Remember when the pandemic never actually ended and the American government decided, like they always do, that hoarding wealth for the 1% was more important than our health and safety?
It seems like a lot of governments besides the United States agree that COVID has shifted to an endemic disease, and since endemic doesn’t mean “mild” or “not to be taken seriously” that seems fine to me
While the “public health emergency” was declared over in 2023 & the CDC announced that we were entering the endemic phase last summer, the jury is far from out. Many public health experts, epidemiologists, & the World Health Organization, don’t consider the pandemic over.
If reasonable people are disagreeing about the precise scientific terms to use but largely agreeing that the global health emergency has passed, the grievance being expressed here is completely going over my head
The grievance I have isn’t so much semantic: our governments are using those labels as excuses to roll back and criminalize life-saving measures (e.g.mask bans). Public health has become an individual responsibility, & our most vulnerable communities baring the brunt of those consequences.