be declared "a national security risk" and thrown out of the White House. He's admitted on national TV to the "election being rigged for him". It's past time for unprecedented measures, do NOT ignore this - throw him OUT!!
This is for all the blue maga in my life. A family full of lifelong VBNMW. Insanity is doing the same thing over&over expecting a different result. The definition of insanity is voting DorR&expecting any good to come of it. I can't be the only ML dot in country of liberals
This is Big Pharma CEO annual take home. 100’s just like him. No matter how you look at it - it is insane gross gouging and people wonder why the cost keeps going up.
It’s all ridiculous.
Everyone fighting for their separate causes have to organize and all come together. There is more protesting of tesla than of the government by the people. It's really odd to watch.
“If I were to run [for President], I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.”
-1998 interview in People magazine-
🙄 In my state they would try to use castle law if you even come near their house. Remember that only some people are safe with guns. Most of these MAGA are well trained with weapons and no sense. Be the smart one in the group and stay safe. And yes it’s their fault Trump was elected. 😳
I live in MO. We have been keeping many gun shops/ranges in business for some time now. And every time someone tries to promote gun control there is another store/range opened. Maybe you live in a blue state and aren’t seeing that show up close and personal. I’m happy for you if you are blue state.
Even better :):):) I live in Canada. We don't have this insane problem here. Fucking guns man. Hell on earth.
My ideal to protest in front of maga homes was not a good ideal. Sorry about that. I try to find solution to this mess and because I love blue states, blue americans and anti orange people.
Well that would explain why I was never hit while being shot at by the white supremacist when we had our farm. 🤔 My family shoots often; never at people if we can help it. Most of the time not even animals. Clay is more fun. 😁
We were talking about individual homes being protested in front of. Public lands are not an issue. The only time you can get away with shooting someone else on public lands here is during deer season. Don’t protest at public land reserved during deer season. It would be called an accident. 😳
I'll never understand why she's been ignored or even disliked by Dems. She's always been for the People. But, she's an outspoken woman, so what else would I expect. 😪
Mere taking to the streets won't help.There are millions of you who're their products & services.Y'all need to boycott their platforms. User/subscriber count drop=lowered revenues=stock price drop=hedge funds will dump stock.Why aren't y'all making them bleed?
Make an example of him as a cautionary tale to the super rich that we know we control a lot of their 'value' with our choices and can spend our money with their competitors or just elsewhere or even not at all.
I’m a Brit and dislike the monarchy. They are unelected, expensive, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do to get rid of them, unless we unite to abolish the monarchy. America did that once, please don’t create another monarch, you’re better than that. Drop the orange turd before it’s too late.
Fighting oligarchs doesn't have to be hard. 100% estate tax on fortunes exceeding $100 million. Boom, program funding! Poof, deficits gone! How can the oligarchs argue, they can't take it with them. Give it back to the society that made you, easy.
The Declaration of Independence says that we not only have the right, but we also have the duty to alter or abolish any government that does not secure our unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
“Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a fight about to start when tomorrow comes.” Les Miserables
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
Eat them by BOYCOTTING them, RESIST them by speaking out against them. We have more power than we believe we have. Throw the stones in to their machinery. Fuck them first.
The oligarchs own all the money, they hold all the power, they have the government on their side, and they don't care about public opinion. Good luck trying to overwhelm them.
Polls estimate between 15 million and 26 million people participated in the United States protests re George Floyd , making these protests potentially the largest movement in terms of participation in U.S. history.
If you could it then you can do it now
This woman’s intelligent messaging is what our country needs, not the amusing zingers of our own left leaning versions of Marjorie Taylor green and Joe Rogan.
Here in 01igarchy R3!ch Central....about none a month. Or maybe they are happening but how can anyone tell? I may have to buy a cheap car to attend the ones in neighboring states.
I wish there were more, hundreds of thousands more, like you. I am absolutely shocked that, in a country of 330 million, we STILL haven't seen a single MASS protest.
Don’t mean to be rude but
Polls estimate between 15 million and 26 million people participated in protests in the United States in support of George Floyd making these protests potentially the largest movement in terms of participation in U.S. history.
We are just isn't big enough. The protest in 🇭🇺 were enormous. We need to get out in much bigger numbers so the world can see us being with them.
