Dear Canada, if saying ‘sorry’ burned calories, the U.S. would be the fittest country on Earth right now. Apologies for the chaos, and please don’t unfriend us.
please don’t hold us all responsible for Trump because there’s many of us out here that cannot stand him. We don't understand how he won. Why those people voted him in office is baffling look at what he’s doing to the country. Just know that there are a lot of us out here that support you.
This is sad. All the signs are there. USA in league with Russia. USA may loss it's democracy status next year. Countries are warning about travel to the USA. The USA will fall but people are slow to act. It's like they have been conditioned to accept this.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Don't. No foreigners get to speculate about Canada's sovereignty. Don't care abt your motives. We're an independent country. Period. Respect that. Period. Never happening. Period. Solve your own damn country.
Subtract 45 Dem votes and add them to the Canadian Freedom Party, whose supporters would not vote for either party that allowed a horrific war to presumably occur resulting in the death of their countrymen, and who also wouldn't vote for a party that was against their health care
In the end, it’s impossible to really predict. Canada‘s system is just way too different from the US and I don’t see how it would possibly work. Not that I want it to. I think the whole idea is abhorrent.
Actually, Russia bought it. Elon's only got the infrastructure. Russia gets all the rest - except for the White House which will be given to T* in perpetuity.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Elon the Worm, so sleek and so sly,
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
don't forget all the college-educated Americans who majored in business, not literature and history, not philosophy, and nothing STEM except watered down precalculus prerequisites (lol for the business major).
Who are welcome in the 🇺🇸Hateland
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.
Thoughts and prayers are with you ‘merica.
Think about it.
(Worthy of an re-rack.)
Through the shitty soil you tunnel, beneath the earth.
With a wiggle and a squiggle, you dig your way,
Turning dirt into gold, day by day.