like he owned the rights because women couldn’t legally own things(thats not OK either) or he handled the sale of rights for the play the movie is based on or something like that
In grad school once, I let a colleague drone on about some Browning article for several minutes before I interrupted him to say, "Oh, you mean Browning's HUSBAND."
Oh, FFS. But I helped save her mother from a similar fate at the National Portrait Gallery. The postcard of a Mary Wollstonecraft portrait claimed it was Mary Godwin. When I saw that I remonstrated. Soon she was restored to Wollstonecraft.
For what it's worth, my grandmother insisted on being called "Mrs. Jack DeLong" on any formal documents or letters. She considered anything else to be an insult.
For what it's worth, my grandmother insisted on being called "Mrs. Jack DeLong" on any formal documents or letters. She considered anything else to be an insult.
Different times...