First time I see someone actually asking this important question. The answer is no. She posed with the actual gang members who were there. These are not the ones flown from the US. They just used real gang members to make everyone believe that these are the people sent there without due process.
She was wearing over to $300,000 worth of jewelry and clothing as she stood in front of those men who have not been charged with any crime other than being alive.
I'm convinced this picture is just out there to further distance and desensitize already terrible people from the horror they don't yet know they created. Plenty of them know full well, are happy about it, or don't care.
"As Long as it isn't Happening to Me" should be part of the national anthem.
I know this probably sounds awful but, every time I see this pic, I imagine the fence/bars giving way & this sad excuse for humanity having to front the detainees, all of them 😬 soz 😈
Dear Trump,
I can not afford a transatlantic trip, so here goes.
I think you're a moron, a crook, a liar, an asshole and a war monger.
Please deport me back to England.
P.S. And then fuck off.
Love how they shaved all their heads and put the most evil-looking characters behind her to spread the lie that these are the people they're deporting.
And not men like the professional soccer player who was here legally or the gay hairdresser.
If ever a picture has carried the subtext of prison guards with whips pushing prisoners with the most menacing gang style tattoos to the front, if ever a picture screamed manipulation and set-dressing, it is this one. I wish no one ill, but if the fence had given way...🤨
I understand that deportations are a civil (not criminal) action. However, a deportation to an El Salvador jail (for which the US is paying) sounds like a criminal action, for which different rights are lawful. Can anybody explain this? Please forward to your better contacts.
Every time I see this pic, I imagine that scene from every prison riot movie or tv episode ever made where the lights flicker, alarms start sounding, and then the locks clang open...
Except this fascist whore goes home to her comfy bed on our taxpayer's dime. Those men are left in hell on earth, abandoned in a distant country with no recourse or access to family or friends.
Seal Team Barbie is upping her game from puppy snuffer to South American tattoo marauder. You know her trigger finger is itching. As soon as they can get rid of that pesky Rule of Law, lookout...
They could just AI in the backdrops so Kristi doesn't have to squander our tax dollars traveling to distant places. Oh wait, that's the point of her travels to strange foreign places for propaganda shoots.
Me too. I have family in CZ who lived through the regimes. Not compared to yours, but they are acutely aware & sent me a book of true stories of death camp survivors.
I wish you & yours peace of mind. I watch The View every morning. Whoopi ends each day with, “Remember you’re not alone.” ❤️🙏
Makeup? Check. Hair extensions and "American hat" on? Check. Men with tattoos who have had no due process behind bars? Check. let's go kills some puppies! Fucktwats...
1st thing I thought was she's cosplaying some sort of dominatrix version of a female prison warden. Her very tight shirt and her long flowing hair (opposite of professional-looking but is required of all woman working for Dump) & standing in front of near-naked men behind bars. Horrifying photo!
They were physically abusing them. Intent to humiliate and degrade. Treating them as subhumans. Shaving their heads like a concentration camp.
Wonder how much plastic surgery Norm has had. Read her watch a $50,000 Rolex.
Potential violations of international law: Noem's use of prisoners for propaganda purposes may violate international human rights standards The Geneva Convention prohibits the public exploitation of prisoners, which her photo op could be seen as doing. #disgustedbyKristiNoem
The puppy killer
The depraved self indulgence of this little suck up is truly disgusting. What bothers me is the thought that after this national madness passes, as it surely will, that these deplorables will slither back into society and despite the damage they've caused enjoy their lives with no consequences.
They’ll make a ton of money doing their dumb conferences and rallies every weekend…until they become irrelevant (rittenhouse, the pillow guy, Jenna Ellis, etc). Just fucking let this end - I’m so over it
America,a nation where bootlicking is the new patriotism, where sycophants shed their shame like a snake sheds it's skin, slithering toward the golden idol of grievance. Each day, the abnormal becomes normal, and democracy gasps for air—suffocated by the adoring hands of its own red tied executioner
How I would love to toss this evil shrew into the middle of all these tormented men. But then that would be cruel, like
like, like, well like shooting an innocent puppy. Who would
do that?
The reason they made the prisoners take off their shirts was to show their huge MS 13 gang tattoos. It’s a pretty good bet that not one of the these men is among the 250 Venezuelans recently sent there from the U.S.
Bukele implemented a mass sweep of people involved in gang related crime. It was broad and massive. He has one of the largest prison populations for such a tiny country. They are packed
He also converted a chunk of El Salvador’s treasury to crypto several years ago
This is exactly why fascism should've been banned and heavily punishable ever since wwii ended
They're now kidnapping and lynching innocent people, doing unspeakable crimes to the vulnerable and giving child predators unchecked power.
What they don't get when they do this crap is that it shows they're all a bunch of well-dressed thugs and members of the most viscous gang in the Americas. Christian nationalist gangsters without a soul.
Disgusting. Inhumane. Cruel. History will not forget the indignity of Kristi Noem and Trump. Cruel & unusual punishment without due process is a crime of moral turpitude in itself. The world is bearing witness as is the International Criminal Court. Time will ensure they are all held accountable.
They all need to be tried for crimes against humanity. Who can bring those charges? How was it done to the Nazis at Nuremberg? Because we need to do it now.
Who will ever hire these traitorous cabinet officials after Trump is no more?
They are willing to hurt their futures to bow down to Trump for power. They’re a disgrace.
