Heartbreaking. A gofundme has been established. I’ve searched and it seems it’s the only one. I’ve made a leap of faith that it’s legit and donated. https://gofund.me/e162712c
I challenge anyone to read the below book concerning extreme poverty in NC, then read the above article, and tell me you sincerely can't understand how an authoritarian dictator strong man just got elected POTUS twice in three elections
glad this is out there but I can’t help but think a gofundme is kind of against the point of this. he didn’t even want to ask his family for money. the point of the piece is not his personal plight, it’s to show how close so many of us are to a bad spot. (not saying you’re pro the fundme just saying
I challenge anyone to read the below book concerning extreme poverty in NC, then read the above article, and tell me you sincerely can't understand how an authoritarian dictator strong man just got elected POTUS twice in three elections
we have an awful lot of work to do