Day 1: Fire federal workers
Day 2: Hire them back
Day 3: Fire NIH workers
Day 4: Hire NIH workers back
Day 5: Fire federal workers maintaining nuclear stockpiles
Day 6: Hire back those workers guarding nuclear stockpiles
Day 7: Fire USDA workers
Day 8: Hire USDA workers back.
All in a week!
Day 2: Hire them back
Day 3: Fire NIH workers
Day 4: Hire NIH workers back
Day 5: Fire federal workers maintaining nuclear stockpiles
Day 6: Hire back those workers guarding nuclear stockpiles
Day 7: Fire USDA workers
Day 8: Hire USDA workers back.
All in a week!
And how much was lost in the mess?
DAy x+1 : remove listings because one was the previously secret headquarters of the CIA.