I wrote about how Morning Joe’s cowardly display this past week exemplifies how authoritarianism is able to infect a country because it has rotted from within.
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I have stopped watching morning Joe. I am done with the media giving Trump a free pass. That is why we are in our current mess. They refused to cover him like the convicted Felon that he is.
Now is not the time for weak journalists—if they’re too scared to meet the moment, they need to step aside. The media is one of the only checks we have left on Trump and his push for authoritarianism
And the rot starts at the head not the tail.
What they showed was their integrity doesn't matter to them and that they are also Moral/Ethically cowards.
The vertical structured society contains the seeds of it own destruction as revealed by history.
Joe and Mika were trying to "obey in advance," to save their ratings and their jobs.
But they weren't even vaguely smart enough to understand their viewers and the market, and how this would completely backfire on them.
Thoughts and prayers.
I’m not sure I agree that it was cowardly. They know Trump and felt it important to really see first hand for themselves, how bad he really is.. I don’t find them cowering down to him at all.. That’s just my take on it.
And because we are so bifurcated, there is NO middle. So, news programs have to be Far Right or Left. There is no audience for center. (Probably good because a center needs to tolerate the current Right…which is Far, far Right.)
Yes. Remember the days when news was just news…the new stuff that happened since the last show? I don’t think that the news people changed. After Nixon and Ailes came up with Fox News, other billionaires saw what having a news station meant…that they could skew and even alter the news.
What if they were never really anti Trump. Hear me out. What if a lot of these former trumpers just played us? The media harped on Biden's age but not trump, Harris was eviscerated because whe did not discuss "policy" but trump and GOP allowed to lie. We were all played.
I liked them. I watched them all the time. But I could not stand by while they bent the knee. They decided that they were MAGA. I hit unsubscribe from my DVR. I'm done with them.
What pisses me off is that these two should have read books like On Tyranny and The Strongmen. Shame on them for not being more responsible and for obeying ahead of time.
I can't believe they took a meeting with the rotten orange. Such hypocrites. I really don't want to know what's going on in our country for the next 4 years. It's like turning your head AWAY from looking at the trainwreck. Uuugggghhhh!
Like Trump they're only worried about their bottom line. They always talk about average Americans but I can tell you for a fact that average Americans don't make millions a year and they still find a way to stay true to their values. 🤦🏽♀️
Many *local* news stations haven't been truly local in years, not after sinclair started buying up & forcing local, often trusted, newscaster to read sinclair (read that boris epshteyn written) r/w screeds on air or be fired
When I saw how the MSM tried to play both sides with Trump and Biden/Harris, I realized how they wanted Trump to win. Trump created the news for MSM. If Trump lost, who would watch the news?
According to Keith Olbermann, who worked "with" Scarborough for years, and chronicled Scarborough's sell-outs and never-ending quest to torpedo others at the outlet, Joe Scarborough has ALWAYS been a scumbag, rotten to the core.
What were you saying. I couldn't hear you. I was dancing around singing with my friends,
"Ding-dong, MSNBC is dead! Which old witch? MSNBC.
Ding-dong, MSNBC is dead
Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed
Wake up, MSNBC is dead!
The collapse of Morning Joe was a delicious, unexpected treat. With the parent company dumping MSNBC and CNBC the end is probably a year or two away. These blotted organizations cannot exist outside of the rarified environment of corporate cash.
I am particularly offended by Mika's behavior, considering she has clawed her way to fame through "Know your Value". Groveling at the feet of a convicted felon doesn't exactly say that she does know her value.
We should have seen this coming! The media let Trump slide on his crazy takes and his hostile comments. Maybe they were afraid all along of having to “kiss the ring”
Scarborough is a disgrace. But this is who he really is and always has been. Trump being installed back to power, despite being banned from even running by the Constitution, has just given him a permission structure to come out of the closet.
You assume intent, 2016 the SA's (Black Shirts '23 Munich) were going to destroy the Republic, nope. Lets all chill and see what happens. "Keep your powder dry and eyes to the ridge line..."
This is literally how Hitler rose to power. Taking control of the country's media apparatus is all he needed to fool everyone and didn't need to lift a finger after that.
Getting my footing on this platform keeping a Joe and Mika boycott diary...ironically. And it seems to be working. I'll follow back anyone following me.
Republican senators and conservative commentators just successfully killed the Gaetz nomination, proving that there will be no rubber stamp approval of Trump's agenda.
But keep screaming about authoritarian rule, it was so wonderfully successful for the Harris campaign.
All of our broadcast media appears to be influenced or owned by billionaires who seek to stifle reporting about the harm that will be done to our economy and freedom of expression once President-elect Trump takes office. Congress has allowed this to occur. #ReformThePress #DefendDemocracy
Joe called T**** a fascist for years. Then he and Mika raced to Mar-A-Lago, bent the knee and kissed the ring?!?! Joe's probably scared T**** will tell more lies about his time in the House. Whatever the reason, I've stopped watching Morning Joe.
I don't understand how you can go from being the ultimate Trump critic to meeting him to kiss the ring. He must be scared of something. Like to get Putinized with Polonium.
Prior to kissing the ring, they were getting it wrong. Those weeks between election & MAL visit.
Blaming wokeness.
