This is why Democrats supporting KOSA is so fucking dumb
Reposted from
K* Smith
It is becoming ever more clear that if KOSA were to pass, Trump's FTC will 100% classify everything LGBTQ related as "harmful" so that they can get it purged from the internet.
I am just assuming there is an unholy amount of money tied up somewhere in this.
Dems: Huh I don’t know
Republicans: Oh so you’re not in favor of protecting children?
Dems: We’re sorry we’ll vote for it
PS How many times a day does a person have to call about this before a Congress person gets it?
What's really depressing is that even with a Trump presidency 2 months away, there are STILL people on here going "ThErE nEeDs tO bE mOrE IntErNeT SpEecH rEgUlAtIoN!"
Blackburn has written that she wants to pass KOSA so that LGBTQ info can be removed from the internet.
Blumenthal is the one who created KOSA and he’s been involved in many anti-internet bills like SOPA, SOSTA-FESTA, etc.
and be used by the Trump administration to rid the Internet of LGBTQ, abortion and other "harmful" information,
all the Democrats who supported it will claim that they had no way of knowing that KOSA would be used that way.
But they've been warned.
I'm a middle-aged/cis/straight/white guy.
Bad bills such as KOSA wouldn't be too bad for people like me.
But for those not like me, it would be a different story.
It is a shame that the political party that is supposed to be protecting disadvantaged groups is working against them.
Now that Trump will run the FTC, my guess is that a lot of them will change their tune.