US Secretary of State Marco Rubio spoke with CNN’s Kaitlan Collins about the fiery meeting between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky. Watch:
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Rubio should be the one apologizing to the world for the administrations actions towards the Ukrainian delegation.
He has completely lost touch with reality thinking Zelensky started any of this.
Trump set-up Zelenskyy with that prepared Idiot Reporter asking about the Non-Suit
This was to rattle him before a televised Negotiation
(ie to make Trump look good)
It backfired greatly
The nasty bullying from Trump/Vance just infuriated the rest of the World's Leaders.
America Can NOT be Trusted.
After Russia invaded Ukraine
Rubio said in an interview. “There’s a tremendous amount of interest in it for a variety of reasons, so to the extent we can provide that information in detail, I think it’s important just to rally support for Ukraine here in America.”
Vance fucked up everything. And it looked planned and disingenuous.
They wanted the weary warrior on his knees for the cameras. It was a set up.
Fuck this country
Plain to see that Trump is a Russian asset. Trump spouts Russian propaganda and rhetoric. Trump is ready to not only betray Ukraine but also NATO. Trump sides with Putin and is now seen by the world as one of the bad guys.
How many Putin “NEVILLE CHAMBERLAINS” have a voice in this Oval Office? We know Trump, Vance, Rubio, Hegseth, and Republican Senators and House members geeezz😡😡😡
I think we watched two different meetings.🤷🏻♂️ like always everyone scrambles to clean up littles Donny’s messes, then they amnesia. “I don’t call him a dictator, don’t sound like me?” Said just last week! 🤡 show!
Yes Sir, No Sir, 3 Bags full Sir.
This is what the Presidential staff are all about.
If they believe that their Master is wrong, then they should denounce him and Walk.
Trump and Vance prepared this insult. That was pure intent. At the same time, you can only shake your head from outside the usa as you watch the USA fall as a world power. Rome falls! Destroyed by their own leaders. Trump = Nero
#47FirstFelon absolutely positively can suckered by Putin. His current support for Putin now is from having been “suckered” years ago. He is not a deal maker, he is a adult child who inherited money. He has never made a honest dime. His money has come from turning others into suckers.
Trump said he didn’t think Putin would do anything as there would be plenty of workers there. (I guess in the mining area.) Workers from where, I do not know but he did not say the workers would be protected by law enforcement. I think we know how well that would work; you’re on your own.
The ignorance and sheer stupidity of Trump and his cabinet is staggering. If Ukraine lose to Putin, WW3 will follow and it'll be Trumps fault. And if anyone was disrespectful, it was that moronic fool Vance.
Geeze she’s full of herself just sitting there not like other reporters who’d be asking tough questions not letting Rubio dominate the interview… Rachel always had a great show WITH FACTS!
How long before Kaitlan get moved to the midnight time slot (the Acosta hour)? She has too much integrity to be at CNN. The CNN website has become a servant the Don the Con and they try to keep in his good graces....pathetic and so destructive to its legacy as the go-to news source for decades
you're a piece of Shit Rubio, a deal maker, please, he's bankrupted everything he's touched - some deal maker that dick is. Someone over there get a spine and get rid of him.
I look at the video of that “meeting” and feel infuriated by the they treated that man. Expecting him to dance, bow and grovel at their friggin feet! Disgusting
Once again Rubio demonstrates his total lack of integrity. For CNN to allow him to say Zelenskyy was the aggressor in the meeting when JD Vance was clearly the one who attacked the Ukraine leader is weak, dishonest and credibility killing.
My question to Marco Rubio why he wasn’t sitting next to the President instead of JD Vance? This was his stage as the secretary of the USA to be at the head of these talks ! But he sat slumped and quietly in the background! This administration is a joke!
Rubio pos. The real deal is that Trump wants to set the trap. Trump wants to pounce on Ukraine along WITH Putin. DJTs statement of having U.S. in Ukraine(stealing things that Ukraine should sell) actually points to Russia/US alliance of tearing Ukraine up and taking what they want. Thats the deal.
