I got a beautiful new tarot deck and would love to explore it by doing single card draws for people. Please comment if you'd like one, with a question or not!
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I prefer spreads with fewer cards or just one. There's so much in each card.
The Five of Disks, reversed
This card is traditionally about poverty, about being outside looking in. This one is pixelated. I'm going to bring a lot of myself to this interpretation and say that modern to tech is
stealing from us, impoverishing us, and asking us to accept a pixelated, degraded version of the world as all we can expect.
I believe it is the role of creative people to fight that, even if it leaves us out in the cold sometimes. They do not want to let us in. They want to destroy us
Sometimes, maybe a lot of the time, you ask the tarot for prediction and instead you get advice. Temperance reversed tells us we've been too even-handed, and it's time to get extreme, impatient. But publishing requires patience, so perhaps the advice is to pour that impatience into another project
The Queen of Strays, reversed, asks you to connect to your people, your found family. If you're the queen then it's time to gather them in. If you had a queen and lost her, then maybe it's time to reach out again
The fountain is cool relief in the desert, quenching your thirst, and a much needed place to rest and enjoy the beauty. Do you need this draught? Or is it something you can provide to someone in your life?
Are you the one always giving comfort and rarely receiving it? You deserve it as much as anyone. But as with dreams, we are everyone in the cards, the woman giving comfort, the rabbit receiving it
A card of metamorphosis. How does the caterpillar know it's time? By the seasons, by its own internal processes. No one can tell it when it's time to withdraw, become goo in the dark, and emerge, but it knows.
Trust the changes in your writing, even if they are massive and terrifying
I'm sure it won't surprise you to learn how much I love this card! And I love it for you. The 4 of wands is always about celebrating with friends -- this is about doing that while creating something cozy together. You're already great at this, and here's an invitation to do more
Right side up, this is a message to create and damn the consequences. Make stuff the way a goblin eats, messy, with no more regard for what does together or what is aesthetic than a goblin would have. Mess is its own kind of beauty.
You've built a wonderful life out of your creative fire. The Queen of Wands asks you to bask in the joy of your creation. But reversed, she also reminds you not to stagnate.
Reversed, the seeds fall out of her sunflower to be planted again. She'll need to open her eyes and see what's growing. She may not have planted it on purpose but it may need her care
Doesn't he also look like the Hermit? The Capuchin is a monk, but there are capuchin monkeys as well. And your username is cappuccino, so maybe this isn't an ill omened card for you specifically. When our institutions betray us, we need traitors within them.
Still: are you betraying yourself? Are your instincts for hermitting the right thing, right now? Is your monkey-mind betraying you? Are your beliefs betraying you?
Betrayal from a religious figure means it's time to question what we think we know for certain
9 of disks. The coins in the basket belong to the man beneath but he has set himself on fire to own them. What self-abnegation are people asking of you, or you of yourself for to meet your material needs.
You are worthy of good things flowing to you. If that is not this job, that is sad, but because you are worthy and valuable, you will move and change as you need to keep that abundance flowing.
The Four of Swords is a call to rest and recharge to fight another day.
In another deck I have, the four of swords is a rabbit who has gone to earth. Sometimes the best move is to hide and rest. But you are well armed and the time will come to wield your swords again
The Tower is the card of destruction, calamity, things are shit right now, or about to be.
This tower implies shit of a technical nature. 404 is a file not found error. Something has gone missing. I see this and think about all the important digital information being lost right now.
Part of every version of the tower is it's unavoidability. The thing has happened, the tower has cracked. We are called upon to accept it and find a way to move on
This deck has a lot of Death cards, which typically mean transformation more than literal death.
Death with a shovel can dig up buried things and even bring them back to life. But consider if you really want to. Some things are dead and buried for a reason
This deck has a lot of death cards in it. This one is death and rebirth.
Water in tarot is about emotions, and emotions are always changing, washing through us. Embrace your own transformation and celebrate it in others.
This death also holds a Bald Eagle reborn. The old United States is dying >
Perhaps there is connection to be found in its ashes and rebirth.
Finally, there are bald eagles that nest all along the river where I row. They look fierce, but they also cluck at each other like chickens. Don't be afraid to be both fierce and silly
Two slogans? mantras? that recently came to me that have been helpful and are tied to this reading: "They can't make me stop caring about other people!" and "Please remove the hateful, the callous, and the cruel." Thank you.
