"Walls of fire devoured neighborhoods, forcing tens of thousands of residents to flee for their lives," writes Stephen Collinson. "But as a cataclysm fueled by windstorms charred swathes of Los Angeles, Donald Trump spotted an opportunity." | Analysis
"spotted an opportunity..." Is that what we call being a crazy dick now in the oligarch "news?" Maybe an "opportunity" will come up today for your "talent" to snicker like middle schoolers while a fire is killing people.
They have to “both sides” everything.
Also an easy way for a foreign power to crest domestic havoc and focus.
Just saying.
4 horrific years
And will say anything to get what he wants
Such a creep
Politicizing tragedy real-time is feckless.
to lead anyone anywhere at any time.
Start calling out his Fascism and be a voice of the people.
Stop licking his boots. Don Lemon spoke up.
80 yr old man child.
It's been the POWER LINES. Paradise Fire, 88 dead? Power lines. Maui Fire, more dead? Power lines. EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Power Lines + Dry Vegetation + High Winds = > HUGE SPARKS = RAGING INFERNO. #PalisadesFire #SunsetFire #EatonFire
Trump does is to attack the Governor, what a pathetic psychopath he is.
Love is in the heart
Strength is in the hand
Hope in the spirit
will return again
Never to give up
always go back to the land
There will be a good morning to start again
SD 2.0
Tha gaol anns a’ chridhe
Tha neart na làimh
Bidh dòchas san spiorad air ais a-rithist
While Trump uses the California fires to assuage his bitter jealousy, people are dying and homes are being lost. This is America now.
Gavin Newsom has done more to try to prepare for wildfires than any other governor
16 new firefighting helicopters 🚁
7 new water tanker planes ✈️
Prescribed burns during calm weather
100s of new firefighters with increased pay
New technology
In case why you were wondering why only 3 people and a budgie now watch CNN.