This was the "man" who was ALL about protecting Ukraine. Given the script that each of these pieces of shit have stuck to after that meeting I would bet the house they each received talking points in advance.
Because this was planned for TV. No doubt in my mind.
Felon Trump and his sidekick should hang their heads in shame at the way they spoke to Zelensky. Hard to believe that the American people think that a country which has been invaded by an aggressive neighbour should just give them what they want. Utterly disgraceful
little Marco takes on new meeting, having got this new job he has emasculated his own soul and has lost all credibility as having the possibility of being an ok Secretary of State
So ridiculous how his views changed so quickly from time as Senator - to weeks later. What a sellout….. his body language in the oval during that shit show told us all we need to know. I’d be shocked if he stayed on for a full 4 years.
Oh they're worse. They want the veil of legitimately and integrity but are shit scared of conflict. Maga voters are what they are. They're not hiding it.
The gop turned full blow Nazi scum when trump crawled out of the sewer in 2016. Zero spines to call out the destruction of the United States by trumptard with the help of a fucking South African Nazi
Rubio has no convictions. We use to call this flip-flopping. He has no future in politics and should have stayed in the Senate where he had principles.
TO Kaitlan, you have lost me as a viewer and so has all CNN crew.
CNN has become a suck ass news station who does not tell all and is afraid of trump.
When the States need stations that tell how it is and not oh we say this, trump is going to come after us.😙ass
I think she as a reporter made the correct questions and Marco has shown the weakness on his words, that id what a reporter needs to do, not confront them with an opinion.
If a reporter news /anchor has someone in front of them, I think that the reporter /news anchor has the obligation to question the response of said person. All lies must be challenged and truth must be told at all times.
If there is no truth, then why have a new report.
The lies must stop.
Rubio is a suck ass and the way look in the Oval office made think he is just spineless, defeated man. Just there to nod his head and say YES O MASTER when needed.
This man has no morals.
OR you could take ten seconds and run a search for something like "CNN and Zelensky and Ambush or Setup."
Maybe you don't have that kind of time? Easier to just let your fee fees do your thinking?
Come on dude. The blame the media shit is a little lame.
The MSM isn’t interested in truth or neutrality—they’re interested in spin, speculation, and derision because harmony doesn’t generate revenue. MSM should be classified as entertainment, not news.
We all saw Marco Rubio in that meeting—it was written all over his face. He knew it was wrong. If only he had an ounce of Zelenskyy’s courage. Marco Rubio, do the right thing!
Reich Minister of Foreign Affairs Marco Rubio will also be a celebrity on TASS tonight being shown all across Russia and the Free World which now doesn’t include the U S.
And still this reprobate creeps along to Trump’s bidding … he calls Trump ‘President’, but not President Zelenskyy … that is disrespectful. Deals or bullying vicious coercion?
It was a scandalous ambush
So, Putin INVADED ukraine, kills tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens, THEN Zelenskyy comes to accept a terrible deal from trump, is yelled at and berated, but he’s somehow the BAD guy ? How dare they!
Did the US Secretary of State say this about Hitler in WW2? I think not. Over here in Europe we see the US becoming an Axis power, siding with the fascist mass murderer, Putin. The US appears to be unhinged.
This was a sad a disappointing interview. Letting Rubio go on about crap. Trump's good at negotiating? 6 of his businesses went bankruptThe 2 stooges yelling at Zelensky, while he kept his cool. Rubio looked like a scared kid.
If this is the best you can do, I'll watch substack and read the AP.😡
Rubio's body language gave away the fix. He was bracing himself for Vance's "final question" ambush of President Zelenskyy.
All these Republicans who celebrated winning don't realize that they've lost. They've surrendered their own integrity, and are surrendering the US' reputation & trust.
Vance would never speak up without permission of his boss. This was a complete setup.
