Off topic but can I say how much I appreciate that you run transcripts of your channel as a blog? Sometimes I'm in place where I can't watch video and this service you offer is wonderful. I wish more channels did this.
I would not be surprised to learn that Khalil is not the first permanent resident under threat of deportation, only the first we know of. His situation and circumstances and his lawyer put him in a position where he could get news attention. There could be many more who aren't that lucky.
Thank you so much for posting this. I’m honestly so angry at myself that I didn’t think ahead of time to do something that could build an audience that could help more. But I suspect there’s a massive number of plumbers, teachers and accountants who feel the same way. Some smart person is going…
To figure out a way to capture that 5 minute a day energy that wants to help people be informed on what’s happening to citizens. As stupid as it sounds I wonder if there isn’t a giant use in lessons on how to talk to the people you only vaguely know about this. I suspect many people are nervous to.
I've actually only been once, and only for a two days! But I've been looking at lots of photos of various neighborhoods and am feeling a little relieved that it seems like a place I could be happy
It kinda bums me out that this poem, as powerful as it is, is inaccurate. The first targets were the "Untermensch", or the sub-humans. This included people who were physically or mentally disabled, homosexuals and political dissidents.
....Lemme guess, they can't, right?
but with this administration, legal trifles like that be damned
I'm Australian and the people there were like Australians but nicer.