Yeah, most of that SHOULDNT be political. Those are all SOVIAL issues that BOTH SIDES should be helping. Instead, one side has decided that less human rights should be their platform, so the other side has to respond.
Anger and fear essentially the same were the goal. Make em angry and afraid and they’ll do your dirty work for you. They’ll hate those trying to help them and undermine their and their children’s own best interests. All the while you effectively embezzle their future. That’s the creation of maga
Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early, come to work, but perform no duties, coordinate with your employers if you’re able. 24 hrs beginning 12am-3/19 to 12am-3/20. I’m right there with you. Good luck. ✊✊✊
It is so liberal to be concerned about other people and the
condition of Mother Earth as well. These conservatives are only concerned about themselves and their money. I hope they choke on it when there are no crops being produced.
Mine is basically the same but worded differently: mind your shit and don’t be an asshole. Oooh boy do some people have an issue with that second part.
Our government using our military to help isreal accelerate&expand genocide. No war but class war. Fight for your class and not your country. This is why. We are helping a Hitler take over the world. We are arming Hitler as well. Only nazis support this war&the USA
Some people think morality is a choice.
That's why Kamala Harris lost, people grew a conscious & decided no more genociding people. It's just to bad the cheeto was the opposing team, but it didn't matter cause for those that suffer under US IMPERIALISM Red/Blue are on the same team.
Morality won.
That’s exactly how I feel. Very basic people and planet are what I care about! Jc would agree. Read the sermon on the mount and tell me what they r doing is ok! It’s doesn’t align with people and planet!
Aah, the good old days, when the GOP would at least pretend to care about "working people". Now they are just out there with the truth that they will take the last dime from anyone they can screw.
I’m constantly told I’m getting myself worked up and if it happens it happens. To let it go. I’m like watch them take my fellow South Americans? Watch them as they drag me and my children away? To do god knows what to my babies? I know what they did in Auschwitz’s. Watch as they dismantle democracy?
It really pisses me off. That I can see what’s happening yet people are so desensitized and apathetic that they literally don’t care. I’m like don’t cry to me when it happens to you. I always think of that saying.
They came for the Jews and I wasn’t one so I did not speak up
They came for the
Rabbis I didn’t speak up for I was not a rabbi
They came for the doctors and still I did not speak up for I was not a dr
They came for the teachers and my neighbor but still I remained silent
Until all that remained was me and when they came for me no one was there to speak up for me as I had kept
Every day, Trump is telling his supporters he's not going to lower gas, grocery, and egg prices. Every day, he shows his supporters he's self-centered and does not care about them. Every day, he shows his supporters they are nothing but collateral damage as he burns our country down.
The key word is "going". This keeps people from taking action against the destruction now while they wait for a promised future. They are all saying... "just wait ...."
No, as long as there is hate and cruelty to “others,” they are satisfied. They are afraid of those who are different, and we know fear becomes anger and hate. They want “others” eliminated.
Yeah, all the stupid people get mad...simple to recognize by hats and political office holders who are stupid cuz they don't care about Americans. Their policies are to kill as many people as possible to eliminate those who hate trump & GOP
Make teaching of the humanities a requirement in schools again…Humanities were abandoned some 40 years ago when education was reduced to “how much $$ da ya wanna make?” even at our “best” schools.
DEI and Woke are bad things? But intolerance and hate are embraced to allow a dickhead unintelligent autocrat to take possession of our country's wealth. WTF? All wrapped with an American flag and brandishing a cross.
They'd be mad about something regardless of what you do. It's in their nature. They feel like they've been shortchanged in life somehow and will take it out on who or whatever is handy.
I thought they were following the teachings of JC. Apparently they missed that part about caring for others. I’m not even remotely religious but I do know I’m supposed to care for other humans.
It's like there's some new extended version of the Wicked Bible out there that teaches the opposite of every command instead of just the one about committing adultery. This Bible apparently says to take food from the hungry, that Jesus loves the rich, hate your neighbors, punch back 10× harder, etc.
When I was a kid, my (now maga) mom threatened to cancel my Ranger Rick subscription because it was making me care about the environment too much. She also kept calling me a Russian commie for caring about people too much. She was doing that up until recently when Trump told her to like Russia
About four years ago, I tried to be flawlessly nice to everyone. I would never insult and went people insulted me, I would continue to be nice to them. Man did I get called the worst names when I did that. Some people are like campy supervillains: they hate all light and just want to destroy.