Rubio should ask himself if he really wants to destroy his credibility and future political ambitions
#Trump #Vance US moneyed ignorance and rudeness loudly lectured war exhausted experienced leader. Shame on the US administration! I wonder what blackmailing power #Putin has over Trump. #Krasnov
A guy who during the entire meeting looked like a little coward who was insulted by this rapist criminal dozens of times before, who has no spine, no pride, no values, no honor, nothing! What a disgrace little rubio.
Trump asked Ukraine to capitulalte and Zelensky wasn't thankful enough?!! America blindly adopted the Russian narrative about being on the verge of a total victory and is incapable to see any other alternative.
Marco Rubio never stood for anything, so I'm not surprised he would fall in line with the traitor-in-chief. He has always depended on government positions for a salary, knowing that he would be unable to get hired in the private sector. He was and continues to be soulless.
I do NOT think 'Table for Five' is appropriate today. You have allowed someone to sit there and defend Trump and Vance's actions. There can't be two sides in this. It has been condemned international. Kick him off
If Trump is such a great deal maker, why can’t he get Zelenskyy onboard? Why can’t he give security guarantees which the whole world knows is necessary? Why does he have to blackmail Ukraine but not Russia?
Being invaded doesn't mean that you're a victim, because you got option to avoid it and not to fish the anger of your sensitive neighbor next door. A neighbor is a person and he/she has feelings. We don't care about others' feeling because we believe in absolute freedom.
That is THE pertinent question. The answer? #Ukraine 's President Zelensky has zero to apologize for. Media who were in the room at the time said Vance initiated the attack on Zelensky. Trump lambasted his way in, as usual.
What would you do?
What should Zelensky have done?
Sit back & take it? NFW
American egemony MUST END.
The USA is an evil nation, who destroyed different cultures to make the rich healthier, where you can buy weapons like toys, where health system and school system are privileges for the rich.
Democracy and The West values are not the USA. EU is the future. Slava Ukraini
Every day there is not a peace deal more Ukrainians die. He intentionally delayed that peace deal.
He has a responsibility to Ukraine to find the clearest path to peace and he has failed.
What peace deal did trump even offer? No security guarantees, no NATO, giving up territory, purging of resources. What concessions were russia going to make in this ‘deal’? You think this shit deal would offer lasting peace?
All he did was to provide the facts—that a deal without security guarantee is bound to fail because look at how Putin has repeatedly violated treaties in the past. We need to learn from history. Since when has stating simple facts (without raising his voice like Trump did) become “disrespectful”?
Also, the minerals deal was already agreed upon and this was supposed to be a positive consummation for the cameras.
Z essentially rescinded the deal on the spot and turned the meeting into an adversarial negotiation on live TV.
A deal is not finalized until it’s signed by both parties. Until then, either side has the right to negotiate. T didn’t even want to discuss security at the meeting, saying it was of 2% importance. If I were Z I would run away from that deal.
I guess you didn’t watch the whole conversation. There’s a 5 minute segment before the shit hits the fan where Z tells them they don’t know anything about Ukraine and the US hasn’t done enough.
He was smug and disrespectful throughout the interview. He clearly was not there with true intentions.
I’ve watched it way too many times. T and V were saying things that were not true (eg, there’s not a building standing in Ukrainian cities, and Europe contributed much less than the US—proven wrong). So it’s “disrespectful” to correct untrue statements? Does truth not matter anymore?
No his responsibility is to find a path that doesn't sell his country out for thier children. They havnt been the aggressors in this war. Anyone saying otherwise is pretty disengenuous. Allowing RUS to take huge swaths means we will be back in 4yrs w/RUS attacking POL or the Baltics.
He already sold out his country to fund the war. Everything America gave them was a LOAN. The mineral deal was a way for Ukraine to pay it back without crippling their economy while ensuring US vested interest in Ukraine’s defense.
