I had one where I was in some fancy house's backyard with a rifle that had a scope which emitted a ludicrous amount of light on it for some reason. This seems like it was inspired by Call of Duty's sniper glint system
A dream where I was in a warehouse with a team of people. We were erecting a weirdly narrow scaffolding, and it was my job to climb it to get to something. As I reached the top, we realized it wasn't tall enough, so they built more underneath me. Then they had to move it, which is when...
I fell off and panicked about getting severely injured, but somehow I landed it with no issue. Everyone else was like, "OK, head back up," but I said, "I need a break after that close call, that was scary. It was a lot to deal with." And they were all, "Oh, that makes sense. Take your time."
The weirdest dream yet, by far, had an A and B plot that loosely connected. I was in my hometown. My (IRL divorced) parents were having an anniversary party, but instead of helping set up, I was out doing harm reduction outreach (which is not viable as a necessary service in that small city)...
...I met a cute girl while doing that, and we ended up spending the day together, and then went back to my parent's place to go to my room and fuck. Which is when I heard the party get out of control, and had to go see what was going on. It turns out...