Yes, but did you see who was standing next to him? My goodness, I can't believe they brought in (minor character who was referenced in a book in 1987). That changes everything!
As someone who saw the originals in the theater as a kid (but then grew up and out of my fascination), I marveled at the sad step backward in special effects.
Oh my god, you have no idea. I was at the Mando season 3 premiere and underwater, in the black you see an eye. Everyone went batshit crazy. Good show, last season rocked, but don't understand the eye to this day
At least they gave Chewie his medal finally. Had a hard time suspending disbelief with fantastical contrivances like not symmetrically honoring space bear co-pilots at all official functions.
Yes, but did you see who was standing next to him? My goodness, I can't believe they brought in (minor character who was referenced in a book in 1987). That changes everything!
As someone who saw the originals in the theater as a kid (but then grew up and out of my fascination), I marveled at the sad step backward in special effects.