Both halves of my family came through Ellis Island in the last 100ish years. My husband just got his citizenship a few years ago. Are we no longer Americans? Is my daughter not American as he wasn’t a citizen when she born?
Reposted from
Max Kennerly
Birthright citizenship is in the Constitution, Trump can't change that, but also:
If not by birth, then what makes *me* a citizen? I'm white? I can trace my roots to a Revolutionary soldier?
How is anybody a citizen if they're not naturalized? What's the new criteria? Where is it in U.S. law? 🤔
If not by birth, then what makes *me* a citizen? I'm white? I can trace my roots to a Revolutionary soldier?
How is anybody a citizen if they're not naturalized? What's the new criteria? Where is it in U.S. law? 🤔