If organized hackers wanted to hurt Musk, they wouldn't bother with his most trivial asset.
Twitter is simply non functional because he fired everyone and it's running on paper clips and AI, but *shockingly* he can't accept accountability and has to lie about it.
Cyber attacks ah?? How about the reason is b/c of you hypocrisy towards your principles you had several years ago and those you have now. As mentioned and witnessed by millions, once you associate yourself with “orange man” you will fall in some capacity. This is Cra Cra but lovely to 👀🤣🤣
Finally, a respite from some of the firehose of lies and propaganda. Would truly make my day if they also took down Agent Orange’s Grift Social for a while.
Wondering if our government data that he took is part of that take down. Doesn't look like there were much of - if any - security protocols being followed. We should file a class action lawsuit if this is the case and make him pay for credit monitoring on all of us as well as punitive damages.
Musk is best known for rushing things through so he can look like a genius, and then they blow up. His rocket ships and cars are known to just blow up, so . . .
And he has access to the private data of Americans! 🤬 He’s such an inept person running around like he’s better or smarter than most. He’s just another dumb thug!
Really glad the same idiot is installing backdoors into our federal systems too then. This bodes well for federal cybersecurity. Goodbye, everyone's identity!
Hello america 🇨🇦 here, you all knew about project 2025 and you all did nothing, you have put ALL of North American in danger. I hope the lights go out, your apologies mean nothing. We are angry and scared. All your little objections and telling us the obvious is really pissing us off!! Get him out
This man is claiming to be helping the government with efficiency, firing people without knowing that their jobs are, and he can’t even protect his own company from cyber attacks? Meanwhile, Trump is rolling back protections of the US from Russian cyberattacks.
You may want to re-read my post. I said Elon is not a genius, and I voted for democracy. If you don't get I'm a solid Dem, you are a plant from Canada.
Ok👍 you said you didn't vote for doge. No one voted for doge. Republicans never give a yes or no! Just had to say dem. No I am a Canadian 🇨🇦scared shitless of your government that is threatening us!! Read MY posts Profile
He still has China, 19% of global population. I tried to find out if he got government subsidies from China to build his largest global manufacturing plant there, I couldn’t find an answer. There have been lawsuits from customers and dealerships, but the government has ruled in favor of Tesla.
Twitter is simply non functional because he fired everyone and it's running on paper clips and AI, but *shockingly* he can't accept accountability and has to lie about it.
You touched the nazi tar baby and now you've tracked it all through your world.
He deserves as much and more! Karma!
That would be a great cyber attack!
Put your talent to good use for once. Fuck him up.
And while you’re at it, pull out the pee pee tapes.
I think his behaviors have caught up with him (like they have at SpaceX and Tesla, in different ways).
Also, thoughts and prayers.
Crap site can’t handle it.
This all seems… safe.
Just maybe it was due to firing so many competent people who used to work there and instead you blame some outside source???
His erratic behavior is getting worse, leading me to believe that the drugs have finally gained control or that his Neuralink chip is shorting out.
Or maybe it just is a crap system
More like incompetence.
"I take NO responsibility" !!!