As a measles outbreak causes dozens of illnesses in West Texas, it’s important to know how to identify signs of the illness.
It can cause serious complications – such as blindness, pneumonia or encephalitis, swelling of the brain – and even turn deadly, especially in children younger than 5.
It can cause serious complications – such as blindness, pneumonia or encephalitis, swelling of the brain – and even turn deadly, especially in children younger than 5.
Just FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR's ORDERS, they know better than you!!!
The parents need to be charged with negligence and child endangerment.
Good luck there in moron country…
Expect more of this, the price of MAGA
The measles vaccine is one of them.
Vax up and....
Stupidity hurts children. Simple.
$2 MMR shots protects you!
Anti Vaxxers ignorance will cost ten of thousands in medical bills and maybe the price of a childs casket
If we could just figure out why a community of 7200 in West Texas has such a high number of Anti Vaxxers
The church should realize that if your congregation is paying astronomical medical bills they will have less to tithe!