That's the thing with modern conservatism, or even the new age bastardisation of it, MAGA, they don't care about other people, or the planet, yet individually,morally, they know this to be wrong. Collectively, however, confidence in their position flourishes, no longer bound by societal acceptance.
And you, or anyone pointing out they care about other folk, and about the planet, reminds them of this moral deficit they have managed to hide amongst the jeers of fellow populists, or swamp with adjectives that are at once meaningless but encompass everything that reminds them again, like "Woke"
He left out the part where you have to live in poverty, Work 80 hour weeks without overtime. And you will never have any protections. When you retire, you will have nothing.
Picture the Hulk bursting out of his clothes woven from right wing governance
That’s us folks
Greed and corruption need to read the room and step aside
They have taken Ayn Rand’s objectivism to an absurd extreme. You are now a bad person if you don’t obsessively pursue your own selfish interests at the expense of everyone else.
And somehow they have no idea there is a bird flu that resulted in millions of chickens being killed. What rock were they living under? Or are they just clueless about where eggs come from?
The woke mind virus just might become a death sentence in the US…
Unbelievable that we have allowed MAGA to put our country through this nightmare. Delaying J6 arrests because AG Garland didn’t want to appear political, judges being delayed by appeal laws & a corrupt Supreme Court, we are fucked!
💯 And the other side has been so successfully trained to hate us that even the very people you stand up to support spit vitriol when you fight for the rights of the collective. 🤦♀️
How dare you! You can only care about a specific group of other people who believe only what they are told from a specific 2000 year old writing. Regarding the planet why care about it our non elected government official will lead the wealthy of us to Mars. Heard the spring time is breath taking!
A lack of empathy is the mark of a truly evil person. So basically, any Trumper. Sadly, I know people who support and and they say some truly bad things, but I know they aren’t really that way. They just got caught up in a cult.
I know what you mean. I live in a very red county in a red state so the majority of my neighbors are cult members. And I say the same - they are good people at heart...but that is getting harder to believe. Willful ignorance of the evil doesn't make them innocent.
Very true. It’s not ok to say things like “not everyone deserves healthcare”, well golly gee, let me guess who you think doesn’t deserve it? And this person would never say that to a sick person. So why say it? Because you watch Fox 24/7 and you’re brainwashed. But where’s your common sense???
Not me. It makes a lot of people where I live mad too. It’s so surprising given this used to be a very friendly place. I’m actually a little scared of some neighbors. It seems to be a cult. They believe everything Trump says.
That old Golden Rule was pitched out by repubs long ago. By Ronnie and Rupert GREED, hate and Christianity (without Jesus), was their message. One that Rush, Rupert and clones, spread using Goebbels rules for propaganda. Who slept through that.
Agree 100%. That seems to be exactly counter to the right wing and something the left is wavering on. Politicians are mostly pathetic, pandering, useless, rich, aholes with no real interest in helping Americans. There needs to be some sort of, what's the word? Revolution?
Yes, exactly. I was told by a snot nosed MAGA 22 year old economics student that I was a socialist/Marxist. I looked at him and thought: my God you are literally that stupid.
Ask people to do a full breakdown of DEI and how it aligns with the Bill of Rights, the amendments of the Constitution and the teachings of Jesus Christ...
I'm not sure what to mount cardboard onto. Dowels from the hardware store are round and difficult.
I'm spray painting it blue. That really clear blue. I saw some really great stuff on reddit. But I want something original. Hmmm....
FWIW these are extra long paint stirrers. I like them bc I can hold the sign over my head + face. I can see where I’m walking + my sign is visible on the front and the back.
You do have to be careful if it’s windy though – it can act like a sail or get pulled away.
yup Maga don’t care about anything they care about living their lives and fucking up the future, if you tell them think about the future their answer is i won’t be here then so i’ll make as much damage and let them fix it which is why it should be illegal for them to vote.
So mad…and they think I find “bleeding heart liberal” and “woke” and “snowflake” to be an insult instead of the statement on their own lack of values, morals, ethics, empathy and compassion that it is.
They’re christians. They’re mad their Silly Story Book 📕 doesn’t control EVERYONE -
A more poetic way to say this is:
MYSERY (and stupidity) loves company…
How'd people get so stupid, or are they exaggerating their stupidity? They have to be. You'd have to have the IQ of a desk lamp to be triggered into a mouth frothing rage by compassion of any kind. In which case, they make their own hell.
