Seriously PBS. No one cares to watch Trump shaking hands.Today’s events should focus solely on President Carter, his family, and his incredible accomplishments not on Trump who has repeatedly shown disrespect towards him. Do better please.
He shouldn’t have shook his filthy hand. Should have looked him in the eye, holding his hands firmly together, and just said DONALD, NO ONE WANTS YOU HEAR.
What I noticed most about djt was he couldn't even crack a smile when President Carters grandsons told a fun story about their Paw Paw. djt is a sad human being.
sure.. watch as the pres elect who TRIED TO HAVE HIS FORMER VICE PRESIDENT KILLED... tries to shake hands with him. I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to shake hands with someone who attempted to have me hanged.
Not wanting Jimmy Carter to completely steal his limelight!
I relish the fact that he’s jealous of the attention being paid to Jimmy Carter, and knows deep down a peanut farmer from Georgia was a better man than he is.
Why did you highlight this?
A tiny, wet fish, because he has tiny little wet fish hands.
I relish the fact that he’s jealous of the attention being paid to Jimmy Carter, and knows deep down a peanut farmer from Georgia was a better man than he is.