You keep criminals in prison to protect your community. You let them out to fight fires to protect your community. Maybe you should consider the fact that they are part of your community. And your community failed them. And continues to fail them.
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I'm not against someone who has been convinced becoming president. What I don't support is someone with convictions who refuse to accept responsibility for his/her actions. Trump is too self-centered to accept any wrongdoing.
I could not agree more. America has 4% of the worlds population, yet incarcerates 24% of the worlds prisoners. Tell me again about "the land of the free", as it's a pathetic lie. There are other ways that work better and are far cheaper, it's thirst for revenge that keeps it as it is.
Prisoners should have access to education and training in trades and if that sounds unfair to people that can’t access those things outside then, well, you’re close to getting it.
It's for to be exhausting, arguing with morons who disagree with you because they're morons with moronic points of view, learned from moronic sources, that they'll cling to moronically. Like their uninformed point of view holds a candle to your lived experience.
No bigger “failure” to all communities than Republican free trade.
Trade that has sent higher paying jobs to unworthy, still communist, unfree, Russia supporting China.
Decent paying jobs, millions of them, with benefits, benefit all.
If people spent a half a day in a real prison in this country they'd never want to send anybody but the absolute worse to prison again. I'd venture to guess most prisons or Nothing but profitable continuing criminal enterprises
America should be ashamed.
Reality shows based in jail? What the fuck?
Yup... They may be rewarded with a sentence cut when it's all over with. An acknowledgment of what they did towards parole or probation type situation. California seems to treat prisoners in this situation better than most States treat prisoners in general.
Very insightful, interesting, valid and true!
While there are bad actors in the world, many are incarcerated due to poor decisions derived from lack of opportunity and socio-economic factors.
Don’t judge someone till you’ve walked a mile in their shoes!
How many murders are there per year, and what is the total US prison population? Add in convicted sexual assaulters and other violent offenders. The prison population is much larger than that.
It’s deeper than that how about gang activity and members? How about habitual sexual assault? How about habitual theft? I agree many people should be rehabilitated. But there has to be an endgame in sight. Especially for the habitual criminals.
Thank you for the civil response to my post.
Maybe. There are true sociopaths out there who are not treatable and need to be detained to keep them from harming people. But they are rare. Most people can be rehabilitated.
Much deeper than that. How about gang members? How about habitual home invaders? How about sexual assault? There are people who need to be locked up. And others can be rehabilitated. I was responding to your OP though. Thank you for your thoughtful civil response.
No bigger “failure” to all communities than Republican free trade.
Trade that has sent higher paying jobs to unworthy, still communist, unfree, Russia supporting China.
Decent paying jobs, millions of them, with benefits, benefit all.
America should be ashamed.
Reality shows based in jail? What the fuck?
Because logic! 🙄🙄🙄
While there are bad actors in the world, many are incarcerated due to poor decisions derived from lack of opportunity and socio-economic factors.
Don’t judge someone till you’ve walked a mile in their shoes!
lets work harder on community engagement for all people
Thank you for the civil response to my post.