Other countries, with much smaller populations, can put tens, even hundreds, of thousands on the streets within a couple of days so why can't the US? If the protests are big enough the media will simply have to cover them.
You need to #organize & #mobilize a #MillionPeopleMarch in every city across the country - The media can't ignore it & if they do, you know to #boycott them.
I have been saying, for weeks, that mass protests are needed.I doubt they will ever happen because people are obsessed with 'organising' every detail. It's pretty simple, call a protest in your own city for the next day, or the day after, and just bloody do it. Just like they do in other countries
Little ones, everywhere, in every state. 01igarchy media is invested in not reporting on them. They have thrown their lot in with their fellow rich folk.
That makes it hard to organize one single massive one. We are a clever people and we will rent sky writing planes and drop leaflets. When? Where?
Is it that there are more people living in those cities than in, say DC? Everyone needs to come in on metro , etc. I know we did it in 2017, but not since.
Unfortunately Americans are too chickenshit to stand up. Our protests are too small and ineffective against the felon and his henchmen. At the rate we're going we'll lose our freedoms and our lives in the upcoming World War III that he'll cause given our terminal apathy, and we'll deserve it.
We will all be nuked or have to learn Russian because it will be 🇺🇸 and 🇷🇺 against the world.
The world is in an existential crisis, NOW!
Dems bring paddles to the 🍊💩 speech, only one elderly man with a cane speaks up..😳 Good grief!
How are you letting this happen?!
Don't blame me, I voted for Harris and stand with Canada (and also with Mexico, Denmark, Ukraine, and everyone else.)
Though sooner or later all of Europe will wipe out Russia completely given Putin's stubborn refusal to wave the white flag while Trump may choke on his own bullshit & stupidity.
Polls estimate between 15 million and 26 million people participated in the United States protests re George Floyd , making these protests potentially the largest movement in terms of participation in U.S. history.
If you could it then you can do it now
So what in the WORLD is everybody so afraid of? Some fat ass white dude and his rich friends who threaten people via tweet. Fascists in Congress need to shave their vaginas, stop tweeting and shed blood like real men. Or, carry their pussies home and get a job as a Greater at Walmart.
Join Canada. Democracy is still alive here. Imagine the fear the republicans would feel at the prospect of the republic splitting up. That would be the end of the King. Revolution is sometimes the only solution.
Supposedly, so will that mean that we can keep federal funds in our own states. Does that mean, the states can form theirbown unions with themselves and with other countries?
I mean...they are taking away the whole purpose of the federal government. If it doesnt distrubute funds, provide rule of law, and congress is doing what the president says, what is the point of the federal. He wants to be king but of what? He wants to give power back to the states...
So, when are you leading this event hot air balloon?
Resistance is a blood sport,
Lemmings march peacefully,
Hyenas beat them with sticks,
Millions of Lemmings bond as one,
Then a leader of courage and compassion takes a bullet for the love of his masses,
Is that you mouse?
It will end likely in blood, but it will end with the overthrow of this man. I would hope we’d have another free election, but that may be a pipe dream.
Almost 350 million of us and about 7 million o1igarchs.
The odds are skewed in their favor because they have way more money, in fact, about all of it. Ours is a pittance but doesn't stop them from coveting every single penny, figuring out how to get each one away from us and into their pocket.
Billionaires only number a couple of thousand. The problem we have is they have bought influence through trad and social media to the point some blue collar working class are cheering them on it’s mass manipulation
We have, on our side, his increasing erratic behavior and the institutions he's dismantled since taking office are affecting so very many people that even if the blue collar have been spared, they are going to know people who haven't been.
That's a big factor.
He is very vulnerable.
I know. I think we are out there protesting and boycotting but there are so many people who would like to confront this situation head on and they are getting louder and louder.
I don't know what that's going to look like. I am watching and trying to be ready but, man....
We must resist but not in silence or sitting on the sidelines. We must be loud and in their face. We must be resolute. We must be brave and we must not take no for an answer.
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap
Ah…. But it’s the fascists, not the rich.
Christofascism is rampant in the USA…
You only really have a few tiny rich guys doing their bidding for profit.
