"Donald Trump’s margin of victory in the presidential election was provided largely by voters who retain significant doubts about his character, policy agenda or both," writes Ronald Brownstein | Analysis
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"However, for the voters who provided his slim margin of victory, Trump’s strong pro-rape stance largely molified their doubts about his competency or policy agenda."
I think those voters were mainly illiterate, not having enough education or knowledge on hazards of simply fossil oil usage or coal burning being also ridiculously senseless against disastrous acts of both ethics&true religious sense like racism, nazism, hate speech&xenophobia! WHAT A BIG S H A M E
"retain significant doubts about his character, policy agenda or both” but would rather ignore those, and his felonies, and his raping than vote for an educated black woman
These people are brain dead and it angers me that I have to live with them. Idk why he won’t take his following to Russia and make them drink the kool aid like JJ did!!
Meaningless. They still delivered the fetid piece of shit back to power where he will set about dismantling truth and justice. His only objective is to save his own arse from jail where it belongs. Americans have made a catastrophic error and the world will pay with decades of pain. Be ashamed.
Smart enough to have doubts. Dumb enough to still vote for him. I am tired of stupid people with the memory of a goldfish who cannot remember the last offensive thing Trump did today, this week, this month, this year, or this decade which should have been a dealbreaker. They voted for him anyway.
You're slightly wrong. It wasn't smart vs. dumb. It was: how uncomfortable with a black female prez are you? They are smart enough to have doubts, but bigoted enough to overlook a few treasonous actions
Two weeks ago you clowns were all over TV talking about his Mandate. And how it was a decisive win that blew away expectations and how Democrats need to soul search for their future. Now it's a win by smidge by people who prop made up their mind in the booth. Fcuk your shitty ass reporting.
Anyone who would vote for a man who paid off a porn star & mistress, convicted felon, sex abuser, who stole 2 mil from his own foundation, led a coup against America,—-that voter, just like Trump, has no character or values. Would they want him to be superintendent of their kids’ schools? Sad! Sad!
"Donald Trump’s margin of victory in the presidential election was provided largely by voters who retain significant doubts about his character…”. What does that say about their character?
Many held their nose & voted for him secondary to JFK Jr/Musk…the first that bans vaccines & embraces heroin for learning disabilities & the later a vendor canceling safety regs, QC, & wealth tax to add to his business profits🇺🇸
He will destroy our democracy. Trump ran for one reason to keep his AZZ out of jail. He knows he is guilty and he and his weak ass cronies did everything they could to help this criminal.
And many voted for Kamala solely because they couldn't get over Trump's persona. Not talking about sedition etc, spared him from the cut. He elected Bidung in 2020. This understanding implies a Demon policy deficit for over 8 years now. A long time. Perhaps too long now obscured w irrelevance.
I think the ones who doubt him re those who don't vote for him. In that case, his victory could be a heartbreak which makes them vulnerable to mental health issue.
His approval rating has never been high during his first term, I don't expect it to be otherwise during the second (fwiw). The difference is, this time absolutely everyone could have known better.
He has no mandate, he only got 49 %. I just decided to put CNN on and who do you have on. Lying Ryan Zinke. You must be trying to be Fox News. Changing the channel again! BBC here I come!
Without knowing the evidence as discovery has not been revealed, an elected official of another branch of government attempting to influence a jury pool. Why would a jury take time to deliberate fully if a pardon hangs over their work.
When folk fail to weigh a candidate’s honor, moral character, and ethics, they crown one bereft of all. Then they wail as promises shatter, blind to the truth: a leader without integrity was ever destined to betray, for such is the way of those unworthy of the mantle they bear.
its irrelevant, doubts dont mean much compared to a woman on the ticket.. america including white suburban woman wont go for it.. they didnt for hillary either despite her resume... they guy is a convicted felon! doubts? omg..
If CNN is asking whether Trump can hold his cult, there's really no need to rely on CNN for anything serious. Got any good jokes besides your rightward-listing management team?
Trump doesn't need to hold on to voters. He ran to stay out of jail and keep the grift going. Mission accomplished. He never gave a shit about the Republican Party writ large, and they are about to watch that tree bear fruit for the next 4 years.
They are responsible for electing the lying, incompetent crook and once he destroys the economy again while simultaneously fattening his wallet and the wallets of the 1%, they will wonder what happened.
I wish I’d stop seeing headlines like this. No, they do not have, “Significant doubts.” They may be getting buyers remorse, but don’t dare let them off the hook like that. They support Trump in the only way that mattered. It should take more than polling to prove they don’t support him still.
Yea, so why did they vote for him, to screw America and themselves? Character is everything in politics, and critical for President. There should be no doubt on this when voting. Sure mistakes are made, but to give the top job with so little thought to a demagogue.
So they were too misogynist or too racist to vote for Kamala Harris. And then there were the people who just didn’t like either candidate who didn’t bother to vote. Somehow we failed to make the gravity of the election understood.
🤔 Obama won electoral college and popular vote. Hillary Clinton won popular vote. But sure... Racism and Sexism. 🤦♂️ Quick reminder that Harris had ~30% favorability rating before Biden handed her the slot. 🤷🏼♂️ And, she didn't make it out of first round in Democrat Primary 4 years earlier.
Let the leopard they voted for eat their faces. They get what they voted for. Unfortunately we’re going to suffer consequences for his stupidity. But I doubt they’ll learn the lesson .
I look to Old Testament for insight.
Hummm. Worship false gods, Did evil in eyes of Lord, Sorry until rain comes, worship false god, did evil in eyes of Lord... hummm more "evil" stuff... Oh prophets tell them get act together. Opps too late - get butts sent to Babylon.
And the price of eggs is just a more seemingly civilized and less-guilty-feeling reason for many who voted for the orange clown. Deeply rooted in their hearts, are racism and sexism. Just few people would like to admit it.
They are accomplices regardless.
Makes it sound larger than the 1.6% it was and hardly a mandate as he claims.
Idiots in America: “hmmm, I’m just not sure he means that”
“Do you really think he’ll grab ours?”
The other idiot:”No, that’s so unpresidential…he wouldn’t.
They got what they voted for.
Fuck all of these people.
we are all screwed!
Nobody cares if they do because we have him for four years either way.
It only comes into play for next years thanksgiving, will you MAGA uncle repent and get and invite?
Always looking for the avenue of hate when it comes to Trump and the populous movement.
💙 #BlueCrew 💙
Sorry, that was offensive...to mentally handicap people, these people are morons.
W R O N G???
My Lord,
My Soul is ready
Then, make sure they learn the lesson.
Hummm. Worship false gods, Did evil in eyes of Lord, Sorry until rain comes, worship false god, did evil in eyes of Lord... hummm more "evil" stuff... Oh prophets tell them get act together. Opps too late - get butts sent to Babylon.
Nope - no learn lesson.