Suspending the full Association Agreement would require unanimity of all member states. But suspending the trade provisions - the key part - only requires qualified majority. And as a first step, a simple majority of member states can force the Commission to table such proposal.
They can invoke Art. 2 and raise prospect of action on that basis. If they want Israel to pay attention, it's the only way.
That's because there are no consequences tied to EU words.
But if it wants to have any influence on the crisis on its doorstep, it has to make that link and use Art. 2.
But this is to say they have the option. They can make clear they'll push to act on Art. 2 if Israel ignores EU concerns.
Staying irrelevant is not a necessity. It's EU's political choice.
Also: Good luck to EU trying to act on human rights clauses in agreements with other countries after this.