Sorry 🇨🇦
but not by pitchforks and burning reed torches
those worked in past times
now we need solidarity in all communications,
more than can be blocked easily,by EM and such
Most of them are incapable of caring for their own day-to-day needs or running their own businesses so everyone should find a way to stop working for them
Side Bar: 1440 news article listing most followed Twits. Can't believe some of the people over there. Must be Schumer-types. Come over here, Obama. Really. Lady Gaga? Come on! Jeesh!
I'm waiting for people to realize that this is a global oligarchy we are fighting. Getting rid of Trump and Musk will NOT solve the problem. We need to go FAR further than that.
P.S. Bump stocks are legal. Just a heads up...
It’ll happen before you’re ready
This is for all the blue maga in my life. A family full of lifelong VBNMW. Insanity is doing the same thing over&over expecting a different result. The definition of insanity is voting DorR&expecting any good to come of it. I can't be the only ML dot in country of liberals
It’s all ridiculous.
Capitalist American Greed.
-1998 interview in People magazine-
It's time, pass it on
They must pay right ???
It's their faults !!!
My ideal to protest in front of maga homes was not a good ideal. Sorry about that. I try to find solution to this mess and because I love blue states, blue americans and anti orange people.
Only a small percentage of gun owners have proficiency, from practice. Even less have any "training".
Many hunters can't hit a highway sign from 100 yards.
No need to fear these untrained people who almost never fire their gun.
Need a 1789 French Revolution solution
Drastic times demand drastic measures.
Make an example of him as a cautionary tale to the super rich that we know we control a lot of their 'value' with our choices and can spend our money with their competitors or just elsewhere or even not at all.
🤷🏻♀️ Citizens of a country established and pay for a government and President who is supposed to take good care
When that president deliberately causes chaos, the citizens who appointed that president can also force that president to leave
So the citizens pay, the citizens decide
Might makes right.
It's said the pen in mightier than the sword. MAGA CONTROL THE PEN. So sad!
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
We have the right, we have the duty, to throw-off such government.
March 21-28
Billions of us.
We are only as powerless as we want to be.
As we choose to be.
Because resistance is inconvenient.
If you could it then you can do it now
Somebody to tell me why 🍊🍄 is doing this why?
Hiding the national cancer institute's research on cancer FFS
The medical journals/information
what is "IT" doing
We are Screwed
we Need the HELP here from the 🌎
Polls estimate between 15 million and 26 million people participated in protests in the United States in support of George Floyd making these protests potentially the largest movement in terms of participation in U.S. history.
That makes it hard to organize one single massive one. We are a clever people and we will rent sky writing planes and drop leaflets. When? Where?
History agrees.
The world is in an existential crisis, NOW!
Dems bring paddles to the 🍊💩 speech, only one elderly man with a cane speaks up..😳 Good grief!
How are you letting this happen?!
Though sooner or later all of Europe will wipe out Russia completely given Putin's stubborn refusal to wave the white flag while Trump may choke on his own bullshit & stupidity.
"All of Europe will wipe out Russia..."
We can only hope and 🙏
If you could it then you can do it now
He’s not the mastermind. He’s the figurehead of a well-coordinated authoritarian takeover.
🔥 Read the full breakdown here ⬇️
Hurry up then America !
The rest of the world is waiting. Cut to the chase!
Resistance is a blood sport,
Lemmings march peacefully,
Hyenas beat them with sticks,
Millions of Lemmings bond as one,
Then a leader of courage and compassion takes a bullet for the love of his masses,
Is that you mouse?
It took these people 20 years.
So you better hurry up, USA
I’m inviting you to act. Get up and start something. Help.
The odds are skewed in their favor because they have way more money, in fact, about all of it. Ours is a pittance but doesn't stop them from coveting every single penny, figuring out how to get each one away from us and into their pocket.
That's a big factor.
He is very vulnerable.
I don't know what that's going to look like. I am watching and trying to be ready but, man....
Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.
come for his minions.
Without them, he fails.
Christofascism is rampant in the USA…
You only really have a few tiny rich guys doing their bidding for profit.
Sorry 🇨🇦
those worked in past times
now we need solidarity in all communications,
more than can be blocked easily,by EM and such
He is no fucking king.
Words have power. Even if it is sarcasm at least use air quotes.
You don't remove fascism with decorum.