TikTok appears to be coming back online for US users just hours after Trump pledged to sign an executive order Monday that aims to restore the banned app: https://cnn.it/4alK97R


No mention that the ban was his idea in the first place?
Right. So that makes democrats the dumbest fools in history.
Make a problem, fix a problem. Bask in the glory.
It was all a scam! He did it so he could try and get people to give him credit! Narcissistic
Cause Trump took a payment from china...
Elon cannot afford Chinese retaliation.
China has the perfect grip on Elon. 50 % of the Tesla production is in China. President Elon cannot afford China's retaliation so TikTok will not be banned in the US.
so tik tok shut themselves down, praised trump to all their users, and then turned it back on
He does NOT allow his own children to use it!!! Wake up people!!
Performance for the proles.
Yeah. We’re not going back if it’s just a propaganda machine foe trump.
Exactly 💯
So are we deleting our accounts over there or what's the vibe?
id recommend deleting accounts for any social media thats in bed with trump but we each gotta find our own way
Crazy huh?
Who are about national security. Both sides of congress but not the president…. Strange times
Yet another thing tainted by Trump. Deleted the app and not going back - just like most of us did with X when President Musk ruined it.
Ok. Congress passes a law. The President signs it. The Supreme Court confirms its constitutionality. What part of faithfully execute does Mr Trump not understand?
Too late. Forget Tik Tok. Forget Facebook. Forget twitter. They mean nothing to us now.
they're all in trump's pocket now
Poor thing.
I’m with you
I'll be staying far away from anything Trump wants to put his fingers in.
Talk about this @cnn.com
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Oh Meta is definitely buying it ffs. Peace out TT, FB, and IG.
"Severed from Chinese control" is the LAW. they are really gonna let him just pretend the law doesn't exist.
It's all about the grift with this fucking pustule.
“We’re worried about Chinese ownership being dangerous to the American people”

Not even 12 hours after the ban is in effect: “we’ll settle for 50% ownership” 🥺
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Fuck off, CNN. You have become a HUGE part of the problem.
Massive donald con. Just giving Elon time.
TikTok didn’t have to shut down. They did it intentionally to make Trump look like a savior when he gives it a 90 day extension. They’ll still be forced to sell or face a ban at the end of the 90 day period.
Well done Trump
I just checked and the app is up
Amazing that the new prez is willing to sellout the US and it's national secrets. Remember Trumpers YOU voted for the downfall of the US. YOU! Congrats. Enjoy all the bad that will be coming your way...it's what u wanted afterall. Wish granted.
Jesus. You guys really are all in huh @cnn.com Nice to know you are part of the easily purchasable. Not surprising.
The notice is gone, I can see my videos. But FYP still says no internet connection…
My profile & Inbox are up but not videos. Sorry but this Stunt has made me want to delete TT as soon as it fully comes back online. BlueSky & YouTube is it. F Meta & now TT too.
I need to figure out how to find people on YT
Check their profile. They usually provide link or address to other socials like FB, IG- Meta products, YouTube & BlueSky. When I knew the great turn off was coming, I followed all my mutual & faves.
Everyone has been going over to RN :)
I’m back in mine! I dunno how to feel about this. I feel cheated on 🤣
So, not a Chinese owned “security threat”, ok, if you say so 🤷‍♀️. How about the legislative cycles burned- time and $, as I am sure there were studies, consultants and expert testimony to confirm the “threat”. Great start creating the inefficient government that yet more Feds (DOGE) will fix 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Unlawful. The supreme court has spoken.
He must have received his money from the bag man from China.
And the tech oligarchs have moved in.

