Never has the USA been so united in the class from the idiots to the ultra high in education being fooled into believing trump was gonna MAGA. It will be the people when they get rid of trump.
Trump's MAGANUTS got convenient amnesia about Trump's first term failures and scandals. They choose bigotry and hate instead of the their own best interest. We need to post on their websites all that we've LOST in less than 50 days under Trump's administration.
“Democrats failed to give a clear and strong message”
Seriously? People needed a “strong message” to know that you shouldn’t vote for the insurrectionist and rapist?
Unless we address the ignorance that has taken hold of the public, no campaign strategy from the Dems will ever matter
It seems to be a healthy mix of both. Some I have talked to are astonishingly uninformed and/or willfully ignorant. They are absolutely convinced that the lies and false info they have been fed must be true. And yeah, some are really hateful people.
I did. Really, everyone did. I've been saying it for years. The world has been saying it for years. America is brutally, painfully, arrogantly stupid, and has been for as long as I've been alive. The fact that this news is surprising any Americans really just proves it to be true in real time
I recognized their play book and was nervous from the start. I knew the trolls would eat it right up the phobia. Everyone around me was kept saying“it will never happen” or “you’re being paranoid”. But alas here we are and they are still running the Nazi play book.
'Well, you gotta admit Trump has more twists and turns... and the other one has numbers. Ain't so good with math. Now, social security he promised not to touch. That hurts. That butt hurts. ' LAMPOONING A MAGA... sorry, the battle to stay sane on this mental battlefield is intense.
It all goes back to democrats nominating Obama and the fact the he was popular and effective. That’s a cardinal sin to the racists and maga faithful. Then of course they had to elect someone who shared their closely held beliefs. And when they tried to elect a woman? And a black woman? Oh my god!
A perfect example of the fact that the issues Republicans campaign on are primarily imaginary crises. The issues that Democrats campaign on are actual crises created or to be created by Republicans.
Emotive messages almost always prevail over logical ones...and our media knows this all too well. Emotive stories about immigrants eating pets gets better ratings and thus, more advertising revenue, than stories about social security.
Yeah well while the rest of us thought it was lunacy you don't see those nuts launching a rescue mission to save those cats and dogs from being eaten telling you where they always stood.
Kamala spoke of getting Medicare to pay for nursing home care. Something that would have helped the elderly and families immensely. Instead, they focused on the lies he spewed. I hate them all for it.
Also, the hardest of the hard core maga are not interested in buying homes or new cars or investing in the future. All that matters to them is Trump hating the same things they hate
Must be embarrassing to be those cult members with tampons on their ears pictured in all these memes as our nation and democracy is destroyed because of their ignorance. Hope their lives are ruined by his terrible policy.
Let’s stop dancing around the truth and call it like it is - It’s a cult, and that’s exactly what they intended. Lesser, willfully uninformed humans with zero individual decency, accountability and respect for fellow citizens will always acquiesce to the bully bandwagon.
Hate won …77,284,118 racists voted for a convicted felon and con man. My friend, what does that say about America? It’s too damn sad. 😔 And everyone seems so religious? WTF kind of mind bending religion is being pushed over there??? I’m not religious but if there’s a god he ain’t approving this.
Let’s stop calling racists dumb and call them what they are…fucking racists. Dumb is a person I can feel sorry for….maga is not dumb they are hateful racists
Kaptain komrade Kotex conned 77 million idiots. That's the reason why the obese 🍊🐔💩🤡 village idiot is where he is now. Education people! It's so important!
Who knew? I’m just gonna say this once cause I know I’m gonna get a lot of shit for it, but the Republicans have known how to gather up their morons for decades. How do they do it you ask they just go to church every Sunday
Messages like this only make the MAGA people we need to wake up dig into their position even tighter.
Is there a way you guys could create messaging that invites them to consider and doesn't call them stupid (even if we think they are). This stuff isn't achieving our desired goal.
They won’t “help” us. They are only going to be useful when they grab their Christmas card props and point them at daddy. Keep telling them point blank that daddy is only doing this to them because they begged for it like the “subtards” they are.
Not to be argumentative, but you must admit at some point, there WAS ELECTION TAMPERING. THERE NO TWO WAYS AROUND IT. IT'S BEEN VERIFIED. KAMALA WON. ... What scares me more, is NO ONE REQUESTED AN AUDIT OF THIS ELECTION... WHY ?
Not many knew; only those with a double digit IQ or living outside of the "united" states or anyone impervious to stupidity or any combination of the above.
Don't forget about the threat that they are doing.On the Republican party we will primary against you if you don't go with the program What they don't realize is that the people have a vote and a voice that needs to be heard And we can primary each and every One of them without getting paid to do it
It's not stupidity, although that's a big part but plain old rampant racism.Kamala was not only black, reducing her chances by 80% but also a woman. There was no way, even with Trump being convicted of murder, illegal running against the 14th amendment, that a black woman could win. This is America
Well, to be honest, most of the world outside the USA!
The fact that he was not in prison & was allowed & confirmed by Republicans to run again was a clear indication of what was coming.
In Peter Max’s movie “the Point” there is a line:
You see what you want to see, you hear what you want to hear.
MAGA faithful are not stupid sheep. They are intentionally malicious. They are CHOOSING the cruelty. By design.
“Democrats failed to give a clear and strong message”
Seriously? People needed a “strong message” to know that you shouldn’t vote for the insurrectionist and rapist?
Unless we address the ignorance that has taken hold of the public, no campaign strategy from the Dems will ever matter
It's why people use it.
Last words my mother said to me, last September. It was all about the misogyny and racism.
Oh, wait….
If they don't have $600 saved owing to expenses - how the hell are they buying a house? They couldn't, 25K or not.
Where were the morgue truck pics? GOP asked 'are you better off today than 4 years ago' NO ANSWER from Dems
rural south.
....but like all good revolutions, We the People need the military and police on our side en mass.
Then we march.
(As opposed to government-funded transGENIC mice, mice genetically bred with existing medical conditions, for cancer research. 🤦♂️)
They claim they are not in a cult.
Have you ever cosplayed your favorite politician? (outside of a party or Halloween). I sure haven't.
Also, the hardest of the hard core maga are not interested in buying homes or new cars or investing in the future. All that matters to them is Trump hating the same things they hate
Musk and Trump are already killing them, and they STILL do not get it!
Brought to you by
He knew.
Is there a way you guys could create messaging that invites them to consider and doesn't call them stupid (even if we think they are). This stuff isn't achieving our desired goal.
The fact that he was not in prison & was allowed & confirmed by Republicans to run again was a clear indication of what was coming.
You see what you want to see, you hear what you want to hear.
MAGA faithful are not stupid sheep. They are intentionally malicious. They are CHOOSING the cruelty. By design.
Fear is a powerful drug.