Instead of cutting Medicaid, why don't we close corporate loopholes.
Tax loopholes, write-offs and other ways of lowering income that allows corporations to avoid taxes!
That costs the government billions!!
Save Medicaid!!
Tax loopholes, write-offs and other ways of lowering income that allows corporations to avoid taxes!
That costs the government billions!!
Save Medicaid!!
No more tax loopholes for private jets and yachts.
We- 🇺🇸disabled-
are not disposable.
GOP plans to gut Medicaid:
$1.1 trillion from Medicaid & SNAP to afford $1.1 trillion in tax giveaways for richest 2%.
Oaklee Thiele, thanks for your graphic.
Save Medicaid!
It’s got Meryl Streep and Gary Oldman. The best two actors on the planet.