Fucking sickening
The only reason I'm going back on Tiktok if/when it comes back is to delete my account. Trump started the "ban TikTok" thing, Democrats supported and passed it, and now Trump wants to "save" TikTok? HA!! 🤣
Are we expected to think this wasn’t the plan the entire time? Little Donnie scum bag wanted to look like the saviour. How long until he forces the sale to Leon?
All a big marketing ploy
Of course. Just a stunt so trump could appear to not be a complete failure after not being able to lower the cost of eggs, groceries, gas, end the Ukraine war in 24 hours (he had to say he was wrong about that), plus every other broken campaign promise. 🙄
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So interesting how the one who's causing us all to be having these discussions in the first place will be the one who gets the credit in "saving" it.
This is bullshit…
I’m BEGGING people not to be fooled that tiktok is back. The #tiktokban was a stunt and Monday we will find out 1. Meta now owns it without the OG algorithm (making it not even close to what it was or 2. Meta owns it all and it’s still just a shell of what it used to be.
Does he think he fooled us into liking him?
How can a presidential executive order over ride a law by Congress?
Looks like he’s going to continue with his criminal ways all over again!! Everyone gave him the green light! It’s going to be another sad 4 years!!
so China is not spying Americans little dances ja ja ?
Who cares if it comes back on I am out
So TT was turned off to extort a favorable outcome.
What timing! The SC decides the case in record time just for Trump to “save “ the day
Some of us knew it wasn’t going to be permanent…
It was all a ploy to get people to give him credit! FDT
All a ploy for attention.
Anyone else think it’s strange that it went dark early?
None of this would have happened, had Trump not started the calls to ban Tik Tok in the first place. Now he’s the hero who saves it. You break something, you fix it and you are the hero. The irony of it all.
Log out and get a fucking life!
Monday it’ll reappear under its new name, ‘Tic Trump Tok.
Help me here: isn’t it plausible that China (and Russia) helped the idiot get “elected” and now he’s paying them billions in US money by pretending to save TT? Seems obvious to me but no one is saying it.
For 90 days then what? They aren’t going to sell it. It’s fucking gone. Forever
Is Congress and Supreme Court going to accept this? Don’t we have THREE branches of government for a balance of power???
Maybe a more honest summary @cnn.com, something like…”Trump pledged to sign an executive order to restore Tik Tok after initially being the one to suggest banning the app.” Too honest tho, huh?
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No, no, no...they are too busy trying to appear like a fair and balanced news organization. When in reality they are apologists for right-wing hypocrisy. The days when they held people to the truth are long dead. World's most trusted news network my ass.
Tom Cotton says this is illegal, but he is such a coward that he blames “Democrats” for Trump’s lawlessness and bribe solicitation.

I can access my Inbox and Profile. FYP is not back yet.
They haven’t got the new US spyware running on those yet
Absolutely embarrassing
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King Trump .. #shame
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Trump is the one who started the whole ban the app thing? This country is so gullible it's sad...
Trump doesn't care about United States national security of this nation, he care about ccp propaganda, why ccp ban youtube, Facebook, Instagram and other app in China why, now Trump wanna sign executive order for ccp over United States National Security, that make Trump who ? A Traitor Of USA.
Welcome to the United Corporations of America
This was ALL abt the “smoke & mirrors” like the Wizard of Oz, oh great one DJT. You evangelicals not concerned abt this savior complex he has, you know the book of revelations type stuff; just askin
I don’t understand why it’s back. If legal action turned it off why does a half ass promise from a chronic liar turn it back on?
I don't think I can go back.
Deleting it tomorrow
I’m not going back.
Now back and improved with a new Trumpist algorithm.
So much emphasis put on a social media app. It’s nothing. Let it go dark. What did we do before it? If it comes back online it’ll be in Trump and his cronies back pocket. It’ll only show what they want. We as adults should dump all these apps. We lived without them before, we can do it again.
I won't be back..
All BS!
Trump also pledged to ban it, you know in the best interest of national security. I use to expect better from CNN but they have become Fox News 2.0
Executive Order? Congress passed a law banning it, and it was signed by President Biden.

How is an EO possibly legal? Expect to see more of these illegal actions

And we have no checks and balances.
With the help of the new maga republicans he can overturn it
It’s back online for me, wow. 😮

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It's confirmed, China first, then American security.
Biden said he wouldn't enforce the ban, TikTok chose to shut down in order to portray Trump as their savior among the young voters who don't remember the shitshow from 2017-2021. I didn't stutter, anyone honest with themselves knows Trump was a mess first time around.
So much for national security.
Of course, Trump can’t have one of his biggest misinformation engines go silent.
Rednote all the way!
I think Trump will get this extended, but will eventually not get the ownership he seeks. This is a lot of free publicity for TikTok from around the world.
So Trump knees to Billionaires again
I cannot fathom what we are in for the next four years.
No it isn’t. Just got a screen that said “no internet connection”. That’s not being back
Anyone have any thoughts on which news organizations won't be cowered into submission by Trump? CNN is a goner, it seems. Just wondering where y'all are turning to for news after tomorrow.
I Still Do Not Support HIM! Typical Narcissistic Behavior! I deleted the app. Period.
Too late! It’s a magat sausage fest brought to you, buy the notsee party.
It was never banned u can still access via web browser and use it that way.
Hey CNN, how would someone also understand that Trump had previously called for and helped set the wheels in motion to ban Tik Tok by reading your headline?
CNN fails to mention what Tik Tok has done is illegal, that a 90 day reprieve is also against the law and what Dumpy is proposing, ensuring no penalties for breaking the law is also illegal. Bowing to China already.
I’m still going to delete the app. It reeks of MAGA
There’s no option there. Souls are souls and if your soul is lost in Tik Tok than you don’t exist outside of Tik Tok and your soul in Tik Tok continues to exist. Understand. This is a soul game and Jesus Christ already won that battle.Believe or don’t? times over.In Jesus Christs name we pray amen.
The grift is on.
Who the fuck wants to be on an app owned by the US government?