No it wasn't. We gave them aid largely in the form of military hardware that was due to be cycled out and replaced. None of it was meant to be a loan at all. Trumps tactics now don't change that fact.
He should apologise for being so weak, Vance should apologise for being such a delicate ignoramus he couldn’t cope with being presented with facts he clearly didn’t understand, and Trump should apologise for his diplomatic failure. Zelensky is a hero with nothing to apologise for!
I knew what he would say, I was hoping he had a spine. I guess I was right and wrong. Donny made his choice by voting w the Axis in the UN. Wrong move and the Oval Office debacle solidified his position w the Kremlin.
He has completely lost touch with reality thinking Zelensky started any of this.
This was to rattle him before a televised Negotiation
(ie to make Trump look good)
It backfired greatly
The nasty bullying from Trump/Vance just infuriated the rest of the World's Leaders.
America Can NOT be Trusted.
Rubio said in an interview. “There’s a tremendous amount of interest in it for a variety of reasons, so to the extent we can provide that information in detail, I think it’s important just to rally support for Ukraine here in America.”
They wanted the weary warrior on his knees for the cameras. It was a set up.
Fuck this country
spineless cowards
This is what the Presidential staff are all about.
If they believe that their Master is wrong, then they should denounce him and Walk.
Biden administration financially cornered Putin with sanctions. According to Criminal Trump, Russia is in bad shape.
Why did Criminal Trump stop the sanctions against Russia oligarchs?
Why is Criminal Trump attempting to help Putin?
Because this was planned for TV. No doubt in my mind.
the Ukrainians, with Zelenskyy, want the war to end. along with the rest of Europe and most Americans. you’ve been duped by The Donald again, Marco.
His political life is over.
He’ll never be anything but Trump’s footman.
Press spays before negotiations is usually a 20s photo op.. FOR A REASON..
Noticed that Rubio said what Zelenskyy said was “all true”!!
Please tell the loyal patriots of the MAGA cult to expel him from the White House.
How dare he be so disrespectful to your great president?
CNN has become a suck ass news station who does not tell all and is afraid of trump.
When the States need stations that tell how it is and not oh we say this, trump is going to come after us.😙ass
You knew he was lying but you let him
If there is no truth, then why have a new report.
The lies must stop.
This man has no morals.
Maybe you don't have that kind of time? Easier to just let your fee fees do your thinking?
Come on dude. The blame the media shit is a little lame.
It was a scandalous ambush
If this is the best you can do, I'll watch substack and read the AP.😡
All these Republicans who celebrated winning don't realize that they've lost. They've surrendered their own integrity, and are surrendering the US' reputation & trust.
Rubio should ask himself if he really wants to destroy his credibility and future political ambitions
In January, Marco Rubio received 100% of the Confirmation Votes including our own Democrats?
So there’s that
HunterBiden nonsense used as cover while trump was impeached using a foreign government for political advantage
Now throws Zelensky under the bus for war criminal Putin
#resist #stopfascism
What would you do?
What should Zelensky have done?
Sit back & take it? NFW
The USA is an evil nation, who destroyed different cultures to make the rich healthier, where you can buy weapons like toys, where health system and school system are privileges for the rich.
Democracy and The West values are not the USA. EU is the future. Slava Ukraini
Every day there is not a peace deal more Ukrainians die. He intentionally delayed that peace deal.
He has a responsibility to Ukraine to find the clearest path to peace and he has failed.
But even HE seems more willing to seek a path to peace than Zelenskyy does!
It’s truly shocking.
Zelenskyy has good powerful allies like the US that have been helping, and he spit on us.
Z essentially rescinded the deal on the spot and turned the meeting into an adversarial negotiation on live TV.
Zelenskyy fucked it up.
He was smug and disrespectful throughout the interview. He clearly was not there with true intentions.
Sorry for fighting back and trying to defend ourselves.
What would you have done? Given in to russian occupation probably 🤮 weak as fucking piss!
The better question is does Trump support democracy against aggression, or not?