BREAKING: Measles is spreading and Marjorie Taylor Greene is telling people to have… measles parties?
Do not do this.
Do not do this.
Party favor was shingles decades later
Yeah Marge, "they" also used to:
- smoke in airplanes
- drive without seatbelts
- use lead in paint
and a host of other stupid things before we all learned better.
Get the vaccine folks.
People used to quarantine those infected usually out of town in an infectious ward, at least in the Nordics. And only adults who had had the disease could care for the ill kids.
However, thinking about the people who take any advice, about anything, from Marjorie Taylor Greene. Feels like maybe they kinda deserve what comes to them?
She's thinking of chickenpox.
And I don't recall anyone hosting chicken pox parties before the varicella vaccine was introduced either. AFAIK it was just an antivaxxer thing in the early 00s.
I was a vaccine hesitater when my kids were little, but I never could bring myself to intentionally infect them. I was invited to those parties, though.
Even avoided frat parties.
What kind of death and suffering cult are they in? Oh just another day in MAGA regime.
(Directed at MTG, obviously)
I honestly hope she fucking dies
I feel so bad for kids with ignorant parents.
If you’re blinded by the antichrist you need better friends or you suffer the consequences of old timey childhood death and maiming.
It was done with chickenpox, which is not nearly as deadly as measles.
Clearly your chicken pox/Measle parties have left you negatively (mentally) impacted!!!
Get kids vaccinated. It’s safer.
Two articles on the outbreak, which killed 83 people:
I can see the summer pool parties now…
Now she's suggesting party to infect your kids with something that could kill em.
Do better Georgia.
I said "Don't you mean chicken pox party?" I got my vaccine for measles.
So yeah, she watches Fox News.
I stopped watching a content creator because she did this in a skit.
They don't fucking get it.