It’s easier than you realize to give up Amazon! I gave up Prime and have started a policy of “Only in a dire emergency.” I haven’t ordered anything in 2 months. And since our economy is about to tank, we should be saving as much as possible. 💙
Cancelled some time ago. First observation: smaller CC bills. Not having easy, one-click transactions kills impulse buying. This (and dropping most social media) may be a sole positive side-effect of what's otherwise a dumpster fire.
Yes! Those $20 purchases really add up. I’m actually enjoying not having the door bell ringing at random times, setting off the dog barking, making the cats scatter and contributing to the chaos. It’s more peaceful like this.
Cutting back is okay too. Baby steps. I’m having trouble giving up Diet Coke. I’ve cut back significantly, but haven’t quit completely. If we all do a little it can still make a big difference. And pretty soon we might not have any money to spend at all, so don’t be too hard on yourself. 😂
I know. My grans called me Sun wound up with excitement that the power "got cut" at their house. 4 yr old, a big experience for him(weather). I told him I had lanterns & asked if they did. He wanted to drive 3 hrs to me to borrow mine. W/Amazon they each had their own Lanterns by Monday. too easy
I read this earlier and applaud the city. Quebec HAD Amazon distribution warehouses, but Jeff Bezos shut them down once they formed a legal union for its workers. Much like Walmart shut down a Quebec store a few years ago when THEY had successfully formed a union also. See the pattern here, people?
Already after a short time - but a plethora of insults by Donald Trump later - 40 percent of Danes are either choosing or considering choosing alternative products to American. It involves everything from Tesla cars to barbecue sauce and Coca-Cola
I stopped buying from Amazon. I just buy direct from the sellers. I have to pay for shipping, but, more often then not, the price is less than what is offered through Amazon.
I am really trying to stop buying anything from Trump enabling businesses, and would like to find a comprehensive list of places I can feel at least somewhat better spending my money.
I know that there are some people who must rely on Amazon, but please do everything in your power to spend your money on companies who support your values. Money talks, especially when you take it out of people’s pockets.
Has anyone noticed Amazon's new ads? The show people who sell from Amazon. The farmer who sells popcorn. The lady who sells face cream etc. They seem to be afraid that when the march boycott happens that we will continue to shop because we would be hurting average people. They can sell elsewhere.
I’m trying to drop them, but I have a list of life-saving-for-me-right-now movie purchases and rentals I will lose access to if I do. Affordable suggestions? Right now, it’s like Google … cannot fully divest from them.
Strategically voting for Carney too.
Follow Quebec's lead Canada!!!
Karma 🕊️
you can do it!
I understand sometimes for some of you can't..
But try to investigate other ways
Bravo Montreal
Shop local
Something went deeply wrong.
I buy local too and it works well.
Go Canada!