This has gotten out of hand. Jets just flew over enroute to Eagles game, and almost immediately people were on the internet asking if they were pursuing drones.
Insurance industry has $8 trillion in assets. The Fed budget is $6trillion. Since only propaganda makes drones a threat why waste $1 on investigating? If the rights propaganda talked about real issues no Rep would ever get elected.
Why is everyone in a panic about a few small drones? Has anyone been killed, or even injured? How many people have died from cars or guns in the same time?
50 SUV size drones across multiple states & closing NYC airport are worth taking the time to inquire about. No one has been injured/killed yet & we shouldn't wait for that scenario to ask vital questions & demand substantive answers
Right?!?! The lack of curiosity amazes me. They say some are as big as cars. Shouldn’t we know more about them? I guess wait until there is a horrific collision and then look into it? Bizarre.
Which can only mean…the DoD does know, and will not disclose the nature of these aerial visits. Because…if a foreign adversary was violating our sovereignty, we would see overkill response of military might.
The answer is just boring and y’all don’t want to hear it.
The drones are civilian drones, manned aircraft, stars, Venus, just a lot of people seeing perfectly normal stuff and freaking out about it and the media blowing it out of proportion for clicks.
Part of that trillions spent is going for secret space dept who’s name is secret.They have all kindsa equip to deal with this.US Dept of Defense issued a stmnt saying they know what these are & have been dealing with them for yrs.My opinion: Ppl hav quit watching MSM &they are trying to get us back.
No need to panic. Alien drones have been gathering Intel on us for decades. We're being evaluated. They have the high ground and likely don't want to share. When we get too close to interstellar capability expect a very large rock, inbound.
Dude, of course we can but why would we believe the people we pay billions of tax payers dollars to each year when they actually report the facts? An Iranian mothership invisibly hiding off the New Jersey coast is so much more believable….
Social media is the reason people want immediate gratification about everything and draw conclusions, cast judgements, think their pov is the right/accurate one. The right to know can be a slippery slope.
The reason why we don't trust the government is the lack of trust in journalism and us being more conspiracy brained than ever, Which has made the country worse tbh.
I’m of the opinion that this is the result of media feeling some sort of pressure to have something to say about anything and everything, all the time.
It just ends up clogging and polluting the general discourse with bullshit that’s irrelevant, half-assed, and just entirely unnecessary.
Having to wade through all of that to find the kernels of truth or bits of relevant discourse is just one more exhausting thing we have to do, on top of all the other exhausting things we need to do.
This all began with Reagan getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine! Republicans gave birth to stations like Fox when this happened! News agencies before this happened had to report the truth! True News, no 🐂💩like Hannity, Tucker, Ingram, Waters!
Exactly. They know. Might even come from our own government doing research on drumpy's & associates properties, etc. I'm hoping it's something to do with djt being traitorous, so they can charge him with something before he's sworn in. 🤞🏼
Isayshoot one down. You don't need the Air Force to do it. Just start shooting at one and see what happens. If this were in Va or WVa it would already be done.
An innocent looking balloon has entered the chat . . . . . .
please go about your normal day to day activities.
Wait, What? Are those Chinese markings?
It's Sunday, Is the Department of Defense open on Sundays?
There were hundreds of photos of the Chinese balloon that flew across the country but not one convincing shot of these “drones” that have been visible every night for weeks?
I’m telling you all this is a mass hysteria event. All the “videos” are blurry out of focus planes.
We can add Ohio to the list. I saw drones a few different times and at different locations in the past few days.
The government needs to tell me why I don't need to be afraid of what they are calling harmless.
Well, the FAA doesn't seem to care much about hobby drones... But there is enough hype that if some idiot shoots down his neighbors drone they might have to make a point.
This is a big nothing burger. It’s funny to watch people freak out over it
some dudes formed a group and are havin' a goof.
I saw some storm chasers use a drone to live stream a truck wreck the other day.
They are larger drones/quads/aircraft.
I own a DJI drone and you can barely see it flying at night. These are fully lit up bright aircraft.
And they are following FAA rules, they aren't up to anything nefarious.
The hype is over nothing.
The drones are civilian drones, manned aircraft, stars, Venus, just a lot of people seeing perfectly normal stuff and freaking out about it and the media blowing it out of proportion for clicks.
I believe they know but aren’t willing to tell us what’s going on.
It’s probably just Elon and Crypto bros trying to distract everyone since they stole the election.
You mean, “I” … I’m sure the DoD knows exactly what’s going on.
No wonder trust in institutions is at an all time low.
What are they not telling us?
Granted why do it in effing jersey instead of New Mexico desert??
So I don't trust them either way...
It just ends up clogging and polluting the general discourse with bullshit that’s irrelevant, half-assed, and just entirely unnecessary.
please go about your normal day to day activities.
Wait, What? Are those Chinese markings?
It's Sunday, Is the Department of Defense open on Sundays?
I’m telling you all this is a mass hysteria event. All the “videos” are blurry out of focus planes.
The government needs to tell me why I don't need to be afraid of what they are calling harmless.
I own a DJI drone and I can barely see it at night when I know exactly where it is. These aren't small hobby/commercial drones.
But, other than the military base reports, they seem to follow FAA rules for lighting and airspace.
Everyone suggesting they need to be shot down need to stop. It is a matter of time before a medevac helicopter or airplane is hit with bullets.
And it's a federal felony to shoot at any aircraft, even drones.