It’s impossible to state how spineless, ineffectual, and dumb Schumer is as leader. Just reprehensible. AOC should announce she’s primarying him right now and she’d have enough donations by tomorrow for the rest of her career.
Reposted from
The New York Times
Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader, said he would vote for a Republican-written bill to keep federal funding flowing past a midnight Friday deadline, making a forceful case for why Democrats could not allow a shutdown that many of them have demanded.
He just acts like a shutdown would happen and that the administration would steal everything.
But he's giving away all of Congress' power!!!!
Than it helps VOTERS!
He is on chris hayes tonight
If any Dems vote for the C.R, then the Dem Party will get the blame.
DEMS, STAY UNIFIED, VOTE NO. The Party with the White House, the House, and the Senate broke it. It's their responsibility to fix it.
(This goes for Schumer and Grassley)
They’ve done nothing to indicate they are the opposition party, unless they get new leadership ASAP both parties are the enemy of the people.
Voting for the values of the Democratic Party was my last shred of dignity as an American.
If they knuckle under on this, I’m left with nothing.
And I will be through voting.
Enlightenment isn’t always pleasant but it still has a value.