Actually, in this case, they've dragged us with them.
I can't figure it out myself--yet I've always gotten guff for taking the exact stance that you just have. What the heck is wrong with people who can't understand we're working toward a world of equality, love and peace?
Wild concept, I know—treating people decently and not setting the planet on fire. Apparently, that’s enough to send some folks into a full meltdown.
Guess empathy and clean air really are radical these days.
#Resist #SorryNotSorry #BasicHumanDecencyIsControversial
I actually have to specify that rape is bad because people will vote for an unrepentant predator who freed a sex trafficker and invited a sexual predator to the White House for St. Patrick's Day.
when you post a picture of your home with all the doors and windows removed and a big "welcome anyone" sign, I will acknowledge your vapid virtue signaling might be real.
All men are created equal.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Too bad the majority of Americans don't seem to believe in those two things.
Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early, come to work, but perform no duties, coordinate with your employers if you’re able. 24 hrs beginning 12am-3/19 to 12am-3/20. I’m right there with you. Good luck. ✊✊✊
I'm proud to be woke and to care about other people.
condition of Mother Earth as well. These conservatives are only concerned about themselves and their money. I hope they choke on it when there are no crops being produced.
Our government using our military to help isreal accelerate&expand genocide. No war but class war. Fight for your class and not your country. This is why. We are helping a Hitler take over the world. We are arming Hitler as well. Only nazis support this war&the USA
That's why Kamala Harris lost, people grew a conscious & decided no more genociding people. It's just to bad the cheeto was the opposing team, but it didn't matter cause for those that suffer under US IMPERIALISM Red/Blue are on the same team.
Morality won.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
They came for the Jews and I wasn’t one so I did not speak up
They came for the
They came for the doctors and still I did not speak up for I was not a dr
They came for the teachers and my neighbor but still I remained silent
Until all that remained was me and when they came for me no one was there to speak up for me as I had kept
MAGA Morons: “😱😱 OMG you’re a radical left communist piece of shit!! 😭😭😭”
Well, fuck him. It makes you a human.
Billionaires don't make profit if you care about wage slaves
New Maga Testament
Matthew 7:12
Do unto others whatever will help you get more money.
Like smiling at the cashier in the supermarket and wishing her a nice day after she had to experience one asshole of customer.
What’s the opposite?
Asleep, ignorant , looking the other way.
Hateful ….
Yeah that’s about sums it up!
It's time, pass it on
Trump is the total antithesis of everything good in the USA, indeed the planet.
That’s us folks
Greed and corruption need to read the room and step aside
Meanwhile: Freedom Martyr! I’m the long wolf leader of the pack fighting for your rights to catch deadly viruses!
Unbelievable that we have allowed MAGA to put our country through this nightmare. Delaying J6 arrests because AG Garland didn’t want to appear political, judges being delayed by appeal laws & a corrupt Supreme Court, we are fucked!
Shocker! They're in for a rude awakening. Let them swirl down the drain.
How can America be so stupid and hateful?! (Don't answer that. I know...)😠
1. Don’t be a dick to people that don’t deserve it.
2. Learn something new every day.
Surprisingly, it gets you pretty far in life.
Republicans care about property.
Simple as that.
The nerve of trying to protecting innocents from torture and slaughter.
61% of vets voted for djt. I still can't believe they would, but it would be so great if they would snap out of it.
I'm spray painting it blue. That really clear blue. I saw some really great stuff on reddit. But I want something original. Hmmm....
I glued them to foam core poster board and then duct taped over them.
I spent a total of about $50 and we were able to make six double sided signs, for a group of people
We used odds ends from dollar store as well.
Buy quality glue.
You do have to be careful if it’s windy though – it can act like a sail or get pulled away.
Yes, I’m aware the O is gone!
We are all temporary residents.
It is our duty to be good shepherds for the next seven generations to come.
A more poetic way to say this is:
MYSERY (and stupidity) loves company…
Actually, in this case, they've dragged us with them.
Brought to you by
Can we also mention our animal cousins? They're at our mercy and we're not treating them well.
They deserve lives, mercy and our friendship.
First step is reduce consumption of red meat. Just reduce it to one day a week. You'll find you feel better btw.
Guess empathy and clean air really are radical these days.
#Resist #SorryNotSorry #BasicHumanDecencyIsControversial
They'll eat toast for breakfast to support that.