Please keep highlighting the corruption. Trump's supporters need to recognize that Trump doesn't care one bit about them. He only cares about making money for himself and his already rich friends.
Senator, I'm struggling with the fact that our local nightly news has not touched these topics, when many of our parents/grandparents only watch local nightly news. Anything you can do to garner local coverage would be helpful.
Back in my day (lol I'm old), even the outlets owned by right wingers reported on government decisions that could harm constituents. Then the hedge funds, Tea Party nuts and MAGA faithful swallowed up corporate media and convinced people not to trust ANY journalists.
Sinclair and the other multi-station owners do indeed have a history of pushing scripting messages to their local station managers. Would be interesting to see if there is an electronic/paper trail from HQ to local stations on coverage of protests against M-T-V and their Congressional enablers.
I watched the vote on Cspan and didn't see the democrats debating beyond their well prepared speeches. Use your staff to do some real time fact checking to every lie the Republicans are up there saying. Have that video posted. This is debate and social media 101. SHOW people you doing your job.
Maybe the next step is for MAGA to wipe away these words:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Almost everyone in my MN red-cult-area is on food stamps or Medicaid, especially the ones who voted for our horrible R-Rep. I won't even feel bad when he cuts them all off. They need those to survive. This area is understandably dying, and people can't find good work. They deserve this.
Republican budget $ never add up. 74% of increases in National Debt since Reagan have been the result of tax cuts. $'s to Billionaires & starve Democratic programs for people. Did anyone vote to increase the National debt again?
This is criminal behavior. Why are republicans in congress so corrupt that they’re complicit with an agenda that harms so many Americans? They violate their oaths daily- an impeachable offense.
I keep asking WHY DOESN’T THE SENATE STOP TRUMP AND MUSK? WHAT ARE THE SENATORS AFRAID OF? Whats the motivation? Not power- they have it yet REFUSE to use the POWER. Money? Senators are all millionaires w the insider trading. So why don’t the act? Has the KGB threatened them EACH personally?
What is next? Is it too late to stop this? We know Republicans aren't going to change their mind so is this just warning us that this is going to happen
Wow, found her voice - retirement really does wonders for speaking freely! Maybe she should encourage her fellow elder senators to step aside too, so they can finally say what they actually think. Must be nice to stop tiptoeing after all these years.
We need to have rallies in the three constituencies that are up for special elections in March and April.
The time is NOW! If we take back Congress, at least there is checks, balances and oversight!!!
More tax cuts so Americans who are food poor and can’t afford basic medical care without SNAP & Medicaid end up in worse conditions and become even more desperate, hopeless? This kind of stuff can be very destabilizing and lead to regime change. Marie Antoinette’s head learned that the hard way.
If someone says laws don’t apply to them, they are destroying the social safety net, and they are taking the checks and balances from the government and military doesn’t it stand to reason that the party responsible plans on causing unrest to use the military to use the military here to be dictator
According to the youngsters in DOGE, it's simply a matter of priorities. We apparently have to let the sick, old, disabled, and poor die so that the young, currently healthy, fully-abled and rich might live as well as they wish. Simple zero-sum math for priveleged 20-somethings.
We need REVENUE not CUTS. Restoring the 1999 tax rates on corporations and the top 10% would generate a surplus overnight with NO CUTS
Republicans are eating the poor!
Maybe the next step is for MAGA to wipe away these words:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Good job - keep speaking up!
The time is NOW! If we take back Congress, at least there is checks, balances and oversight!!!