Remember everything he said, then when the Dems have the White House and there's a market blip play it back to the complaining Republicans 😀 "...It will all work out in the end"
🚨 U.S. corporations under a partly Kremlin-hijacked, criminal regime, backed by a dispensationalism/prosperity gospel/Q agnostic numerology cult, are UNIVESTABLE. A US dollar backed by institutional trust backed by a US military under an anti-institutions, betrayal regime is not a store of value. 🚨
These interviews are embarrassing. Do they honestly think we believe the shit coming out of their mouths. They are spineless mouth pieces with no connection to their decimated souls.
That means wildly successful under a Dem..
when an R is in office.
If a Dem were president, the economy would just be bad and eggs would be too expensive
The day before the market was set to open, right after it had crashed for two days because of the idiotic idea that tariffs will help something? I can’t figure out what he thinks it will help except for Russia and crypto when the dollar crashes
He was elected senator because he was a washed-up ex-football coach and people knew the name from the sports news on the six o'clock news. It wasn't because of his good choices, statesmanship, or intellectual ability.
IMHO trust him at your own risk.
Tommy Tuberville didn't know the 3 branches of Gov't when he entered Senate. He said we should shrink the Pentagon to a Trigon. He's a fucking moron. Epitome of the swamp.
I love that every lie they tell is on video to play back to them later when it'sall proved false. Not that the media makes a habit of holding people accountable, but a late night comedian might.
Tuber held up promotions for the military for 10 months.
That means wildly successful under a Dem..
when an R is in office.
If a Dem were president, the economy would just be bad and eggs would be too expensive
2 great reasons why Republicans should NEVER be in a position of power in our government.
(OUR government)
Where are the ads showing the before and after clips? Trump spouting "America's golden age" followed by "uh, stock prices don't matter"
Show the promises they don't keep. Barrage the media. That's how you curtail these corrupt blowhards.
IMHO trust him at your own risk.
I’m not a financial advisor, but I did sleep at a holiday inn last night…
That's Trumps "America first" lie.