I recently watched Deadloch and in it a young Aboriginal women is trying to decide whether to accept help from a wealthy white woman. She knows she should for her future, but the thought of it makes her feel ill.
Her aunt tells her that sick feeling is her ancestors communicating with her
This card is about our own traditions, ancestors, and inner wisdom. Traditions are always changing to meet new circumstances, but we gain by revisiting them and seeing how they speak to the here and now
The Star is hope after a calamity. Our life on earth would not be possible without our star, fusing hydrogen into helium. Destruction is the fuel of creation, at least in this phase of the universe. Why? Because there is always hope if we look for it
The octopus has three brains. Humans think we only have a brain in our head, but our guts and brains have similar neuroreceptors. Maybe you have weird stuff inside to you that you haven't let out enough. There is wisdom in madness.
The Empress is the mother, often the giving abundant mother, but in this case the mother whose care becomes a chain. Have you taken on care for someone that has chained you to them? Or do you seek to create dependency?
This card suggests a need to create healthier care dyamics
I don't feel like I know you very well, so I didn't have any intuitions for you specifically, but I do think it's an interesting interpretation of The Empress card
I examined my personal relationships and didn't come away with a feeling that any of them fit either the entrapment, nor the self-structured dependency.
But there was a big neon sign flickering in the recesses of my grey matter. Got closer, and realized that first precept fit all too well.
I'm being somewhat opaque as to what that collective entity is because of personal circumstances, but it very much vibes with my feelings of the last few weeks.
But I think you or someone close to you may also be the King of Coins, a figure who has achieved great success, but at a cost. Where is his face, his identity?
Deconsecration is about taking down the sacred, making it ridiculous. The symbols of religion, society's big SHOULDS and SHOULD NOTS are worn by a fool. The fool in tarot is a beginner protected by her innocence. I'm not sure this fool is protected, but the call to smash and remake is hers to answer
Yeah, so. I'm mostly wondering about the short-term - the next six months. Are they stable(ish, for me/my family) or should I be moving faster on Gathering Supplies?
I'm excited to see what this deck tells you to tell me!!
I wanted to pull a clarifying card, and got the 7 of cups, which is about illusions, and false choices. Are you stable or should you be gathering supplies? By this card, I think the answer is yes.
yes please. the question is, should I now gnaw off my own limb to escape the trap I find myself in, or is help on the way and I should be more patient ?
I said that I don't believe the cards are supernatural, but I'm not sure that's true. I kept pulled one card for you and tried to pull more to get a handle on the situation, but they were all really rough. You seem to be in a very tough situation. I was reluctant to share these
I feel like you don't have many resources left, and if you can escape now, you should. The mourning world makes me think of the Leonard Cohen lyric: there's a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in, that's how the light gets in
The world also says that we need you in this broken, broken hearted world. Stay with us, please. Please call a hotline, reach out to a friend or a stranger.
The Devil is typically about being chained to our vices, addictions, and desires.
But I recently read a book by BROM called Slewfoot, where the Devil himself was chained by ignorance of his past. He represented self-knowledge, freedom, for good and ill, nature magic, and power >
The path of excess often leads to self-made chains, but it can lead to wisdom and self knowledge. The devil is about hiding from yourself, but these figures can always knock on the door with their chains, and listen to the answer
In reverse you are emerging from the inkwell, where you've been held down or holding yourself. You are full of words, your own and other people's. Is it time to bring them out into the world?
The Page of Wands, reversed. The beginner of creativity, passion, fire. Upright, she goes after her goals. Reversed, she's just knocking the damn cup off the shelf over and over.
Will things be better after February? Me, and not the cards, says we're in for a long bad slog
This girl though, she says knock the cup off the shelf if you want to, as many times as the crash is satisfying. But after that, pick up the pieces, and turn that energy toward something that moves forward
The Hanged Man, but it's a cat in a bubble in a sea of stars. To me the big star looks like the Star of Bethlehem, which many people believe was a supernova, that may have happened thousands of years before our year 1.
The Hanged Man is about patience, and changing perspective. How patient was the starlight, that massive explosion, to cross thousands of light-years to bring the Middle East a message of peace?
We are in the midst of chaos and huge explosions, looking for peace. But so much happens outside our short, human lives. How blessed we are to see as far beyond our own lifespans as we can, but that blessing can be a curse unless we learn patience
In every deck this is one of my favorite cards. The HEAD DOWN AND DO THE WORK card. And that's a good answer.
