Texas institutes school bus check points for any non-white child. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/trump-s-ex-national-security-advisor-trolls-democrat-running-in-texas-it-s-a-wartime-act/ar-AA1B60W5?ocid=socialshare&pc=U531&cvid=ff7f5dd48ddb4c4ead6910a14c6004e6&ei=31
Are they deported now ??
I originally thought this was a sarcastic Onion article. Sadly not. It’s like all republicans have just given up, donned the Red Hats of Racism, and are vying for recognition from the #TangerineTerror for the most depraved, debased & despotic deeds. #3E #Resist #Democracy