I'm thinking there's probably a difference to be found in how excited people get about, say, getting a new computer.
That left me about a decade ago now. My last several PC purchases have been entirely out of necessity and the only one I've made "for fun" has turned out to be annoying.
That left me about a decade ago now. My last several PC purchases have been entirely out of necessity and the only one I've made "for fun" has turned out to be annoying.
Buying a new graphics card doesn't have the same thrill as switching from a C64 to an Amiga.
I know my way around it pretty well and I use some pretty heavy applications for my job but the machine it just a way I can get my job done. And I trust it so little that all of my work is done on portable drives!
We still have not managed to properly wrangle the complexity that computers offer. Probably the closest we've come is the iPhone.