An undiscovered potential force user named Skywalker emerges from Tatooine to begin his jedi training, a female royal hostage is rescued, a handful of fighters take on a space station, and a jedi mentor is slain by a sith.
I’m guessing OP was about 10 in 1999? In 20 years time, kids that were about 10 when Force Awakens came out will have the same opinion about episodes 10,11 & 12.
7 was good because it was a rehash. 8 was the most interesting, and could have been the launchpad for a great new direction. 9 was an absolute shitshow because mad fanboys hated 8.
When I first watched 1, I thought the whole trade-war as a stepping stone to a totalitarian emperor was a bit far fetched. I guess I owe Lucas an apology.
Basically all 6 of these movies were a waste of time although the production values on 7, 8, 9 were better with less obvious CG. The least worst of them were 3, 7 and 8 but that isn't saying a lot.
That's a hard no. They aren't a rehash but aren't better because they are cgi heavy at the expense of interesting plot*. By being simpler 7 - 9 are better; unfortunately the potentially more interesting developments in 8 aren't in 9 but you can't have everything.
Was I describing episode 1 or episode 4?
(* trade wars - really?!?)