Attacker showed his OBVIOUS dislike of Elon&the President Elect as he blew a Tesla in front of a Trump Hotel! Might've many reasons from'eir HATE SPEECH to snubbing the military! Now who shall tell Elon 'RESIGN INCOMPETENT FOOL!'?? EVERYBODY BALLESS OR ALL'RE BEING FUNDED BY ELON OR BY HIS FUNDERS??
это китайцы ( а Халифат с США всегда против Испании воевали
и Советы.
одна бабка в Союзе сказала что её специально оставили живой и в США знакомых воровали, Рокфеллеров, учёных.
Измайлова от Исмаила Авраама родня Исы(
шлюхами сделали что их немцы воровали, а не цыгане (
I'm sorry to denigrate the poor man by suggesting he may have been a trump supporter...
But if some MAGA are already feeling this disillusioned, think how angry they are going to be once they see what Trump and Musk do with the power they gave them, once in office.
A very big thing that bothers me a lot, aside from the obvious. The 2 recent cases illustrate this.
Men/women are sent off to war seeing, hearing, experiencing the worst possible things a human being can imagine. A stat: ~30% vets have PTSD.
Yet, it's an accepted fact they are not being supported.
I think it’s even worse that they go to war to make other people rich. It’s not to defend the US or anything, and people are ok with sending their kids off to fight for oil or whatever
The article, I didn't keep it, talked about the history of vets and PTSD. In WW11 there was no PTSD because vets knew what and who they were fighting for - their country. That is not now the case and therefore the rise in traumas. It makes sense, still traumatic but at least they understood why.
or my great uncle who drank a case of beer a night because of what he experienced at Normandy. There was no “ptsd” because that wasn’t what it was called then. People didn’t talk about it. In WWI it was called shell shock.
Yup. One of my uncles reached his limit on Omaha Beach. He had fought in N. Africa, Sicily, and Italy, but Omaha was his breaking point. It was also where he received his million dollar wound.
Read an article about the use of tamer and tamer language from shell shock and combat fatigue to PTSD in four wars. The current term is good in that it recognizes non war related trauma but it was conscious by the military to trivialize the pain of Vets.
There were many thousands of cases of "battle fatigue" in the US Army during WWII. (The WWII name FOR PTSD.). In fact, the Army Medical Corps estimated that the average frontline combat soldier could only last about three months of sustained heavy fighting. It varied. Some men broke the …
the first time in combat, others took longer. The Army created special rest areas for the milder cases so men could recover and go back to their units.
No PTSD in WWII? Tell that to my WWII grandfather who camp back and developed a pill problem, or my great grandfather who served as a Chaplin in the South Pacific and developed a drinking problem.
I get that. I didn't write the article and it's quite possible and likely possible that low medical attention was offered therefore the 'No'. It certainly did happen. (John McCain) What struck me about the article though was the awareness, at the personal level, aka knowing why vs ?
I'm sorry. PTSD from the war caused, for my dad's family, multigenerational trauma. My cousin and I agreed that the trauma needs to end. It has to end.
And of course a gun hating democratic plant. He never even shot a gun before he's so democratic.
Military & Mental Health
что их Дьявол кьючэ Бога( и всё для Китая( был союз от монгол
и Советы.
одна бабка в Союзе сказала что её специально оставили живой и в США знакомых воровали, Рокфеллеров, учёных.
Измайлова от Исмаила Авраама родня Исы(
шлюхами сделали что их немцы воровали, а не цыгане (
Вовка глумился
But if some MAGA are already feeling this disillusioned, think how angry they are going to be once they see what Trump and Musk do with the power they gave them, once in office.
Men/women are sent off to war seeing, hearing, experiencing the worst possible things a human being can imagine. A stat: ~30% vets have PTSD.
Yet, it's an accepted fact they are not being supported.
Too much stress - I someone needs a vacation.