Monica Hesse: “CNN reported that a lawyer representing about 30 of the deported men said they aren’t gang members; the US govt has admitted that many of the men did not have criminal records.”
Me: How many lives could’ve been saved for the price of Noem’s $60K Rolex? (Not shown, but it’s there)
Welcome to MAGA and their steps leading to the next extermination of undesirables.
This Noem, Homan & ICE shit is fucked up. It starting with kidnapping "illegals" (no due process), snatching people off the street with valid visas, targeting universities & airports. Soon it'll be any opposition.
Shades of the photo Scandal back during Dubya's days. Only difference is that the bigots are more freely jerking off to this one, in larger numbers, and with less horror from others on the right
I know that law enforcement has a tattoo database can anyone on this platform identify the tattoos? I'm betting most of them have nothing to do with gangs. One man said his is of his favorite soccer team. Another man indicated he got his because he liked it and it has no meaning. just curious
immigrant detention has not meant to be punitive, and yet we are televising maga face and front of a crowded prison sell with dozens of men shaved and barely clothed. This is wrong in every way.
Typical liberal tearing down strong women. If your party cannot have better ideas than biological men beating women than I guess all you'll have is violence. Followed by more losing. Your party is barely standing, so you want to kneecap it?
I honestly thought it was a mural of a slave ship at first. That’s what comes to mind when I see humans shelved in that horrific inhumane way. And to know that many of them have no criminal history. They just chose them for their tattoos for kristie’s demonic photo opp.
Is it weird that I wrote the email out, then attached this image, and then couldn't press ? Like, I don't want them coming after me. It's only a matter of time until they start disappearing citizens.
Reminds me of the photo of the air force guy, posing with tin and aluminum foil, saying that was what fell in the desert, a secret test balloon, not an interstellar craft... That turned out to be the 2nd one that crashed... Radar was doing it.
Disagree with the author's attribution of Gestapo Barbie's motivations.
She's not clueless, she's sexualizing fascism, flogging subjugation fetish to incels & other prospective brownshirts.
This is recruitment porn.
'She had the [non-serious] appearance of someone cosplaying justice on a TNT show,'
This was a classic intro to a cougar/ prisoners porn video where the shirtless, tattood latino criminals ravish a rather unconvincingly trapped rich bitch. The signs are there, the too tight t shirt & the in your face gold Rolex. Lets wait for episode 2, sponsored no doubt by KY Jelly.
I suspect these are not the persons kidnapped from the US. Remember the pictures of the benign tattoos they have that we’ve seen? Do you think they’d be looking this defiant and hardened? The poor gay makeup artist?
SCROTUS gave #Felon47 carte blanche to do whatever tf he wants. His henchmen/women think it protects them too. Bondi won't lift a finger to protect anyone not a straight white male. Just Following Orders won't hold up when this regime crumbles though.
Our leadership has not improved since Abu Ghraib. At least those National Guard/prison guards were not wearing tight shirts, heavy makeup, and $60,000 watches.
"As Long as it isn't Happening to Me" should be part of the national anthem.
I can not afford a transatlantic trip, so here goes.
I think you're a moron, a crook, a liar, an asshole and a war monger.
Please deport me back to England.
P.S. And then fuck off.
And not men like the professional soccer player who was here legally or the gay hairdresser.
This is ISIS, Nazi-type shit.
...and it makes me happy.
(This is coming from someone whose grandma survived Auschwitz, fyi)
I wish you & yours peace of mind. I watch The View every morning. Whoopi ends each day with, “Remember you’re not alone.” ❤️🙏
I'm actually for sending violent new immigrants back. But I also believe in court representation.
Wonder how much plastic surgery Norm has had. Read her watch a $50,000 Rolex.
The puppy killer
like, like, well like shooting an innocent puppy. Who would
do that?
Bukele implemented a mass sweep of people involved in gang related crime. It was broad and massive. He has one of the largest prison populations for such a tiny country. They are packed
He also converted a chunk of El Salvador’s treasury to crypto several years ago
He’s psycho
They're now kidnapping and lynching innocent people, doing unspeakable crimes to the vulnerable and giving child predators unchecked power.
her comeuppance is on its way she is so evil on so many levels
I went w/"Real Housewives of Temu" but we're reading from the same chapter.
The videos & photos this administration takes 4 propaganda is like the Nazi's took of roundup Jewish people & concentration camps
Arrogant SOB's. It can be used at their trials
like Trump waving at empty tarmac
Now with
They are willing to hurt their futures to bow down to Trump for power. They’re a disgrace.
Me: How many lives could’ve been saved for the price of Noem’s $60K Rolex? (Not shown, but it’s there)
This Noem, Homan & ICE shit is fucked up. It starting with kidnapping "illegals" (no due process), snatching people off the street with valid visas, targeting universities & airports. Soon it'll be any opposition.
Kind of reminds me of those pictures of Heinrich Himmler visiting concentration camps.
This is so shameful.
(ooh, did i say that?)
And that's why they get away with it.
I don't know why this isn't over the limit for everybody.
I don't even know why courts don't move faster.
Innocent people.
My God!
She's not clueless, she's sexualizing fascism, flogging subjugation fetish to incels & other prospective brownshirts.
This is recruitment porn.
'She had the [non-serious] appearance of someone cosplaying justice on a TNT show,'
(I ditched my subscription but it's easy to read their articles without one...)
I’m not buying it.
What right does Noem have to exploit these people?