// Sure, let's go there. Ask whichever one you want, or like and I'll answer in order.
She keeps a journal of notes and sketches, all the things left unsaid.
If with friends, their company is most welcome.
As a loner, working with others are personal agreements, travel companions either physical or platonic - but they always end.
The best part of using a staff is reversing the grip to swing it like a bludgeon, which Elle is proficient in. 💪
CUL/WVR since teenage. Count Edmont de Fortemps is fond of her lemon cakes. She used to take WVR commissions but generally weaves for her own needs these days, including deliberate "improper style" for Ishgardian nobility.
Grew up with expected wariness of Duskwights but doesn't hate or wish to harm them. She's worked with many over time and treats them as Elezen because they are. A prior longtime romantic partner is Duskwight.
It's highly unlikely, but the two clans must give up the old hatreds.
All was fine, but learning of her family is pushing her away from the loner's path, which frustrates her.
In the present, her paternal aunt and uncle still live. Her maternal uncle was slain twenty five years ago.
She is a strong believer in fate to the point of being a bit fatalistic. Also drawn to water, which is Nymeia's element.
The Daimbaux have maintained their status and are closely allied with the Fortemps, while the Gracieux fell twenty years ago and are now largely forgotten.
Lovers find her passionate in the moment, but sex isn't love. Doesn't seek deeper connections, even platonic ones. Romantic hints are missed as not much works, because love is a trap. Yet she won't admit to being lonely.