Nothing says Christmas like more #H5N1 #birdflu infected dairy herds. #USDA adds 11 California herds to the national count. California's total is 675 herds; the national total is 891 herds in 16 states.
Early September 2024: 3 CA herds. Sept 20: 17 herds
Sept 26: 34 herds.
Dec 25: 675 herds. Close to 2/3 total now.
2 mutations will enable human to human transmission.
Also, more pathogenic strains may/prob will emerge than this current D.1 strain.
the massive herds and flocks they represent are incubators for pathogens and zoonotic disease
Combine this much cattle infection with all the idiots in California demanding raw milk & we have the making of the next pandemic
Courtesy of the richest state in the richest but stupidest nation on earth
(It was called Spanish flu because Spain, a neutral country, first reported cases.)