And they saw hotels were not filling up in Washington. Haha now the fucking loser has an excuse, instead of being faced with horrible embarrassment from a small crowd.
Its not even record-breaking cold snap and winds for DC -
JFK - stood outside on a colder day without even an overcoat -
I am starting to believe this is more about his crowd size -
Or it's about the anger out there already from the Maga people - who were not planning on attending -
He just fears another assassination attempt (a real one this time, not a popaganda one he staged). Have you seen all the protests at the hearings? Something is brewing, he knows and chickens out.
Like I tell the Cons, I control sunsets, not weather. But I did put in for teaching MTG cloud seeding which would cause freexing rain & solidify the crowd.
Now I'm looking for the Lib who controls the Capital sewer. I have a job for them.
Map to the Future National Emergency USA this is a FEMA map. TFG will declare a national emergency placing all Americans under select Governors. Was Hunger Games was inspired by this ??
JFK didn't grab anyone by their genitals, was not convicted, and many other things... kind of the stuff that made him a real man (these guys think misogyny is what makes a true man... lol)
John F Kennedy was a horrible philanderer and fucked anything in a skirt. His drunk brother murdered a woman. His family fortune was built on slavery. Let's stop with the old times bullshit please.
🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂to accomodate a demented septuagenarian, with depends, who is afraid his butt will freeze over together with his tiny hands and his tiny tiny crowd!!
"I had the largest audience to ever see an INDOOR inauguration!
It looked like a million and a half people!"
JFK - stood outside on a colder day without even an overcoat -
I am starting to believe this is more about his crowd size -
Or it's about the anger out there already from the Maga people - who were not planning on attending -
(credit to Hans Christian Andersen)
Now I'm looking for the Lib who controls the Capital sewer. I have a job for them.
Smells like China.
You're welcome. iykyk
Well, he kinda does that everyday 🤣
That, and maybe also a little fearful?
Wait til he finds out what the weather's like in Greenland.
For, comparison, Biden's innaguration was about 20 degrees warmer than Trump's will be.