And Mike Barnicle speaking of Trump voters as the hard-working TRUE Americans, almost misty-eyed. 😵💫
Kimmel got it right. They’ll regret their vote for him.
You have 25% as many followers here as they have viewers now, after precipitous declines on MSNBC, CNN. People are pissed. We knew what was happening and they knew. But they said nothing.
I understand the anger people have also the fear and the anxiety. But isn’t it a shame that we have to fear a politician, who holds one of the most powerful offices! I feel like we’re going back to ancient times where the people would fear the king.
The guys on Meidas Touch are calling Media's normalization of Trump's behavior and policies "sane-washing". I think that fits very well. Idiocracy came waaaay too soon 😭
Look how miserable they look! 🤣 What did they think that they would go kiss the ring and were not going to be called out on it? What a disgrace they are to their profession! Dems should just boycott them all!!!
By the bosses at MSNBC. trump making noises that he will pull their license. Too humiliating that it was their desire to grovel. The media in general had everything to do with trump's victory. Who did they spotlight? Who did they ignore?
Brother! It's called the (Morning Joe)? Morning after pill? I think Keith Olbermann, has warned us about Joe! I would call Joe a parasite! The scary thing is that the people that voted for trump!? (They have no Morning After Pill! Joe and Meaka are parasitic Termites!
Let’s call it what it is: hypocrisy.
They were outraged when Ronna McDaniel was hired. Then outrage when McCarthy, when Johnson went to MAL.
But they go to MAL to kiss the ring and that’s acceptable? It wasn’t for an interview. So what was it?
Don’t watch them. I haven’t since Nov 6. I don’t believe in cowardice… make a statement and be true to yourself. It’s not worth wasting time on these people anymore. It’s going to drive you crazy.
With authoritarianism you have no idea who your friends are anymore. It's like working in a toxic work environment, if you keep your head down and arse up, you'll be fine. Say anything to anybody, even to your, "friend", you're gone for all money.
Every one for themselves, only the "Yes" men survive
@msnbc was losing viewers since the Biden bashing parade they led but since joe & mila bowed down to kiss the ring it just made it worse
I think the network has lost about 60% of their viewership
Hey Keith! Saw your invite on YT so here I am saying hallo👋🏽. I could never stand most of MSNBC. I didn’t know those two were married until recently & it’s a bit creepy to me. I just find the whole network preachy. Give me the info, don’t tell me how I’m supposed to feel about it.
Independent press needs to rise up and we need to pull our viewership away from mainstream media that is intent on sanewashing and gaslighting us about an authoritarian movement that will attempt
to erode democracy and spur further violence over the next 4 years.
I watches and listened to them for years every morning…
I don’t need to watch them now.
If they say one thing and than another just because it suits them?
They are now real
Since they betrayed the American people I stopped watching and listening to them on Tunein. It's a disgrace, and now I'm watching Rachel Madow cry live about the "alleged purchase of MSNBC by Ellon Musk"
Very disappointed with these two and MSNBC. Do not bow to Trump and republicans just because they won. STAND STRONG FOR AMERICA AND OUR CONSTITUTION. But no, they are after #’s of viewers and advertising $$$$. Sellouts and have personally turned them off. Used to record Morning Joe, no longer
And Mika's #KnowYourValue is now, totally a sham. She needs to close that organization down, since she, herself kissed the orange ass out of fear. Going against anything about knowing your value.
This POV is a case study on why we lost the last election. They didn’t compromise or bow or bend a knee and if you don’t think defiance can be nuanced, you should read more history books.
And the rot starts at the head not the tail.
What they showed was their integrity doesn't matter to them and that they are also Moral/Ethically cowards.
The vertical structured society contains the seeds of it own destruction as revealed by history.
Please check out Jen Ward’s work with dismantling the toxic power structures that Donald is trying to do.
Enter them into the “Hall of Shame.”
But they weren't even vaguely smart enough to understand their viewers and the market, and how this would completely backfire on them.
Thoughts and prayers.
Some of us remember it well.
Many *local* news stations haven't been truly local in years, not after sinclair started buying up & forcing local, often trusted, newscaster to read sinclair (read that boris epshteyn written) r/w screeds on air or be fired
"Ding-dong, MSNBC is dead! Which old witch? MSNBC.
Ding-dong, MSNBC is dead
Wake up, you sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed
Wake up, MSNBC is dead!
Compare with Nathan Hale.
But keep screaming about authoritarian rule, it was so wonderfully successful for the Harris campaign.
Blaming wokeness.
And Mike Barnicle speaking of Trump voters as the hard-working TRUE Americans, almost misty-eyed. 😵💫
Kimmel got it right. They’ll regret their vote for him.
And everyone who had any power to change this disintegration in the last 50 years is at fault
Subscribe here: http://keithedwards.substack.com
They were outraged when Ronna McDaniel was hired. Then outrage when McCarthy, when Johnson went to MAL.
But they go to MAL to kiss the ring and that’s acceptable? It wasn’t for an interview. So what was it?
Every one for themselves, only the "Yes" men survive
I think the network has lost about 60% of their viewership
Not that Trump would notice from the number of Bowers before him.
The Age Of Trump
Is Upon us.
to erode democracy and spur further violence over the next 4 years.
I don’t need to watch them now.
If they say one thing and than another just because it suits them?
They are now real
Morning Joe is a hugely valuable resource!
Stop the division.