Boycott TikTok altogether, don’t let the government decide what information you have access to!

Let it die, it was good because the US government couldn’t control it, which is why they wanted to ban it in the first place!
So? What a ploy that was. Dictator Trump saves the day.
@cnn.com shocking headline from you! Your role is to speak truth to power. I'll help you -

Trump bribes TikTok of 50% of its company as bullyboy oligarch tactics take over the Soviet States of America.
It’s all a scam. It’s always a scam with Trump. Follow the $$ CNN and report on that.
A bit too late. Already deleted together with A and all META social media platforms. They all kissed the ring.
I meant to say X.
I enjoy tik tok as much as the next person, but it was a law passed by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court 9-0. Danger precedent and its not even day one
Oh look… a political stunt
Per the letter of the law, nope!
Given the assertion in the law and debate in congress that this was a mater of security, the intervention becomes impeachable and prior to office action clearly no shield as an official act.
He was the one who started the ban. What a total set up between him and his dictator friends.
@cnn is total trash
It’s not back yet
Still down from the Google play store. I uninstalled the app once I got that message but now I can't download it again. That's on me yeah but still annoying. I hope this decision gets reversed because this is just bull. Vague concerns of national security threats ain't enough to ban something.
How much has he been given to 'save' it, the grifting fuckwit?

What a joke!
Propaganda 🙄
I don’t trust anything trump has his hands in FTT FFB FIG & FX they can keep them!
Thank Biden. He never actually banned it. They preemptively shut down assuming Trump was going to follow through with the ban. Trump initiated the call for a ban back in Aug 2020 when he was still in his first term. He’s playing y’all and y’all are falling for it
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After he was the one who started the ban. Are people really that dumb?????
Sure - give the convicted felon credit.
This is so sickening pathetic. This guy manipulates and uses and lies.

Rotten to the core✔️
You never hear anything about this from MSM…
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Just going against the will of the people. like the big POS he is.
It was a stunt.

So TikTok would tee up President Trump as the hero who brought back TikTok.

MAGA &the CCP are aligning their interests.

Don't go back.
We have no idea what the CCP and MAGA are planning for TikTok, &we won't know until 4 years later if we were manipulated

Just to be clear: Biden is still technically president today and yet TikTok is coming back on? What does that tell you?
Unbelievable! Americans are being so obviously manipulated. Sadly so many will give Trump credit forgetting he started all of this. CNN call it out loudly. Be a real news organization like you used to be.
There is a level of competence we should expect, but a good chunk of the American people showed that they are uneducated clowns so this is what is expected when morons votes for a scam artist
Did ya hear about this new deal with Oracle and Microsoft with TikTok and the White House?
Imagine banning an app just because AIPAC and ADL said so.
Is that a W or L move for Donald Trump ?
This is as hilarious, as predictable.
Humans are making fun of themselves nonstop.
Everywhere, in everything, every second of their wasted lives.
Why do you think the Supreme Court upheld the decision? So Trump can look like some kind of hero when he brings it back. Why can’t people see his grifts? They are so juvenile.
Immediately no.
So I guess the law doesn't really matter.
Not that I agree with the Tik Tok ban, but I’m unclear how a president’s executive order could overturn a bill passed by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court.
The doj will lick trumps taint.
And the executive order is not even signed. So a foreign company is breaking US law
Absolutely nothing keeping Trump from saying “JK, pay up on those fines”
A pledge is not a law
Just in time for the latest dance craze! It's like TikTok heard Trump’s words and decided to make a comeback. Maybe it was just taking a short break to rehearse those viral routines.
Only because Trump and his cronies wanted to dip their hands in profits
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Pay a fee

Bend the knee

Now what was all the fuss about

Data mining?

It’s all gaslighting

Plain for all to see

trump just wants HIS money

For sale cheap: 1 abandoned country

At least, you didn’t elect a woman

Crazy how we're giving Trump credit for this when last I checked he still isn't President yet
Now watch his followers heap praise upon him while ignoring he was the one who wanted it shut down. Guess no security risk now? Or was that just more BS? Whats worse is the low info people will probably believe he really did save it.
WE DONT CARE... WE FOUND SOMETHING ELSE!!! Lmao good luck pacifying us this time