Europe’s disarmed state is …
(also) an advantage
✅… IF we use it right - by stepping up, NOW, to arm ourselves, for the ST, MT & LT future in a smart way
❌not slowly spending a fortune trying to replace US capabilities & arming ourselves to fight the last war, not the next one.
(also) an advantage
✅… IF we use it right - by stepping up, NOW, to arm ourselves, for the ST, MT & LT future in a smart way
❌not slowly spending a fortune trying to replace US capabilities & arming ourselves to fight the last war, not the next one.
Before getting too carried away it’s important to remember that the laws of physics still apply. Small and cheap also means short range small payload.
Swarms of small swarming UAS will be a battalion and company asset & C-UAS omnipresent.
We don’t necessarily need to do it the same way as them, but it won’t be cheap.
Worth checking how much of that actually works & is deployable with the logistics & manpower we have (also problems worth moving)
Depth of magazine is a huge issue too (for missiles as well as shells)
Hence so many questions around ‘peacekeeping force’ in Ukraine.
There is a Reason the FDF actively trains reservists for various staff positions.
🇪🇺has skills+technology to set up every industry for the future, with🇺🇦 the experience needed and seemingly new products perform well in🇺🇦
Rememb. exactly 5yrs ago!
" a couple of yrs"
Mass-vaccination with a fully new technology started 8m later!
Several technological inflection points have occurred, and we must follow the data.
- & two overlapping disruptive shifts in military affairs.
1. The maturation of precision warfare (commodification & proliferation of precision strike)
2. The coming revolution from AI, AM, robotics, quantum, etc
Eg Both Germany & the US were limited by arms control treaties (& poverty) in the 1920s & 30s
❌nor were they wedded to outdated ways of fighting
✅& could instead, invest in emerging technology & developing concepts doctrine & systems to use
- and in the case of the naval aviation & the mighty US fast carrier task forces that dominated the Pacific the Pacific theatre & helped bring victory over imperial
- IF we choose the right way forward.
- Both Blitzkrieg & Carrier Warfare depended on understanding the disruptive technological change that was happening &
We should consider the needs of modular, upgradeable, fast paced change and delivery, ease of training that Ukraine is currently facing because that is true war resilience.
- b/c of the pace of change & the massive increases in combat power that it could deliver if mastered.
See eg from Andrew Krepinevich &
Europe is mostly there on the first. The second takes more than drones.