But the card is reversed, which means we have to beware of the work as well, of getting lost in the work, manic work for work's sake. >
So, I think the answer, as boring as it is, is to do the work that needs doing, but with care and intention
The Five of Disks, reversed
This card is traditionally about poverty, about being outside looking in. This one is pixelated. I'm going to bring a lot of myself to this interpretation and say that modern to tech is
I believe it is the role of creative people to fight that, even if it leaves us out in the cold sometimes. They do not want to let us in. They want to destroy us
I've been thinking of changing things at home (a bit of a remodel) should I continue with my ideas or go in a different direction?
The eight of Wands is traditionally about a rush of good things hurrying you along to glory. Reversed, it is too much rush, too much risk.
This one, specifically, looks like a ladder that climbs up to a fire when it's reversed. Seems bad?
Are you the one always giving comfort and rarely receiving it? You deserve it as much as anyone. But as with dreams, we are everyone in the cards, the woman giving comfort, the rabbit receiving it
To receive comfort you have to be willing to receive it. I hope that you can let yourself be willing 💜
Trust the changes in your writing, even if they are massive and terrifying
Right side up, this is a message to create and damn the consequences. Make stuff the way a goblin eats, messy, with no more regard for what does together or what is aesthetic than a goblin would have. Mess is its own kind of beauty.
You've built a wonderful life out of your creative fire. The Queen of Wands asks you to bask in the joy of your creation. But reversed, she also reminds you not to stagnate.
Thank you! 💕
Doesn't he also look like the Hermit? The Capuchin is a monk, but there are capuchin monkeys as well. And your username is cappuccino, so maybe this isn't an ill omened card for you specifically. When our institutions betray us, we need traitors within them.
Betrayal from a religious figure means it's time to question what we think we know for certain
(seriously though, thank you)
I believe this is a call for you to celebrate the abundance you have, and act from that solid foundation. You are valued. >
I believe in you and so does she
In another deck I have, the four of swords is a rabbit who has gone to earth. Sometimes the best move is to hide and rest. But you are well armed and the time will come to wield your swords again
This tower implies shit of a technical nature. 404 is a file not found error. Something has gone missing. I see this and think about all the important digital information being lost right now.
The Undead is a thing that should be put to rest, but is given horrible, continuous life. Someone should put it down.
But things are not as they should be right now, and if it's time to bring something dead back to life and give the old girl a dance, then go for it
Death with a shovel can dig up buried things and even bring them back to life. But consider if you really want to. Some things are dead and buried for a reason
Water in tarot is about emotions, and emotions are always changing, washing through us. Embrace your own transformation and celebrate it in others.
This death also holds a Bald Eagle reborn. The old United States is dying >
Finally, there are bald eagles that nest all along the river where I row. They look fierce, but they also cluck at each other like chickens. Don't be afraid to be both fierce and silly
Her aunt tells her that sick feeling is her ancestors communicating with her
This card is about our own traditions, ancestors, and inner wisdom. Traditions are always changing to meet new circumstances, but we gain by revisiting them and seeing how they speak to the here and now
This high priestess has tentacles reaching out of her head. She has weird stuff to tell you. She wants you to close your eyes to see.
Maybe the things you're chasing are shadows cast by what you really want
This card suggests a need to create healthier care dyamics
This may not apply to a specific person exactly as much as it does to a group of people.
But there was a big neon sign flickering in the recesses of my grey matter. Got closer, and realized that first precept fit all too well.
The Knight of Cups is often a young man, in love with love, but this one is different. I think she is you, a warrior for, and with love.
This deck is a rollercoaster
(I view tarot as a tool for intuition, not anything supernatural, FWIW.)
This deck is intense and is giving out some intense messages
I'm excited to see what this deck tells you to tell me!!
A parade of victory, which may be for you. It is possible to thrive and be celebrated, even in trying times
Or it may be the victory of our enemies, trying to tell us we are part of them, and we share in this terrible victory.
Thank you - this was very interesting to see and think about. I will definitely work on speeding up the Gathering.
I'm taking lots of deep breaths over here.
But I recently read a book by BROM called Slewfoot, where the Devil himself was chained by ignorance of his past. He represented self-knowledge, freedom, for good and ill, nature magic, and power >
In reverse you are emerging from the inkwell, where you've been held down or holding yourself. You are full of words, your own and other people's. Is it time to bring them out into the world?
Will things be better after February? Me, and not the cards, says we're in for a long bad slog